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oslo.config Quick Start!
Are you brand new to oslo.config? This brief tutorial will get you started
understanding some of the fundamentals.
* A plain text editor or Python-enabled IDE
* A Python interpreter
* A command shell from which the interpreter can be invoked
* The oslo_config library in your Python path.
Test Script
Put this in a file called ``oslocfgtest.py``.
.. code:: python
# The sys module lets you get at the command line arguments.
import sys
# Load up the cfg module, which contains all the classes and methods
# you'll need.
from oslo_config import cfg
# Define an option group
grp = cfg.OptGroup('mygroup')
# Define a couple of options
opts = [cfg.StrOpt('option1'),
cfg.IntOpt('option2', default=42)]
# Register your config group
# Register your options within the config group
cfg.CONF.register_opts(opts, group=grp)
# Process command line arguments. The arguments tell CONF where to
# find your config file, which it loads and parses to populate itself.
# Now you can access the values from the config file as
# CONF.<group>.<opt>
print("The value of option1 is %s" % cfg.CONF.mygroup.option1)
print("The value of option2 is %d" % cfg.CONF.mygroup.option2)
Conf File
Put this in a file called ``oslocfgtest.conf`` in the same directory as
.. code:: ini
option1 = foo
# Comment out option2 to test the default value
# option2 = 123
Run It!
From your command shell, in the same directory as your script and conf, invoke:
.. code:: shell
python oslocfgtest.py --config-file oslocfgtest.conf
Revel in the output being exactly as expected. If you've done everything
right, you should see:
.. code:: shell
The value of option1 is foo
The value of option2 is 42
Now go play with some more advanced option settings!