
61 KiB

Oslo.messaging AMQP 1.0 Driver


$Date: 2016-08-02 $


$Revision: 0.04 $


This document describes the architecture and implementation of the oslo.messaging AMQP 1.0 driver. The AMQP 1.0 driver provides an implementation of the oslo.messaging base driver service interfaces that map client application RPC and Notify methods "onto" the operation of an AMQP 1.0 protocol messaging bus. The blueprint for the original driver can be found here1 and the original implementation is described in 2. The feature specification for the updates to the AMQP 1.0 driver for the OpenStack Newton release can be found here3

The driver effectively hides the details of the AMQP 1.0 protocol transport and message processing from the client applications. The Pyngus messaging framework4 built on the QPID Proton engine5 provides a callback-based API for message passing. The driver implementation is comprised of the callback "handlers" that drive the messaging APIs to connect to the message bus, subscribe servers, send and receive messages.

+------------+ +------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
|            | |            | |             | |             |  OpenStack
| RPC Client | | RPC Server | |    Notify   | |    Notify   |  Application
|            | |            | |    Client   | |    Server   |
+------------+ +------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
|             Oslo.Messaging "Base Driver Interface"        |  Oslo Messaging
+-----------------------------------------------------------+  Driver
|               Oslo.Messaging AMQP 1.0 Driver              |
|                 Pyngus Messaging Framework                |
|                     QPID Proton Library                   |  AMQP 1.0
+-----------------------------------------------------------+  Protocol
|                      AMQP 1.0 Protocol                    |  Exchange
|                     TCP/IP Network Layer                  |

Development View

Code Base

The AMQP 1.0 driver source code is maintained in the OpenStack oslo.messaging repository6. The driver implementation, tests and user guide are located in the sub-directories of the repository.

├── doc
│   └── source
│       ├── AMQP1.0.rst
├── oslo_messaging
    ├── _drivers
    │   ├── amqp1_driver
    │   │   ├── addressing.py
    │   │   ├── controller.py
    │   │   ├── eventloop.py
    │   │   ├── opts.py
    │   ├── impl_amqp1.py
    ├── tests
        ├── drivers
            ├── test_amqp_driver.py
File Content
doc/ source/ AMQP1.0.rst The AMQP 1.0 driver user guide details prerequisite, configuration and platform deployment considerations.
_drivers/ impl_amqp1.py This file provides the oslo.messaging driver entry points for the AMQP 1.0 driver. The file provides implementations for the base.RpcIncomingMessage, base.PollStyleListener and base.BaseDriver oslo messaging entities.
_drivers/ amqp1_driver/ addressing.py This file provides a set of utilities that translate a target address to a well-formed AMQP 1.0 address.
_drivers/ amqp1_driver/ controller.py The controller manages the interface between the driver and the messaging service protocol exchange.
_drivers/ amqp1_driver/ eventloop.py This module provides a background thread that handles scheduled messaging operations. All protocol specific exchanges are executed on this background thread.
_drivers/ amqp1_driver/ opts.py This file manages the AMQP 1.0 driver configuration options (oslo_messaging_amqp).
tests/ drivers/ test_amqp_driver This file contains a set of functional tests that target the capabilities of the driver. A message intermediary is included to emulate the full messaging protocol exchanges.


The Oslo Messaging AMQP 1.0 driver is deployed on each node of the OpenStack infrastructure where one or more OpenStack services will be deployed.

Node                                      Node
+--------------------------------+        +-----------------------------------+
|                +-------------+ |        | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
|                |             | |        | |              | |              | |
|                | OpenStack   | |        | |   OpenStack  | |   OpenStack  | |
|                |  Service    | |        | |    Service   | |    Service   | |
|                |             | |        | |              | |              | |
|                +-------------+ |        | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
|                |   Oslo      | |        | |   Oslo       | |   Oslo       | |
|                |  Messaging  | |        | |  Messaging   | |  Messaging   | |
| +------------+ +-------------+ |        | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
| | AMQP 1.0   | |  AMQP 1.0   | |        | |  AMQP 1.0    | |  AMQP 1.0    | |
| |Intermediary| |   Driver    | |        | |   Driver     | |   Driver     | |
| +------------+ +-------------+ |        | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
| +----------------------------+ |        | +-------------------------------+ |
| |           TCP/IP           | |        | |          TCP/IP               | |
| |           Stack            | |        | |          Stack                | |
| +----------------------------+ |        | +-------------------------------+ |
+--------------------------------+        +-----------------------------------+
           ^           ^                           ^             ^
           |           |                           |             |
           |           |     Public Network        |             |
           v                 Internal Network      v

The configuration of each OpenStack service must provide the transport information that indicates to the oslo messaging layer that the AMQP 1.0 driver is to be instantiated for the back-end. During instantiation of the driver, a connection is established from the driver to an AMQP 1.0 intermediary that provides the messaging bus capabilities. The intermediary can be co-located on nodes that are running OpenStack services or can be located on separate stand-alone nodes in the control plane.

The driver architecture is intended to support any messaging intermediary (e.g. broker or router) that implements version 1.0 of the AMQP protocol. Support for additional classes of intermediaries might require changes to driver configuration parameters and addressing syntax but should not otherwise require changes to the driver architecture.

Driver Structure

The functionality of the AMQP 1.0 driver is implemented across a number of components that encapsulate the mapping of the driver activities onto the AMQP protocol exchange. The Controller implements the primary functional logic for the driver and serves as the interface between the driver entry points ( Proton Driver ) and the I/O operations associated with sending and receiving messages on links attached to the message bus. Each sending or receiving link is associated with a specific driver activity such as sending an RPC Call/Cast or Notify message, receiving an RPC reply message, or receiving an RPC or Notify server request.

/                      /
/    Application       /
/     (OpenStack)      /
+-----------|  Proton  |
V           |  Driver  |
+-------+       +----------+
| Tasks |             |
+-------+      +------------+
+--------->| Controller |
----|            |----
/    +------------+    \
/            |           \
/             |            \
+---------+   +---------+     +---------+
|  Sender |<--| Replies |     | Server  |
|         |   |         |     |         |
+---------+   +---------+     +---------+
|             |               |
|        +---------+     +---------+
|        | Proton  |     | Proton  |
|        |Listener |     |Listener |
|        +---------+     +---------+
|             |               |
|             |               |
+--------+     +--------+      +--------+
|  Send  |     | Receive|      | Receive|
|  Link  |     |  Link  |      |  Link  |
+--------+     +--------+      +--------+

Task Orchestration

The AMQP 1.0 driver maintains a thread for processing protocol events and timers. Therefore, the driver must orchestrate and synchronize requests from the client applications with this internal thread. The Proton Driver will act as a proxy for each client request and constructs a task request object on the caller's thread via the Controller. The task request object contains the necessary information to execute the desired method on the driver invocation thread of control. This method is executed synchronously - the client thread pends until the driver thread completes processing the task. The unique task objects provided for driver thread invocation include:

  • Subscribe Task
  • Send Task (for RPC Cast or Notify)
  • RPC Call Task
  • RPC Reply Task
  • Message Disposition Task
+------------------------+             +-------------------------------+
|     Client Thread      |             |        Driver Thread          |
| +--------+ +---------+ |             | +------+ +--------+ +-------+ |
| |Proton  | |Control  | |             | |Event | |Control | |Pyngus | |
| |Driver  | |(-ler)   | |             | |Loop  | |(-ler)  | |Frmwrk | |
| +---+----+ +----+----+ |             | +---+--+ +---+----+ +---+---+ |
|     |create     |      |             |     |        |          |     |
|     |task()     |      |             |     |        |          |     |
|     |---------->|      |             |     |        |          |     |
|     |add        |      |             |     |        |          |     |
|     |task()     |      |   Request   |     |        |          |     |
|     |---------->|      |    Queue    |     |        |          |     |
|     |           | enq  |   +------+  | deq |        |          |     |
|     |           |------|---> |||||+--|---->| exec() |          |     |
|     |           |      |   +------+  |     |------->|          |     |
|     |           |      |             |     |        |----------|-+   |
|     | wait()    |      |             |     |        | Protocol | |   |
|     #-----------|------|------+      |     |        | Exchange | |   |
|     #           |      |      V      |     |        |          | |   |
|     #           |      |   +-----+   |     | set()  |<---------|-+   |
|     #           |      |   |Event|<--------|--------|          |     |
|     #           |      |   |     |   |     |        |          |     |
|     #           |      |   +-----+   |     |        |          |     |
|     #           |      |      |      |     |        |          |     |
|     #<----------|------|------+      |     |        |          |     |
|     |           |      |             |     |        |          |     |
|     +           +      |             |     +        +          +     |
|                        |             |                               |
|                        |             |                               |
+------------------------+             +-------------------------------+

Scheduling - Execution

Following the method task construction, the task is added to the Controller queue of requests for execution. Following the placement of the task on this queue, the caller will wait for the execution to complete (or possibly timeout or raise an exception).

The eventloop running in its own thread will dequeue the task request and invoke the corresponding method on the Controller servant using the information stored in the task request object retrieved. The calls executed on this eventloop thread via the Controller perform all the protocol specific intelligence required for the pyngus framework. In addition to the target method invocation, the eventloop may call on the request object for message communication state changes or other indications from the peer.

+--------------------------------------------+   +----------+ Tasks
|Client Thread                            /\ |   |          |
|     *  *           *  *           *  * / v |   |        + V +
listen() |  *        *     *        *     *        *  |   |        |---|
-------->| *  Init    *-->* Schedule *-->*   Wait   * |   |        |---|
| *          *   *          *   *          * |   |        |---|
|  *        *     *        *     *        *  |   |        +_|_+
|     *  *           *  *\          *  *     |   |          V
|                         +------------------|-->|   +--------------+
+--------------------------------------------+   |   |  Eventloop   |
|   |     *  *     |
+--------------------------------------------+   |   |  *        *  |
|Client Thread                            /\ |   |   | *  Execute * |
|     *  *           *  *           *  * / v |   |   | *          * |
call()   |  *        *     *        *     *        *  |   |   |  *        *  |
-------->| *  Init    *-->* Schedule *-->*   Wait   * |   |   |   ^ *  * \   |
| *          *   *          *   *          * |   |   |  /        \  |
|  *        *     *        *     *        *  |   |   | /         /  |
|     *  *           *  *\          *  *     |   |   |  \       /   |
|                         +------------------|-->|   |   \ *  *v    |
+--------------------------------------------+   |   |  *        *  |
o                          |   | * Protocol * |
o                          |   | * Exchange * |
o                          |   |  *        *  |
+--------------------------------------------+   |   |     *  *     |
|Client Thread                            /\ |   |   +--------------+
|     *  *           *  *           *  * / v |   |
cast()   |  *        *     *        *     *        *  |   |
-------->| *  Init    *-->* Schedule *-->*   Wait   * |   |
| *          *   *          *   *          * |   |
|  *        *     *        *     *        *  |   |
|     *  *           *  *\          *  *     |   |
|                         +------------------|-->


After carrying out the messaging protocol exchange for the requested task or upon a timeout/exception condition, the eventloop thread will wake-up the callers thread to indicate the task completion.

Use Scenarios

The primary use scenarios for the AMQP 1.0 Driver correspond to the activities supported by the oslo messaging base driver interface. These activities include the ability to subscribe RPC and Notify servers (referred to as "Servers" in the graphics) as well the ability to send RPC (cast and call) messages and Notification messages into the control plane infrastructure. Following RPC and Notify server processing (e.g. dispatch to the application) the ability to indicate the final disposition of the message is supported and mapped onto the message delivery and settlement capabilities of the AMQP messaging bus. The composition of the AMQP driver and its dynamic behaviors is defined by the support of these primary activities.

Load Driver

The operational life-cycle of the AMQP 1.0 driver begins when the oslo messaging loads and instantiates the driver instance for use by an application. To complete this activity, the driver will retrieve the oslo_messaging_amqp configuration options in order to define the driver's run time behaviors. The transport URL specifier provided will be used by the driver to create a connection to the AMQP 1.0 messaging bus. The transport URL is of the form


Where the transport scheme specifies amqp as the back-end. It should be noted that oslo.messaging is deprecating the discrete host, port and auth configuration options7.

The driver provides the capability to transform the "Target" provided by an application to an addressing format that can be associated to the sender and receive links that take part in the AMQP protocol exchange.

          \                   -----------
           \              +--- Transport
            >  *  *       |   -----------
            *        *<---+
           *  Prepare *
           *  Driver  *
            *        *
               *  *
----------        |
Cfg Opts          |
----------\       |
          \      v
           v   *  *
            *        *
           * Retrieve *
           *  Config  *
            *        *
               *  *
               *  *
            *  Start *
           * Protocol *
           *  Thread  *
            *        *
               *  *
               *  *                 +--------------+
            * Connect*              |    AMQP      |
           *    to    *<----------->|  Protocol    |
           *  Message *             |  Exchange    |
            *   Bus  *              +--------------+
               *  * \
                 |   \
                 |    \       ------------
                 v     +-----> Connection --+
               *  *           ------------  |
            *        *                      |
           *  Address *<--------------------+
           *  Factory *
            *        *
               *  *

When the AMQP 1.0 driver connects to the messaging bus, it will identify the intermediary that it is connected to (e.g. broker or router). Based on the intermediary type, the driver will dynamically select an addressing syntax that is optimal for operation in a router mesh or a syntax that is appropriate for broker backed queues or topics.

Subscribe Server

The AMQP 1.0 driver maintains a set of (RPC or Notification) servers that are created via the subscribe server activity. For each server, the driver will create and attach a set of addresses for the target that corresponds to the server endpoint for an AMQP protocol exchange. A unique ProtonListener (e.g. AMQP 1.0 Receiver Link) is instantiated for each server subscription and the driver will attach event handlers to perform message transport performatives for the link. The driver maintains a single incoming queue that messages from all attached links will be placed upon.

        \        *  *
         \    *        *
          +> *  Create  *
             *  Listener*
              *        *
                 *  *  \         ----------
  --------         |    +-------> Incoming
   Target -+       |           / ----------
  --------  \      |     +----+
             \     v    /
              v  *  *  v
              *        *
             *  Create  *
             *  Server  *
              *        *\
                 *  *    \
 ----------        |      \        -----------
 Connection        |       +------> Addresses
 ----------\       |              /-----------
            \      v             /
             v   *  *           /
              *        *<------+
             *  Attach  *
             *  Links   *
              *        *
                 *  *
            |    AMQP      |
            |  Protocol    |
            |  Exchange    |

Send Message

The AMQP 1.0 driver provides the ability to send messages (e.g. RPC Call/Cast or Notify) to a target specified by a client application. The driver maintains a cache of senders corresponding to each unique target that is referenced across the driver life-cycle. The driver maintains a single receiver link that will be the incoming link for all RPC reply messages received by the driver. Prior to sending an RPC call message that expects a reply, the driver will allocate a unique correlation identifier for inclusion in the call message. The driver will also set the message's reply-to field to the address of the RPC reply link. This correlation identifier will appear in the RPC reply message and is used to deliver the reply to the proper client.

Prior to sending the message, the AMQP 1.0 driver will determine if the sender link is active and has enough credits for the transfer to proceed. If there are not enough credits to send the message, the driver will retain the pending message until it can be sent or times out. If there are credits to send a message, the driver will first check if there are any messages from a previous request pending to be sent. The driver will service these pending requests in FIFO order and may defer sending the current message request if credits to send run out.

The AMQP 1.0 driver tracks the settlement status of all request messages sent to the messaging bus. For each message sent, the driver will maintain a count of the number of retry attempts made on the message. The driver will re-send a message that is not acknowledged up until the retry limit is reached or a send timeout deadline is reached.

    +                          --------
     \                     +--- Target
      \        *  *       |    --------
       \    *        *<---+
        +> *  Prepare *
           *  Request *---+     -------------
           /*        *    +----> Request Msg <-----+
          /    *  *             -------------      |
------- <-+       |                                 |
Sender            |                                 |
-------           |                                 |
                 v                                 |
               *  *              ------------      |
            *        *--------->  Correlation      |
           * Prepare  *          ------------      |
           * Response *                            |
            *        *                             |
               *  *                                |
                 |                                 |
                 |                                 |
                 v                ---------        |
               *  *    +---------> Pending         |
            *        */           ---------        |
           *  Send    *                            |
           *  Message *\       ---------           |
            *        *  +-----> Unacked <---+      |
               *  *            ---------    |      |
                 |                          |      |
                 |                          |      +
                 v                          |     /
          +--------------+                *  *   v
          |    AMQP      |              *       *
          |  Protocol    |-----------> * Settle  *
          |  Exchange    |             * Message *
          +--------------+              *       *
                                          *  *

Server Receive

The AMQP 1.0 driver (via subscribe) maintains a groups of links that receive messages from a set of addresses derived from the Targets associated with a Server instantiation. Messages arriving from these links are placed on the Listener's incoming queue via the Server's incoming message handler. The Listener's poll method will return the message to the application for subsequent application service dispatching.

|    AMQP      |
|  Protocol    |
|  Exchange    |
       |       ^
--------         V       |       ---------
Receiver-+     *  *      +------- Address
--------  \  *       *           ---------
 v* Message *
  * Received*
   *       *
     *  *   \
             \        -----------------
              +------> Incoming Message --+
     *  *             -----------------   |
   *       *                              |
  *  Poll   *<--+                         |
  *         *   |                         |
   *       *    |                         |
     *  *       +-------------------------+

RPC Reply Receive

The AMQP 1.0 driver instantiates a single receiving link for the reception of all RPC reply messages. Messages received on this receiving link are routed to the originating caller using the correlation-id embedded in the header of the message itself. To ensure the responsiveness and throughput on the shared RPC receiving link, the AMQP 1.0 driver will immediately update the link transfer credits and will acknowledge the successful receipt of the RPC reply.

|    AMQP      |
|  Protocol    |
|  Exchange    |
       |              -----------------
       V      + ------ Incoming Message
     *  *    /        -----------------
   *       *v
  * Message *
  * Received*<---+
   *       *     |
     *  * \      |     -------------
       |   \     +----  Correlation
       V    \          -------------
     *  *    \
   *       *  \         ---------------
  * Update  *  +------>  Reply Message
  * Credit  *           ---------------
   *       *
     *  *
      *  *
   *       *
  * Accept  *
  * Message *
   *       *
     *  *
|    AMQP      |
|  Protocol    |
|  Exchange    |


For each incoming message provided by the AMQP 1.0 driver to a server application (e.g. RPC or Notify), the delivery disposition of the incoming message can be indicated to the driver. The disposition can either be to acknowledge the message indicating the message was accepted by the application or to requeue the message indicating that application processing could not successfully take place. The driver will initiate the appropriate settlement of the message through an AMQP protocol exchange over the message bus.

acknowledge()--------+                   requeue() --------+
                     |                                     |
                     v                                     v
                    *  *                                  *  *
                 *        *                            *        *
                *   Ack    *                          * Requeue  *
                *  Message *\                     ----* Message  *
                 *        *  \                   /     *        *
                    *  *      \                 /         *  *
                     |         v ------------- v           |
                     |            Incoming Msg             |
                     |         / -------------             |
                     |        /                            |
                     v       v                             |
              +--------------+                             |
              |    AMQP      |<----------------------------+
              |  Protocol    |
              |  Exchange    |

Driver Components

This section describes the components of the AMQP 1.0 driver implementation. For each component, its primary responsibilities and the relationships to other components are included. These relationships are derived from service requests placed upon the other components. Architectural or system-level constraints on the component (e.g. multiplicity, concurrency, parameterization) that change the depiction of the architecture are included. Additionally, any list of issues waiting resolution are described.


Component Controller

Responsible for performing messaging-related operations requested by the driver (tasks) and for managing the connection to the messaging service provided by the AMQP 1.0 intermediaries.

This component provides the logic for addressing, sending and receiving messages as well as managing the messaging bus connection life-cycle.

Collaborators Sender (pyngus.SenderEventHandler) Server (pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler) Replies (pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler)

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created whenever the driver is instantiated in a client application process. The component will terminate the driver operation when the client initiates a shutdown of the driver.

All AMQP 1.0 protocol exchanges (e.g. messaging and I/O work) are done on the Eventloop driver thread. This allows the driver to run asynchronously from the messaging clients.

The component supports addressing modes defined by the driver configuration and through dynamic inspection of the connection to the messaging intermediary.

Issues A cache of sender links indexed by address is maintained. Currently, removal from the cache is is not implemented.


Component Sender (pyngus.SenderEventHander)

Responsible for managing a sender link life-cycle and queueing/tracking the message delivery. (implementation of Pyngus.SenderEventHandle)

Provides the capabilities for sending to a particular address on the message bus.

Provides the capability to queue (pending) SendTask when link not active or insufficient link credit capacity.

Provides the capability to retry send following a recoverable connection or link failure.

Collaborators Addresser Connection Pyngus.SenderLink SendTask
Notes The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created by the Controller on a client caller thread and retained in a Sender cache.
Issues Sender cache aging (see above)


Component Server (pyngus.ReceiverEventHander)
Responsibilities Responsible for operations for the lifecycle of an incoming queue that is used for messages received from a set of target addresses.
Collaborators Connection Pyngus.ReceiverLink

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created whenever a client application subscribes a RPC or Notification server to the messaging bus. When the client application closes the transport, this component and its associated links will be detached/closed.

Individual receiver links are created over the message bus connection for all the addresses generated for the server target.

All the receiver links share a single event callback handler.

Issues The credit per link is presently hard-coded. A mechanism to monitor for a back-up of inbound messages to back-pressure the sender is proposed.


Component Replies (pyngus.ReceiverEventHander)
Responsibilities Responsible for the operations and managing the life-cycle of the receiver link for all RPC reply messages. A single instance of an RPC reply link is maintained for the driver.
Collaborators Connection Pyngus.ReceiverLink

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. The reply link is created when the connection to the messaging bus is activated.

The origination of RPC calls is inhibited until the replies link is active.

Message are routed to the originator's incoming queue using the correlation-id header that is contained in the response message.



Component ProtonDriver

Responsible for providing the oslo.Messaging BaseDriver implementation.

Provides the capabilities to send RPC and Notification messages and create subscriptions for the application.

Each operation generates a task that is scheduled for execution on the Controller eventloop thread.

The calling thread blocks until execution completes or timeout.

Collaborators Controller RPCCallTask SendTask SubscribeTask

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created whenever the oslo.messaging AMQP 1.0 driver is loaded by an application (process).

The component manages the life-cycle of the Controller component. Tasks may be created but will not be processed until the Controller connection to the messaging service completes.

There are separate timeout values for RPC Send, Notify Send, and RPC Call Reply.

Issues The unmarshalling of an RPC response could cause an exception/failure and should be optimally communicated back up to the caller.


Component ProtonIncomingMessage

Responsible for managing the life-cycle of an incoming message received on a RPC or notification Server link.

Provides the capability to set the disposition of the incoming message as acknowledge (e.g. settled) or requeue.

Provides the capability to marshal and send the reply to an RPC Call message.

Collaborators Controller ProtonListener MessageDispositionTask SendTask

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. A ProtonListener returns this component from the poll of the incoming queue.

The message reply_to and id fields of the incoming message are used to generate the target for the RPC reply message.

The RPC reply and message disposition operations are scheduled for execution on the Controller eventoloop thread. The caller on the component is blocked until task completion (or timeout).

Issues The ProtonIncomingMessage is used for both RPC and Notification Server instances. Conceptually, a Notification Server should not schedule a reply and a RPC Server should not schedule a message requeue. Subclassing base.IncomingMessage for Notifications and base.RpcIncomingMessage for RPC could be a consideration.


Component ProtonListener

Responsible for providing the oslo.Messaging base.PollStyleListener implementation.

Provides the capabilities to manage the queue of incoming messages received from the messaging links

Returns instance of ProtonIncomingMessage to to Servers

Collaborators Queue

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. An instance is created for each subscription request (e.g. RPC or Notification Server).

The Controller maintains a map of Servers indexed by each specific ProtonListener identifier (target)



Component SubscribeTask

Responsible for orchestrating a subscription to a given target.

Provides the capability to prepare and schedule the subscription call on the Controller eventloop thread.

Collaborators Controller

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created for each ProtonDriver subscription request (e.g. listen or listen_for_notifications).

The task is prepared and scheduled on the caller's thread. The subscribe operation is executed on the Controller's eventloop thread. The task completes once the subscription has been established on the message bus.



Component SendTask

Responsible for sending a message to a given target.

Provides the capability to prepare and schedule the send call on the Controller eventloop thread.

Provides the ability to be called by Controller eventloop thread to indicate the settlement of the message (e.g. acknowledge or nack).

Provides the ability to be called by Controller eventloop thread upon expiry of send timeout duration or general message delivery failure.

Collaborators Controller

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created for each ProtonDriver "RPC Cast" or "Notify" send request. The component is destroyed when the message transfer has reached a terminal state (e.g. settled).

The task is prepared and scheduled on the caller's thread. The send operation is executed on the Controller's eventloop thread.

All retry, timeout and acknowledge operations are performed on Controller eventloop thread and indicated back to the caller thread.



Component RPCCallTask

Responsible for sending an RPC Call message to a given target.

Provides all the capabilities derived from the parent SendTask component.

Provides the additional capability to prepare for the RPC Call response message that will be returned on the senders reply link.

Collaborators Controller Sender

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created for each ProtonDriver "RPC Call" send request. It is destroyed once the RPC exchanged has reached its terminal state.

The task is prepared and scheduled on the caller's thread. The send operation is executed on the Controller's eventloop thread.

The Controller manages a single receiving link for all RPC reply messages. Message are routed using the correlation-id header in the response message.



Component MessageDispositionTask

Responsible for updating the message disposition for ProtonIncomingMessage.

Provides the ability to acknowledge or requeue the message according to application determination.

Collaborators Controller ProtonIncomingMessage Server

The component is dynamically created and destroyed. It is created by ProtonIncomingMessage settlement calls (acknowledge or requeue). It is destroyed once the disposition is updated in the Proton protocol engine.

the task is prepared and scheduled on the caller's thread. The disposition operation is a function closure on the target server, receiver link and delivery handle for the message received on the Server receiver call back. The closure is executed on the Controller's eventloop thread.

The settlement of RPC responses is automatic and not under application control.


Service and Operational Qualities

This section describes the primary service and operational qualities that are relevant to the driver architecture and implementation. These non-functional factors define the behavior of the driver implementation (e.g. limits and capacities). These behaviors can be generally categorized as being due to a design time (e.g. limit enforced by implementation) or a run time (e.g. limit due to environment, resources, etc.) constraint. The full detail and measures for these qualities is outside the scope of this document but should be included in any performance and scalability analysis of the driver implementation.




Servers The number of RPC or Notify servers that the driver will concurrently subscribe to the messaging bus (e.g. Listeners) Environment
Subscription Rate The maximum rate at which servers can be subscribed and attached to the message bus Environment
Senders The number of unique Targets that can be concurrently defined for the destination of RPC or Notify message transfer Environment
Pending Sends The number of messages that the driver will queue while waiting for link availability or flow credit Environment
Sends Outstanding The number of concurrent unacked messages the driver will send Environment
Server Link Credits The number of message credits an RPC or Notification server will issue Design
RPC Reply Link Credits The number of RPC reply message credits the driver will issue Design
Message Transfer Rate The rate that the driver will transfer requests to the message bus Environment
Message Data Throughput The rate of transfer for the message body "payload" Environment
Tasks Outstanding The number of concurrent client requests that can be queued for driver thread processing. Design
Message Retries The number of attempts the driver will make to send a message Design
Transport Hosts The number of Transport Hosts that can be specified for connection management (e.g. selection and failover) Environment


  1. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+spec/amqp10-driver-implementation↩︎

  2. https://opendev.org/openstack/oslo-specs/src/branch/master/specs/juno/amqp10-driver-implementation.rst↩︎

  3. https://review.opendev.org/#/c/314603/↩︎

  4. https://github.com/kgiusti/pyngus↩︎

  5. https://github.com/apache/qpid-proton↩︎

  6. https://opendev.org/openstack/oslo.messaging↩︎

  7. https://review.opendev.org/#/c/317285/↩︎