On SELinux-enabled platforms it is possible for the report process to fail with an AccessDenied error when it tries to read information about the process being debugged. Per [1], the recommended solution is to temporarily disable SELinux during debugging and then turn it on again once the report has completed successfully. 1: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1292787 Change-Id: Ic12d5658858bb085448e1b437b548111d3c79583 Closes-Bug: 1756044
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Every long running service process should have a call to install a signal handler which will trigger the guru meditation framework upon receipt of SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2. This will result in the process dumping a complete report of its current state to stderr.
For RPC listeners, it may also be desirable to install some kind of hook in the RPC request dispatcher that will save a guru meditation report whenever the processing of a request results in an uncaught exception. It could save these reports to a well known directory (/var/log/openstack/<project>/<service>/) for later analysis by the sysadmin or automated bug analysis tools.
To use oslo.reports in a project, you need to add the following call
to :py~oslo_reports.TextGuruMeditation.setup_autorun
somewhere really early in the startup sequence of the process:
from oslo_reports import guru_meditation_report as gmr
Note that the version parameter is the version of the component itself.
To trigger the report to be generated:
kill -SIGUSR2 <process_id>
On SELinux platforms the report process may fail with an AccessDenied
exception. If this happens, temporarily disable SELinux enforcement by
running sudo setenforce 0
, trigger the report, then turn
SELinux back on by running sudo setenforce 1
Here is a sample report: