Resolve some issue with tox.ini, setup.cfg

- Use constraints for documentation targets
- Indicate support for Python 3.7

Change-Id: I5f068d199e70cb7c2f0f71972bb0f81e025795fe
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Finucane 2019-05-21 09:40:02 +01:00
parent 40007e84db
commit 99dc6e0198
2 changed files with 22 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ classifier =
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
packages =
@ -40,5 +41,5 @@ keywords = _ gettext ngettext l_ lazy_gettext
mapping_file = babel.cfg
output_file = oslo_versionedobjects/locale/oslo_versionedobjects.pot
universal = true

View File

@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
minversion = 2.0
envlist = py36,py27,pep8
minversion = 3.1
envlist = py27,py36,py37,pep8
basepython = python3
ignore_basepython_conflict = true
setenv =
install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
deps =
commands = stestr run --slowest {posargs}
basepython = python2.7
basepython = python3
deps =
commands =
# Run security linter
bandit -r oslo_versionedobjects tests -n5 --skip B303
basepython = python3
commands = {posargs}
commands = python test --coverage --coverage-package-name=oslo_versionedobjects --testr-args='{posargs}'
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
deps =
commands = sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html
basepython = python3
commands = python test --coverage --coverage-package-name=oslo_versionedobjects --testr-args='{posargs}'
deps = {[testenv:docs]deps}
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
deps =
# E123, E125 skipped as they are invalid PEP-8.
show-source = True
ignore = E123,E125
builtins = _
@ -47,15 +47,3 @@ exclude=.venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*lib/python*,*egg,build
import_exceptions = oslo_versionedobjects._i18n
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
basepython = python3
deps =