Michel Nederlof 47c18ffaa4 Add support for l3vpn with NB driver
Creates VRF/VXLAN per VNI, exposed through FRR with kernel routes
Vlan interfaces are added to the appropriate VNI, configured per bgpvpn
config options on the logical switch.

Related-bug: #2051105
Change-Id: I097c4629922d787827aba7761164f4004ed1305a
(cherry picked from commit b3ca890f471fc2694342edc1f22670913cece934)
2024-05-23 07:27:08 +00:00

19 KiB

[NB DB] NB OVN BGP Agent: Design of the BGP Driver with kernel routing


The addition of a BGP driver enables the OVN BGP agent to expose virtual machine (VMs) and load balancer (LBs) IP addresses through the BGP dynamic protocol when these IP addresses are either associated with a floating IP (FIP) or are booted or created on a provider network. The same functionality is available on project networks, when a special flag is set.

This document presents the design decision behind the NB BGP Driver for the Networking OVN BGP agent.


With the growing popularity of virtualized and containerized workloads, it is common to use pure Layer 3 spine and leaf network deployments in data centers. The benefits of this practice reduce scaling complexities, failure domains, and broadcast traffic limits

The Northbound driver for OVN BGP agent is a Python-based daemon that runs on each OpenStack Controller and Compute node. The agent monitors the Open Virtual Network (OVN) northbound database for certain VM and floating IP (FIP) events. When these events occur, the agent notifies the FRR BGP daemon (bgpd) to advertise the IP address or FIP associated with the VM. The agent also triggers actions that route the external traffic to the OVN overlay. Unlike its predecessor, the Southbound driver for OVN BGP agent, the Northbound driver uses the northbound database API which is more stable than the southbound database API because the former is isolated from internal changes to core OVN.


Note northbound OVN BGP agent driver is only intended for the N/S traffic, the E/W traffic will work exactly the same as before, i.e., VMs are connected through geneve tunnels.

The agent provides a multi-driver implementation that allows you to configure it for specific infrastructure running on top of OVN, for instance OpenStack or Kubernetes/OpenShift. This design simplicity enables the agent to implement different drivers, depending on what OVN NB DB events are being watched (watchers examples at ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/watchers/), and what actions are triggered in reaction to them (drivers examples at ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/XXXX_driver.py, implementing the ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/driver_api.py).

A driver implements the support for BGP capabilities. It ensures that both VMs and LBs on provider networks or associated Floating IPs are exposed through BGP. In addition, VMs on tenant networks can be also exposed if the expose_tenant_network configuration option is enabled. To control what tenant networks are exposed another flag can be used: address_scopes. If not set, all the tenant networks will be exposed, while if it is configured with a (set of) address_scopes, only the tenant networks whose address_scope matches will be exposed.

A common driver API is defined exposing the these methods:

  • expose_ip and withdraw_ip: exposes or withdraws IPs for local OVN ports.
  • expose_remote_ip and withdraw_remote_ip: exposes or withdraws IPs through another node when the VM or pods are running on a different node. For example, use for VMs on tenant networks where the traffic needs to be injected through the OVN router gateway port.
  • expose_subnet and withdraw_subnet: exposes or withdraws subnets through the local node.

Proposed Solution

To support BGP functionality the NB OVN BGP Agent includes a new driver that performs the steps required for exposing the IPs through BGP on the correct nodes and steering the traffic to/from the node from/to the OVN overlay. To configure the OVN BGP agent to use the northbound OVN BGP driver, in the bgp-agent.conf file, set the value of driver to nb_ovn_bgp_driver.

This driver requires a watcher to react to the BGP-related events. In this case, BGP actions are triggered by events related to Logical_Switch_Port, Logical_Router_Portand Load_Balancer on OVN NB DB tables. The information in these tables is modified when VMs and LBs are created and deleted, and when FIPs for them are associated and disassociated.

Then, the agent performs these actions to ensure the VMs are reachable through BGP:

  • Traffic between nodes or BGP Advertisement: These are the actions needed to expose the BGP routes and make sure all the nodes know how to reach the VM/LB IP on the nodes. This is exactly the same as in the initial OVN BGP Driver (see bgp_driver)
  • Traffic within a node or redirecting traffic to/from OVN overlay (wiring): These are the actions needed to redirect the traffic to/from a VM to the OVN neutron networks, when traffic reaches the node where the VM is or in their way out of the node.

The code for the NB BGP driver is located at ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/nb_ovn_bgp_driver.py, and its associated watcher can be found at ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/watchers/nb_bgp_watcher.py.

Note this new driver also allows different ways of wiring the node to the OVN overlay. These are configurable through the option exposing_method, where for now you can select:

  • underlay: using kernel routing (what we describe in this document), same as supported by the driver at bgp_driver.
  • vrf: using kernel routing, similar to the evpn driver, but with some changes, as outlined in evpn_wiring.
  • ovn: using an extra OVN cluster per node to perform the routing at OVN/OVS level instead of kernel, enabling datapath acceleration (Hardware Offloading and OVS-DPDK). More information about this mechanism at bgp_driver.

OVN NB DB Events

The watcher associated with the BGP driver detects the relevant events on the OVN NB DB to call the driver functions to configure BGP and linux kernel networking accordingly.


Linux Kernel Networking is used when the default exposing_method (underlay) or (vrf) is used. If ovn is used instead, OVN routing is used instead of Kernel. For more details on this see ovn_routing.

The following events are watched and handled by the BGP watcher:

  • VMs or LBs created/deleted on provider networks

  • FIPs association/disassociation to VMs or LBs

  • VMs or LBs created/deleted on tenant networks (if the expose_tenant_networks configuration option is enabled, or if the expose_ipv6_gua_tenant_networks for only exposing IPv6 GUA ranges)


    If expose_tenant_networks flag is enabled, it does not matter the status of expose_ipv6_gua_tenant_networks, as all the tenant IPs are advertised.

The NB BGP watcher reacts to the following events:

  • Logical_Switch_Port
  • Logical_Router_Port
  • Load_Balancer

Besides the previously existing OVNLBEvent class, the NB BGP watcher has new event classes named LSPChassisEvent and LRPChassisEvent that all the events watched for NB BGP driver use as the base (inherit from).

The specific defined events to react to are:

  • LogicalSwitchPortProviderCreateEvent: Detects when a VM or an amphora LB port, logical switch ports of type "" (empty double-qoutes) or virtual, comes up or gets attached to the OVN chassis where the agent is running. If the ports are on a provider network, then the driver calls the expose_ip driver method to perform the needed actions to expose the port (wire and advertise). If the port is on a tenant network, the driver dismisses the event.
  • LogicalSwitchPortProviderDeleteEvent: Detects when a VM or an amphora LB port, logical switch ports of type "" (empty double-qoutes) or virtual, goes down or gets detached from the OVN chassis where the agent is running. If the ports are on a provider network, then the driver calls the withdraw_ip driver method to perform the needed actions to withdraw the port (withdraw and unwire). If the port is on a tenant network, the driver dismisses the event.
  • LogicalSwitchPortFIPCreateEvent: Similar to LogicalSwitchPortProviderCreateEvent but focusing on the changes on the FIP information on the Logical Switch Port external_ids. It calls expose_fip driver method to perform the needed actions to expose the floating IP (wire and advertize).
  • LogicalSwitchPortFIPDeleteEvent: Same as previous one but for withdrawing FIPs. In this case it is similar to LogicalSwitchPortProviderDeleteEvent but instaed calls the withdraw_fip driver method to perform the needed actions to withdraw the floating IP (Withdraw and unwire).
  • LocalnetCreateDeleteEvent: Detects creation/deletion of OVN localnet ports, which indicates the creation/deletion of provider networks. This triggers a resync (sync method) action to perform the base configuration needed for the provider networks, such as OVS flows or arp/ndp configurations.
  • ChassisRedirectCreateEvent: Similar to LogicalSwitchPortProviderCreateEvent but with the focus on logical router ports, such as the Distributed Router Ports (cr-lrps), instead of logical switch ports. The driver calls expose_ip which performs additional steps to also expose IPs related to the cr-lrps, such as the ovn-lb or IPs in tenant networks. The watcher match checks the chassis information in the status field, which must be ovn23.09 or later.
  • ChassisRedirectDeleteEvent: Similar to LogicalSwitchPortProviderDeleteEvent but with the focus on logical router ports, such as the Distributed Router Ports (cr-lrps), instead of logical switch ports. The driver calls withdraw_ip which performs additional steps to also withdraw IPs related to the cr-lrps, such as the ovn-lb or IPs in tenant networks. The watcher match checks the chassis information in the status field, which must be ovn23.09 or later.
  • LogicalSwitchPortSubnetAttachEvent: Detects Logical Switch Ports of type router (connecting Logical Switch to Logical Router) and checks if the associated router is associated to the local chassis, i.e., if the cr-lrp of the router is located in the local chassis. If that is the case, the expose_subnet driver method is called which is in charge of the wiring needed for the IPs on that subnet (set of IP routes and rules).
  • LogicalSwitchPortSubnetDetachEvent: Similar to LogicalSwitchPortSubnetAttachEvent but for unwiring the subnet, so it is calling thewithdraw_subnet driver method.
  • LogicalSwitchPortTenantCreateEvent: Detects when a logical switch port of type "" (empty double-qoutes) or virtual, similar to LogicalSwitchPortProviderCreateEvent. It checks if the network associated to the VM is exposed in the local chassis (meaning its cr-lrp is also local). If that is the case, it calls expose_remote_ip, which manages the advertising of the IP -- there is no need for wiring, as that is done when the subnet is exposed by LogicalSwitchPortSubnetAttachEvent event.
  • LogicalSwitchPortTenantDeleteEvent: Similar to LogicalSwitchPortTenantCreateEvent but for withdrawing IPs. Calling withdraw_remote_ips.
  • OVNLBCreateEvent: Detects Load_Balancer events and processes them only if the Load_Balancer entry has associated VIPs and the router is local to the chassis. If the VIP or router is added to a provider network, the driver calls expose_ovn_lb_vip to expose and wire the VIP or router. If the VIP or router is added to a tenant network, the driver calls expose_ovn_lb_vip to only expose the VIP or router. If a floating IP is added, then the driver calls expose_ovn_lb_fip to expose and wire the FIP.
  • OVNLBDeleteEvent: If the VIP or router is removed from a provider network, the driver calls withdraw_ovn_lb_vip to withdraw and unwire the VIP or router. If the VIP or router is removed to a tenant network, the driver calls withdraw_ovn_lb_vip to only withdraw the VIP or router. If a floating IP is removed, then the driver calls withdraw_ovn_lb_fip to withdraw and unwire the FIP.

Driver Logic

The NB BGP driver is in charge of the networking configuration ensuring that VMs and LBs on provider networks or with FIPs can be reached through BGP (N/S traffic). In addition, if the expose_tenant_networks flag is enabled, VMs in tenant networks should be reachable too -- although instead of directly in the node they are created, through one of the network gateway chassis nodes. The same happens with expose_ipv6_gua_tenant_networks but only for IPv6 GUA ranges. In addition, if the config option address_scopes is set, only the tenant networks with matching corresponding address_scope will be exposed.


To be able to expose tenant networks a OVN version OVN 23.09 or newer is required.

To accomplish the network configuration and advertisement, the driver ensures:

  • VM and LBs IPs can be advertised in a node where the traffic can be injected into the OVN overlay: either in the node that hosts the VM or in the node where the router gateway port is scheduled. (See the "limitations" subsection.).
  • After the traffic reaches the specific node, kernel networking redirects the traffic to the OVN overlay, if the default underlay exposing method is used.

Traffic flow from tenant networks

By default neutron enables SNAT on routers (because that is typically what you'd use the routers for). This has some side effects that might not be all that convenient; for one, all connections initiated from VMs in tenant networks will be externally identified with the IP of the cr-lrp.

The VMs in the tenant networks are reachable through their own ip and return traffic will flow as expected as well, but it is just not really what one would expect.

To prevent tenant networks from being exposed if SNAT is enabled, one can set the configuration option require_snat_disabled_for_tenant_networks to True

This will check if the cr-lrp has SNAT disabled for that subnet, and prevent announcement of those tenant networks.


Neutron will add IPv6 subnets are without NAT, so even though the IPv4 of those tenant networks might have NAT enabled, the IPv6 subnet might still be exposed, as this has no NAT enabled.

To disable the SNAT on a neutron router, one could simply run this command:

$ openstack router set --disable-snat --external-gateway <provider_network> <router>

Driver API

The NB BGP driver implements the driver_api.py interface with the following functions:

  • expose_ip: creates all the IP rules and routes, and OVS flows needed to redirect the traffic to OVN overlay. It also ensures that FRR exposes the required IP by using BGP.
  • withdraw_ip: removes the configuration (IP rules/routes, OVS flows) from expose_ip method to withdraw the exposed IP.
  • expose_subnet: adds kernel networking configuration (IP rules and route) to ensure traffic can go from the node to the OVN overlay (and back) for IPs within the tenant subnet CIDR.
  • withdraw_subnet: removes kernel networking configuration added by expose_subnet.
  • expose_remote_ip: BGP expose VM tenant network IPs through the chassis hosting the OVN gateway port for the router where the VM is connected. It ensures traffic directed to the VM IP arrives at this node by exposing the IP through BGP locally. The previous steps in expose_subnet ensure the traffic is redirected to the OVN overlay after it arrives on the node.
  • withdraw_remote_ip: removes the configuration added by expose_remote_ip.

And in addition, the driver also implements extra methods for the FIPs and the OVN load balancers:

  • expose_fip and withdraw_fip which are equivalent to expose_ip and withdraw_ip but for FIPs.
  • expose_ovn_lb_vip: adds kernel networking configuration to ensure traffic is forwarded from the node with the associated cr-lrp to the OVN overlay, as well as to expose the VIP through BGP in that node.
  • withdraw_ovn_lb_vip: removes the above steps to stop advertising the load balancer VIP.
  • expose_ovn_lb_fip and withdraw_ovn_lb_fip: for exposing the FIPs associated to ovn loadbalancers. This is similar to expose_fip/withdraw_fip but taking into account that it must be exposed on the node with the cr-lrp for the router associated to the loadbalancer.


The following limitations apply:

  • OVN 23.09 or later is needed to support exposing tenant networks IPs and OVN loadbalancers.
  • There is no API to decide what to expose, all VMs/LBs on providers or with floating IPs associated with them are exposed. For the VMs in the tenant networks, use the flag address_scopes to filter which subnets to expose, which also prevents having overlapping IPs.
  • In the currently implemented exposing methods (underlay and ovn) there is no support for overlapping CIDRs, so this must be avoided, e.g., by using address scopes and subnet pools.
  • For the default exposing method (underlay) but also with the vrf exposing method the network traffic is steered by kernel routing (ip routes and rules), therefore OVS-DPDK, where the kernel space is skipped, is not supported. With the ovn exposing method the routing is done at ovn level, so this limitation does not exists. More details in ovn_routing.
  • For the default exposing method (underlay) but also with the vrf exposing method the network traffic is steered by kernel routing (ip routes and rules), therefore SRIOV, where the hypervisor is skipped, is not supported. With the ovn exposing method the routing is done at ovn level, so this limitation does not exists. More details in ovn_routing.
  • In OpenStack with OVN networking the N/S traffic to the ovn-octavia VIPs on the provider or the FIPs associated with the VIPs on tenant networks needs to go through the networking nodes (the ones hosting the Neutron Router Gateway Ports, i.e., the chassisredirect cr-lrp ports, for the router connecting the load balancer members to the provider network). Therefore, the entry point into the OVN overlay needs to be one of those networking nodes, and consequently the VIPs (or FIPs to VIPs) are exposed through them. From those nodes the traffic will follow the normal tunneled path (Geneve tunnel) to the OpenStack compute node where the selected member is located.