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OpenStack API Performance Metrics






This test plan defines performance metrics for OpenStack API and the way to measure them.

  • Operation Duration - how long does it take to perform a single operation.
  • Operation Throughput - how many operations can be done in one second in average.
  • Concurrency - how many parallel operations can be run when operation throughput reaches the maximum.
  • Scale Impact - comparison of operation metrics when number of objects is high versus low.

Test Plan

This test plan defines set of performance metrics for OpenStack API. This metrics can be used to compare different cloud implementations and for performance tuning.

This test plan can be used to answer the following questions:
  • How long does it take to perform a particular operation? (e.g. duration of Neutron net_create operation)
  • How many concurrent operation can be run in parallel without degradation? (e.g. can one do 10 Neutron net_create operation in parallel or better do them one-by-one)
  • How many particular operations can OpenStack cloud process in a second? (e.g. find out whether one can do 100 Neutron net_create ops per second or not)
  • What is the impact of having many objects in the cloud? How the performance degrades? (e.g. will the cloud be slower when there are thousands of objects and how slower will it be)

Test Environment


This test plan is executed against existing OpenStack cloud.

Measurements can be done with the tool that can:
  • report duration of single operations;
  • execute operations one-by-one and in a configurable number of concurrent threads.

Environment description

The environment description includes hardware specification of servers, network parameters, operation system and OpenStack deployment characteristics.


This section contains list of all types of hardware nodes.

Parameter Value Comments
model e.g. Supermicro X9SRD-F
CPU e.g. 6 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz
role e.g. compute or network

This section contains list of interfaces and network parameters. For complicated cases this section may include topology diagram and switch parameters.

Parameter Value Comments
network role e.g. provider or public
card model e.g. Intel
driver e.g. ixgbe
speed e.g. 10G or 1G
MTU e.g. 9000
offloading modes e.g. default

This section describes installed software.

Parameter Value Comments
OS e.g. Ubuntu 14.04.3
OpenStack e.g. Liberty
Hypervisor e.g. KVM
Neutron plugin e.g. ML2 + OVS
L2 segmentation e.g. VLAN or VxLAN or GRE
virtual routers e.g. legacy or HA or DVR

Test Case: Operation Performance Measurements


The test case is performed by running a specific OpenStack operation. Every operation is executed several times to collect more reliable statistical data.


The only parameter is the operation being tested.

List of performance metrics



This test plan can be executed with Rally tool. Rally can report duration of individual operations and can be configured to perform operations in multiple parallel threads.

Rally scenario execution also involves creation/deletion of additional objects (like tenants, users) and cleaning of resources created by scenario. All this consumes extra time, so it makes sense to run measurements not one-by-one, but grouped by resource type. E.g. instead of having 4 separate scenarios for create, get, list and delete operations have 1 that calls these operations sequentially.


To perform measurements we will need 2 types of scenarios:
  • cyclic - sequence of create, get, list and delete operations; total number of objects is not increased.
  • accumulative - sequence of create, get and list operations; total number of objects is increasing.

Duration metrics

Duration metrics are collected with help of cyclic scenario.

  1. Set concurrency in 1 thread.
  2. Run scenario N times, where N is large enough to make a good sample. Collect list of operation durations.
  3. For every operation calculate median and percentiles.

Concurrency and throughput metrics

These metrics are collected with help of cyclic scenarios.

  1. Start with concurrency in 1 thread.
  2. Run scenario N times, where N is large enough to make a good sample. Collect list of operation durations.
  3. Calculate throughput (divide number of operations on total duration).

Scale impact metrics

These metrics are collected with help of accumulative scenarios.

  1. Set concurrency in 1 thread.
  2. Run scenario until desired number of objects reached (e.g. 1 thousand).
  3. Calculate mean for first 50 objects and for last 50.
  4. Calculate the ratio between means.