This changes gabbits/nested-perfload.yaml to create a tree of providers based on one of the compute nodes in the NUMANetworkFixture used in the functional tests. For the time being only one type of compute node is created (of which there will be 1000 instances). Room is left for future expansion as requirements expand. The resulting hierarchy has 7 resource providers. The allocation candidates query is: GET /allocation_candidates? resources=DISK_GB:10& required=COMPUTE_VOLUME_MULTI_ATTACH& resources_COMPUTE=VCPU:1,MEMORY_MB:256& required_COMPUTE=CUSTOM_FOO& resources_FPGA=FPGA:1& group_policy=none& same_subtree=_COMPUTE,_FPGA This is a step in the right direction but is not yet a complete exercising of all the nested functionality. It is, however, more complex than prior, notably testing 'same_subtree'. We should continue to iterate to get it doing more. Change-Id: I67d8091b464cd7b875b37766f52818a5a2faa780 Story: 2005443 Task: 35669
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OpenStack Placement
OpenStack Placement provides an HTTP service for managing, selecting, and claiming providers of classes of inventory representing available resources in a cloud.
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