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REST API Version History

This documents the changes made to the REST API with every microversion change. The description for each version should be a verbose one which has enough information to be suitable for use in user documentation.

1.0 (Maximum in Newton)

This is the initial version of the placement REST API that was released in Nova 14.0.0 (Newton). This contains the following routes:

  • /resource_providers
  • /resource_providers/allocations
  • /resource_providers/inventories
  • /resource_providers/usages
  • /allocations

1.1 Resource provider aggregates

The 1.1 version adds support for associating aggregates with resource providers with GET and PUT methods on one new route:

  • /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates

1.2 Custom resource classes

Placement API version 1.2 adds basic operations allowing an admin to create, list and delete custom resource classes.

The following new routes are added:

  • GET /resource_classes: return all resource classes
  • POST /resource_classes: create a new custom resource class
  • PUT /resource_classes/{name}: update name of custom resource class
  • DELETE /resource_classes/{name}: deletes a custom resource class
  • GET /resource_classes/{name}: get a single resource class

Custom resource classes must begin with the prefix "CUSTOM_" and contain only the letters A through Z, the numbers 0 through 9 and the underscore "_" character.

1.3 member_of query parameter

Version 1.3 adds support for listing resource providers that are members of any of the list of aggregates provided using a member_of query parameter:

  • /resource_providers?member_of=in:{agg1_uuid},{agg2_uuid},{agg3_uuid}

1.4 Filter resource providers by requested resource capacity (Maximum in Ocata)

The 1.4 version adds support for querying resource providers that have the ability to serve a requested set of resources. A new "resources" query string parameter is now accepted to the GET /resource_providers API call. This parameter indicates the requested amounts of various resources that a provider must have the capacity to serve. The "resources" query string parameter takes the form:


For instance, if the user wishes to see resource providers that can service a request for 2 vCPUs, 1024 MB of RAM and 50 GB of disk space, the user can issue a request to:

GET /resource_providers?resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:1024,DISK_GB:50

If the resource class does not exist, then it will return a HTTP 400.


The resources filtering is also based on the min_unit, max_unit and step_size of the inventory record. For example, if the max_unit is 512 for the DISK_GB inventory for a particular resource provider and a GET request is made for DISK_GB:1024, that resource provider will not be returned. The min_unit is the minimum amount of resource that can be requested for a given inventory and resource provider. The step_size is the increment of resource that can be requested for a given resource on a given provider.

1.5 DELETE all inventory for a resource provider

Placement API version 1.5 adds DELETE method for deleting all inventory for a resource provider. The following new method is supported:

  • DELETE /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories

1.6 Traits API

The 1.6 version adds basic operations allowing an admin to create, list, and delete custom traits, also adds basic operations allowing an admin to attach traits to a resource provider.

The following new routes are added:

  • GET /traits: Returns all resource classes.
  • PUT /traits/{name}: To insert a single custom trait.
  • GET /traits/{name}: To check if a trait name exists.
  • DELETE /traits/{name}: To delete the specified trait.
  • GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits: a list of traits associated with a specific resource provider
  • PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits: Set all the traits for a specific resource provider
  • DELETE /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits: Remove any existing trait associations for a specific resource provider

Custom traits must begin with the prefix "CUSTOM_" and contain only the letters A through Z, the numbers 0 through 9 and the underscore "_" character.

1.7 Idempotent PUT /resource_classes/{name}

The 1.7 version changes handling of PUT /resource_classes/{name} to be a create or verification of the resource class with {name}. If the resource class is a custom resource class and does not already exist it will be created and a 201 response code returned. If the class already exists the response code will be 204. This makes it possible to check or create a resource class in one request.

1.8 Require placement 'project_id', 'user_id' in PUT /allocations

The 1.8 version adds project_id and user_id required request parameters to PUT /allocations.

1.9 Add GET /usages

The 1.9 version adds usages that can be queried by a project or project/user.

The following new routes are added:

GET /usages?project_id=<project_id>

Returns all usages for a given project.

GET /usages?project_id=<project_id>&user_id=<user_id>

Returns all usages for a given project and user.

1.10 Allocation candidates (Maximum in Pike)

The 1.10 version brings a new REST resource endpoint for getting a list of allocation candidates. Allocation candidates are collections of possible allocations against resource providers that can satisfy a particular request for resources.

The /resource_providers/{rp_uuid}/allocations endpoint has been available since version 1.0, but was not listed in the links section of the GET /resource_providers response. The link is included as of version 1.11.

1.12 PUT dict format to /allocations/{consumer_uuid}

In version 1.12 the request body of a PUT /allocations/{consumer_uuid} is expected to have an object for the allocations property, not as array as with earlier microversions. This puts the request body more in alignment with the structure of the GET /allocations/{consumer_uuid} response body. Because the PUT request requires user_id and project_id in the request body, these fields are added to the GET response. In addition, the response body for GET /allocation_candidates is updated so the allocations in the alocation_requests object work with the new PUT format.

1.13 POST multiple allocations to /allocations

Version 1.13 gives the ability to set or clear allocations for more than one consumer uuid with a request to POST /allocations.

1.14 Add nested resource providers

The 1.14 version introduces the concept of nested resource providers. The resource provider resource now contains two new attributes:

  • parent_provider_uuid indicates the provider's direct parent, or null if there is no parent. This attribute can be set in the call to POST /resource_providers and PUT /resource_providers/{uuid} if the attribute has not already been set to a non-NULL value (i.e. we do not support "reparenting" a provider)
  • root_provider_uuid indicates the UUID of the root resource provider in the provider's tree. This is a read-only attribute

A new in_tree=<UUID> parameter is now available in the GET /resource-providers API call. Supplying a UUID value for the in_tree parameter will cause all resource providers within the "provider tree" of the provider matching <UUID> to be returned.

1.15 Add 'last-modified' and 'cache-control' headers

Throughout the API, 'last-modified' headers have been added to GET responses and those PUT and POST responses that have bodies. The value is either the actual last modified time of the most recently modified associated database entity or the current time if there is no direct mapping to the database. In addition, 'cache-control: no-cache' headers are added where the 'last-modified' header has been added to prevent inadvertent caching of resources.

1.16 Limit allocation candidates

Add support for a limit query parameter when making a GET /allocation_candidates request. The parameter accepts an integer value, N, which limits the maximum number of candidates returned.