When mounted under a prefix (such as /placement) the service was only returning the home document at /placement/ not /placement. In the context of having a prefix, we'd generally like the latter to work and for '/' to work when there is no prefix. This allows both. Note that this doesn't make /placement/resource_providers/ work, and we don't want that. Change-Id: I0ac92bf9982227d5f4915175182e5230aeb039b4 Closes-Bug: #1626490
OpenStack Nova
OpenStack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide variety of compute technologies, including: libvirt (KVM, Xen, LXC and more), Hyper-V, VMware, XenServer and OpenStack Ironic.
OpenStack Nova is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of this license are detailed in the LICENSE file.
To learn how to use Nova's API, consult the documentation available online at:
http://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/compute/ http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/
For more information on OpenStack APIs, SDKs and CLIs, please see:
http://www.openstack.org/appdev/ http://developer.openstack.org/
To learn how to deploy and configure OpenStack Nova, consult the documentation available online at:
For information about the different compute (hypervisor) drivers supported by Nova, please read:
In the unfortunate event that bugs are discovered, they should be reported to the appropriate bug tracker. If you obtained the software from a 3rd party operating system vendor, it is often wise to use their own bug tracker for reporting problems. In all other cases use the master OpenStack bug tracker, available at:
For information on how to contribute to Nova, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst.
Any new code must follow the development guidelines detailed in the HACKING.rst file, and pass all unit tests.
Further developer focused documentation is available at: