Ian Wienand c99492cfc6 Replace openstack.org git:// URLs with https://
This is a mechanically generated change to replace openstack.org
git:// URLs with https:// equivalents.

This is in aid of a planned future move of the git hosting
infrastructure to a self-hosted instance of gitea (https://gitea.io),
which does not support the git wire protocol at this stage.

This update should result in no functional change.

For more information see the thread at


Change-Id: I669e77c1cc1d626552939b8f65e093e7901ad754
2019-03-24 20:35:35 +00:00

6.9 KiB

Quick Placement Development


This is one of many ways to achieve a simple live development environment for the placement service. This isn't meant to be the best way, or the only way. Its purpose is more to demonstrate the steps involved, so that people can learn from those steps and choose to assemble them in whatever ways work best for them.

This content was originally written in a blog post, which perhaps explains its folksy tone.

Here are some instructions on how to spin up the placement wsgi script with uwsgi and a stubbed out placement.conf, in case you want to see what happens. The idea here is that you want to experiment with the current placement code, using a live database, but you're not concerned with other services, don't want to deal with devstack, but need a level of interaction with the code and process that something like placedock can't provide.

As ever, even all of the above has lots of assumptions about experience and context. This document assumes you are someone who either is an OpenStack (and probably placement) developer, or would like to be one.

To make this go you need a unix-like OS, with a python3 dev environment, and git and mysql (or postgresql) installed. We'll be doing this work from within a virtualenv, built from the tox.ini in the placement code.

Get The Code

The placement code lives at https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/placement . We want to clone that:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/placement
cd placement

Setup The Database

We need to 1) create the database, 2) create a virtualenv to have the command, 3) use it to create the tables.

The database can have whatever name you like. Whatever you choose, use it throughout this process. We choose placement. You may need a user and password to talk to your database, setting that up is out of scope for this document:

mysql -uroot -psecret -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS placement;"
mysql -uroot -psecret -e "CREATE DATABASE placement CHARACTER SET utf8;"

You may also need to set permissions:

mysql -uroot -psecret \
    -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON placement.* TO 'root'@'%' identified by 'secret';"

Create a bare minimum placement.conf in the /etc/placement directory (which you may need to create):

connection = mysql+pymysql://root:secret@


You may choose the location of the configuration file on the command line when using the placement-manage command.

Make the placement-manage command available by updating a virtualenv:

tox -epy36 --notest

Run the command to create the tables:

.tox/py36/bin/placement-manage db sync

You can confirm the tables are there with mysqlshow placement

Run The Service

Now we want to run the service. We need to update placement.conf so it will produce debugging output and use the noauth strategy for authentication (so we don't also have to run Keystone). Make placement.conf look like this (adjusting for your database settings):

debug = True

connection = mysql+pymysql://root:secret@

auth_strategy = noauth2

We need to install the uwsgi package into the virtualenv:

.tox/py36/bin/pip install uwsgi

And then use uwsgi to run the service. Start it with:

.tox/py36/bin/uwsgi --http :8000 --wsgi-file .tox/py36/bin/placement-api --processes 2 --threads 10


Adjust processes and threads as required. If you do not provide these arguments the server will be a single process and thus perform poorly.

If that worked you'll see lots of debug output and spawned uWSGI worker. Test that things are working from another terminal with curl:

curl -v http://localhost:8000/

Get a list of resource providers with (the x-auth-token header is required, openstack-api-version is optional but makes sure we are getting the latest functionality):

curl -H 'x-auth-token: admin' \
     -H 'openstack-api-version: placement latest' \

The result ought to look something like this:

{"resource_providers": []}

If it doesn't then something went wrong with the above and there should be more information in the terminal where uwsgi is running.

From here you can experiment with creating resource providers and related placement features. If you change the placement code, ctrl-c to kill the uwsgi process and start it up again. For testing, you might enjoy placecat.

Here's all of the above as single script. As stated above this is for illustrative purposes. You should make your own:


set -xe

# Change these as required
DB_DRIVER=mysql+pymysql # we assume mysql throughout, feel free to change


# Create a directory for configuration to live.
[[ -d $CONF_DIR ]] || (sudo mkdir $CONF_DIR && sudo chown $USER $CONF_DIR)

# Establish database. Some of this may need sudo powers. Don't be shy
# about changing the script.

# clone the right code
git clone $REPO
cd placement

# establish virtenv
tox -epy36 --notest

# write placement.conf
cat<<EOF > $CONF_DIR/placement.conf
debug = True

connection = $DB_DRIVER://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASS}@${DB_NAME}?charset=utf8

auth_strategy = noauth2

# Create database tables
.tox/py36/bin/placement-manage db sync

# install uwsgi
.tox/py36/bin/pip install uwsgi

# run uwsgi
.tox/py36/bin/uwsgi --http :8000 --wsgi-file .tox/py36/bin/placement-api --processes 2 --threads 10