Gerrit sometimes returns a partial JSON answer, missing the details that o=DETAILED_LABELS should trigger. This results in false negatives in check-release-approval tests. This cannot be reproduced easily. We put in place a retry but the issue seems to stick on immediate retries. As an experiment, this change switches the API call from /changes/ID with o=DETAILED_LABELS&o=DETAILED_ACCOUNTS to /changes/ID/detail (which includes these two options, amongst others), to see if that would workaround the Gerrit issue. We also remove the retry since it does not improve significantly the situation. Change-Id: I4de49da1b48f7b87879102a0e18e97168e39406b
OpenStack Infra Config Files
This repo contains a set of config files that are consumed by the openstack-infra/system-config puppet modules in order to deploy and configure the OpenStack Infrastructure. You should edit these files to make configuration changes to the OpenStack Infrastructure.
This dir contains the IRC access bot channel config. This config file is used to specify which channels are managed by the infra team and the permissions assigned to nicks in those channels.
This dir contains the main project registry in projects.yaml along with all of the gerrit project ACLs in the acls subdir. You will need to edit these files to add new projects to Gerrit.
See the Creator's Guide in the Infra Manual for info on adding projects.
This dir contains the gerritbot channel config file. Edit this file to add the gerritbot to your IRC channels for gerrit event messages.
This dir contains dashboards to display at http://grafana.openstack.org/. Add new files to create additional dashboards or edit the existing ones to enhance the dashboards.
This dir contains the nodepool scripts and nodepool disk image builder elements that are used to build the images we boot build nodes off of. Edit these files if you need to modify the base images that Nodepool creates for Zuul to run content on.
This dir contains the index.html file for the http://specs.openstack.org site. Edit this file if you are adding and removing projects from that site.
Static Web Hosting Documentation
This dir contains the zuul main.yaml file which defines the Zuul tenants and the system-variables.yaml file which contains some global variables. Edit these files to add, remove or rename a project from Zuul.
This dir contains config files for the development deployments of the above services.