These roles replace the jenkins-log-client portion of the logstash/subunit queue processing system. Much of the code is derived from the jenkins-log-client. Rather than subscribing to ZMQ events emitted from jenkins (and later zuul v2.5), these roles are intended to be run in a late base post playbook (right after log uploading). They examine the logs directory which contains the files that were just uploaded and any matching files have jobs submitted to the gearman queue. Currently the module attempts to maintain compatability as much as possible, but eventually we should represent some of the data in a more v3-like manner, as well as consider adding additional data. Some suggestions are noted in comments. Change-Id: I10ea613d9278465b90d891371d2626b9e99f8f31
296 B
296 B
A module to submit a log processing job.
This role is a container for an Ansible module which processes a log directory and submits jobs to a log processing gearman queue. The role itself performs no actions, and is intended only to be used by other roles as a dependency to supply the module.