This patch prepares this Puppet module to be released in 7.x series (Liberty) with 7.0.0. Change-Id: I4d892d41a8d7c8ed1f1a00712afced944c821f92
6.1 KiB
##2015-11-25 - 7.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Liberty.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- change section name for AMQP qpid parameters
- remove deprecated mysql_module
- keystone/auth: make service description configurable
- add support for RabbitMQ connection heartbeat
- simplify parameters for rpc_backend
- add tag to package and service resources
- enable support for memcached_servers
- add ability to specify ttl and timeout parameters
- add ability to manage use_stderr parameter
- creation of ceilometer::db::sync
- reflect provider change in puppet-openstacklib
- make 'alarm_history_time_to_live' parameter configurable
- update ceilometer::db class to match other module pattern
- implement auth_endpoint_type parameter
- stop managing File resources
- put all the logging related parameters to the logging class
- add mongodb_replica_set option
- allow customization of db sync command line
- rely on autorequire for config resource ordering
- compute agent: do not try to configure nova.conf
- agent/auth: bring consistent how we manage empty parameters
- remove the api service subscription on db sync
- wsgi: make sure eventlet process is stopped before httpd
- auth: drop service dependency for Keystone_user_role
- fix rspec 3.x syntax
- initial msync run for all Puppet OpenStack modules
- acceptance: enable debug & verbosity for OpenStack logs
- acceptance/eventlet: make sure apache is stopped
- acceptance: use common bits from puppet-openstack-integration
- rspec: run tests for ::ceilometer::agent::auth
- try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
- spec: Enable webmock connect to IPv4 link-local
- db: Use postgresql lib class for psycopg package
- remove class_parameter_defaults puppet-lint check
##2015-10-10 - 6.1.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Kilo series.
- WSGI: make it work, and test it with acceptance
- acceptance: checkout stable/kilo puppet modules
##2015-07-08 - 6.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Kilo.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- Move rabbit/kombu settings to oslo_messaging_rabbit section
- Puppet 4.x support
- make crontab for expirer optional
- Refactorise Keystone resources management
- db: Added postgresql backend using openstacklib helper
- Implement Ceilometer-API as a WSGI process support
- Add support for ceilometer-polling agent
- Add support for identity_uri
- Tag all Ceilometer packages
- Add udp_address/udp_port parameters for collector.
- Deprecate old public, internal and admin parameters
- Ensure python-mysqldb is installed before MySQL db_sync
- Fix dependency on nova-common package
- Acceptance tests with Beaker
- Fix spec tests for RSpec 3.x and Puppet 4.x
##2015-06-17 - 5.1.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Juno series.
- Add support for configuring coordination/backend_url
- Implement Ceilometer-API as a WSGI process support
- Switch to TLSv1
- crontab: ensure the script is run with shell
- Change default MySQL collate to utf8_general_ci
- Pin puppetlabs-concat to 1.2.1 in fixtures
- Update .gitreview file for project rename
- spec: updates for rspec-puppet 2.x and rspec 3.x
##2014-11-20 - 5.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Juno.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- Migrate the mysql backend to use openstacklib::db::mysql, adding dependency on puppet-openstacklib
- Bumped stdlib dependency to >=4.0.0
- Removed deprecation notices for sectionless ceilometer_config types for Juno release
- Added ability to hide secrets from puppet logs
- Add package_ensure parameters to various classes to control package installation
- Add ceilometer::policy to control policy.json
- Update validate_re expressions for Puppet 3.7
- Add manage_service parameters to various classes to control whether the service was managed, as well as added enabled parameters where not already present
- Add parameters to control whether to configure keystone users
- Add the ability to override the keystone service name in ceilometer::keystone::auth deprecated the mysql_module parameter
- Fix ceilometer-notification package name for RHEL
##2014-10-16 - 4.2.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Icehouse series.
- Add new class for extended logging options
- Fix dependency on nova-common package
- Fix ssl parameter requirements for kombu and rabbit
- Fix mysql_grant call
- Fix ceilometer-collecter service relationships when service is disabled
##2014-06-19 - 4.1.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bigfix release in the Icehouse series.
- Add RabbitMQ SSL Support
- Fix dependency cycle bug
- Fix agent_notification_service_name
- Change default mysql charset to UTF8
- Pin major gems
##2014-01-05 - 4.0.0 ###Summary
This is a major release for OpenStack Icehouse but contains no API-breaking changes.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- Add ability to override notification topics
- Implement notification agent service
- Add support for puppetlabs-mysql 2.2 and greater
- Introduce ceilometer::config to handle additional custom options
- Fix region name configuration
- Fix ensure packages bug
##2014-03-26 - 3.1.1 ###Summary
This is a bugfix release in the Havana series.
- Remove enforcement of glance_control_exchange
- Fix user reference in db.pp
- Allow db fields configuration without need for dbsync for better replicaset support
- Fix alarm package parameters Debian/Ubuntu
##2014-02-14 - 3.1.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Havana series.
- Remove log_dir from params and make logs configurable in init
- Fix package ceilometer-alarm type error on Debian
- Remove glance_notifications from notification_topic
- Don't match commented [DEFAULT] section
##2014-01-17 - 3.0.0 ###Summary
- Initial release of the puppet-ceilometer module