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806 B

# PuppetLabs Glance module
This module provides a set of manifests that can be used to install and
configure glance.
It is currently targettting the essex release of OpenStack.
For Daiblo support, use the Diablo branch.
## Platforms
* Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)
* Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric)
* Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
## Quick Start
The below example shows how the classes from this module can be declared in
site.pp to install both the glance registry and api services on a node
identified as glance.
In the below example, the default port for the registy service has been
overridden from its default value of 9191.
node glance {
class { 'glance': }
class { 'glance::registry':
bind_port => '9393',
class { 'glance::api':
registry_port = '9393',