Matthew Black e445ac1ab6 Fixed ubuntu package dependency on puppet 4.3
When running on puppet 4.3, the dependency for the package
is set to 'apache2' but the actual package resource title
in the puppetlabs-apache is 'httpd'. This change removes
$http_service from being set depending on osfamily and
makes it set to 'httpd' for all.

Change-Id: I030446fabb7ec83c9ed94032e4ae54faff060e69
Closes-Bug: 1558131
2016-03-22 11:11:53 -04:00

262 lines
8.0 KiB

# == Class: horizon::wsgi::apache
# Configures Apache WSGI for Horizon.
# === Parameters
# [*bind_address*]
# (optional) Bind address in Apache for Horizon. (Defaults to '')
# [*fqdn*]
# (Optional) Fqdn
# Defaults to undef.
# [*servername*]
# (Optional) Server Name
# Defaults to ::fqdn.
# [*ssl_redirect*]
# (Optional) Enable SSL Redirect
# Defaults to 'true'.
# [*server_aliases*]
# (optional) List of names which should be defined as ServerAlias directives
# in vhost.conf.
# Defaults to ::fqdn.
# [*listen_ssl*]
# (optional) Enable SSL support in Apache. (Defaults to false)
# [*http_port*]
# (optional) Port to use for the HTTP virtual host. (Defaults to 80)
# [*https_port*]
# (optional) Port to use for the HTTPS virtual host. (Defaults to 443)
# [*horizon_cert*]
# (required with listen_ssl) Certificate to use for SSL support.
# [*horizon_key*]
# (required with listen_ssl) Private key to use for SSL support.
# [*horizon_ca*]
# (required with listen_ssl) CA certificate to use for SSL support.
# [*wsgi_processes*]
# (optional) Number of Horizon processes to spawn
# Defaults to '3'
# [*wsgi_threads*]
# (optional) Number of thread to run in a Horizon process
# Defaults to '10'
# [*priority*]
# (optional) The apache vhost priority.
# Defaults to '15'. To set Horizon as the primary vhost, change to '10'.
# [*vhost_conf_name*]
# (Optional) Description
# Defaults to 'horizon_vhost'.
# [*vhost_ssl_conf_name*]
# (Optional) Description
# Defaults to 'horizon_ssl_vhost'.
# [*extra_params*]
# (optional) A hash of extra paramaters for apache::wsgi class.
# Defaults to {}
# [*redirect_type*]
# (optional) What type of redirect to use when redirecting an http request
# for a user. This should be either 'temp' or 'permanent'. Setting this value
# to 'permanent' will result in the use of a 301 redirect which may be cached
# by a user's browser. Setting this value to 'temp' will result in the use
# of a 302 redirect which is not cached by browsers and may solve issues if
# users report errors accessing horizon.
# Defaults to 'permanent'
# [*root_url*]
# (optional) The base URL used to contruct horizon web addresses.
# Defaults to '/dashboard' or '/horizon' depending OS
class horizon::wsgi::apache (
$bind_address = undef,
$fqdn = undef,
$servername = $::fqdn,
$server_aliases = $::fqdn,
$listen_ssl = false,
$http_port = 80,
$https_port = 443,
$ssl_redirect = true,
$horizon_cert = undef,
$horizon_key = undef,
$horizon_ca = undef,
$wsgi_processes = '3',
$wsgi_threads = '10',
$priority = '15',
$vhost_conf_name = 'horizon_vhost',
$vhost_ssl_conf_name = 'horizon_ssl_vhost',
$extra_params = {},
$redirect_type = 'permanent',
$root_url = $::horizon::params::root_url,
) inherits horizon::params {
include ::apache
if $fqdn {
warning('Parameter fqdn is deprecated. Please use parameter server_aliases for setting ServerAlias directives in vhost.conf.')
$final_server_aliases = $fqdn
} else {
$final_server_aliases = $server_aliases
include ::apache::mod::wsgi
# We already use apache::vhost to generate our own
# configuration file, let's clean the configuration
# embedded within the package
file { $::horizon::params::httpd_config_file:
ensure => present,
content => "#
# This file has been cleaned by Puppet.
# OpenStack Horizon configuration has been moved to:
# - ${priority}-${vhost_conf_name}.conf
# - ${priority}-${vhost_ssl_conf_name}.conf
require => Package['horizon'],
if $listen_ssl {
include ::apache::mod::ssl
$ensure_ssl_vhost = 'present'
if $horizon_ca == undef {
fail('The horizon_ca parameter is required when listen_ssl is true')
if $horizon_cert == undef {
fail('The horizon_cert parameter is required when listen_ssl is true')
if $horizon_key == undef {
fail('The horizon_key parameter is required when listen_ssl is true')
if $ssl_redirect {
$redirect_match = '(.*)'
$redirect_url = "https://${servername}"
} else {
case $root_url {
'': {
$ensure_ssl_vhost = 'absent'
$redirect_match = "^${::horizon::params::root_url}\$"
$redirect_url = '/'
default: {
$ensure_ssl_vhost = 'absent'
$redirect_match = '^/$'
$redirect_url = $root_url
if !($redirect_type in ['temp', 'permanent']) {
fail("Invalid redirect type '${redirect_type} provided.")
Package['horizon'] -> Package['httpd']
File[$::horizon::params::config_file] ~> Service['httpd']
$unix_user = $::osfamily ? {
'RedHat' => $::horizon::params::apache_user,
default => $::horizon::params::wsgi_user
$unix_group = $::osfamily ? {
'RedHat' => $::horizon::params::apache_group,
default => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group,
file { $::horizon::params::logdir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $unix_user,
group => $unix_group,
before => Service['httpd'],
mode => '0751',
require => Package['horizon'],
file { "${::horizon::params::logdir}/horizon.log":
ensure => file,
owner => $unix_user,
group => $unix_group,
before => Service['httpd'],
mode => '0640',
require => [ File[$::horizon::params::logdir], Package['horizon'] ],
$script_url = $root_url ? {
'' => '/',
default => $root_url,
$default_vhost_conf_no_ip = {
servername => $servername,
serveraliases => os_any2array($final_server_aliases),
docroot => '/var/www/',
access_log_file => 'horizon_access.log',
error_log_file => 'horizon_error.log',
priority => $priority,
aliases => [{
alias => "${root_url}/static",
path => '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static',
port => $http_port,
ssl_cert => $horizon_cert,
ssl_key => $horizon_key,
ssl_ca => $horizon_ca,
wsgi_script_aliases => hash([$script_url, $::horizon::params::django_wsgi]),
wsgi_daemon_process => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group,
wsgi_daemon_process_options => {
processes => $wsgi_processes,
threads => $wsgi_threads,
user => $unix_user,
group => $unix_group,
wsgi_import_script => $::horizon::params::django_wsgi,
wsgi_process_group => $::horizon::params::wsgi_group,
redirectmatch_status => $redirect_type,
# Only add the 'ip' element to the $default_vhost_conf hash if it was explicitly
# specified in the instantiation of the class. This is because ip => undef gets
# changed to ip => '' via the Puppet function API when ensure_resource is called.
# See https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-horizon/+bug/1371345
if $bind_address {
$default_vhost_conf = merge($default_vhost_conf_no_ip, { ip => $bind_address })
} else {
$default_vhost_conf = $default_vhost_conf_no_ip
ensure_resource('apache::vhost', $vhost_conf_name, merge ($default_vhost_conf, $extra_params, {
redirectmatch_regexp => $redirect_match,
redirectmatch_dest => $redirect_url,
ensure_resource('apache::vhost', $vhost_ssl_conf_name, merge ($default_vhost_conf, $extra_params, {
access_log_file => 'horizon_ssl_access.log',
error_log_file => 'horizon_ssl_error.log',
priority => $priority,
ssl => true,
port => $https_port,
ensure => $ensure_ssl_vhost,
wsgi_daemon_process => 'horizon-ssl',
wsgi_process_group => 'horizon-ssl',
redirectmatch_regexp => '^/$',
redirectmatch_dest => $root_url,