* Update CHANGELOG with release notes URL. * Update README with new release number & name. * Update metadata.json with new tag & dependencies. * Add release note prelude for Mitaka. * Update Reno release note to drop prelude. * Improve release note landing page. Change-Id: I4db15f1e1b5a98c3715f404b77af9ce994d6b61f
10 KiB
8.0.0 and beyond
From 8.0.0 release and beyond, release notes are published on docs.openstack.org.
8.0.0 and beyond
From 8.0.0 release and beyond, release notes are published on docs.openstack.org.
##2015-11-24 - 7.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Liberty.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- move openstackclient install to keystone::client
- add composite namevar for tenant, user, user_role (see examples/*.pp and documentation)
- remove deprecated mysql_module
- deletes tenant parameter from keystone_user (it was deprecated)
- add support for RabbitMQ connection heartbeat
- add tag to package and service resources
- validate service_identity resources
- add an ability to manage use_stderr parameter
- clarify the origin of provider warning messages
- reflect provider change in puppet-openstacklib
- adding wsgi log formatting
- if running eventlet, send deprecation warning
- authentication URLs and endpoint clarity re-factor
- add additional memcache configuration options
- add custom fragment to vhost
- keystone_endpoint provider for Keystone v3 api
- db: use postgresql lib class for psycopg package
- replace indirection calls which should help speed up performance when you have many users, tenants, and role assignments
- put all the logging related parameters to the logging class
- K2K federation support
- domain checking to deprecate no domain name usage: (all Keystone domain scoped resources should have a domain specified e.g. keystone_user { 'name': domain => 'some_domain' } )
- allow customization of db sync command line
- introduce keystone::db class
- endpoints can be APIs version-less
- keystone_endpoint match service by name/type.
- fix module install reference
- rely on autorequire for config resource ordering
- use Ubuntu provided wsgi.py for keystone.wsgi
- fix default domain
- fix *_workers config settings
- wsgi: make sure keystone service is stopped before starting httpd
- acceptance: bump to Liberty release
- initial msync run for all Puppet OpenStack modules
- acceptance/eventlet: make sure apache is stopped
- try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
##2015-10-15 - 6.1.0 ###Summary
This is a features and bugfixes release in the Kilo series.
- Allow to change archive destination
- admin_user_domain and admin_project_domain can now be equal
- Allow to use the wrong resource name for Keystone_user and Keystone_tenant
- Allow to use the wrong value for default_domain_id
- Fixes get_section for future use
- Domain name from id lookups return empty
- Fixes get_section for future use
- WSGI: use real service name in restart_keystone Exec
- v3: make sure default domain is created before any other resource
- Use an Anchor when service is managed
- Authentication URLs and endpoint clarity re-factor
- Purely cosmetic change on keystone provider
- Fix rspec 3.x syntax
- acceptance: run keystone in a WSGI server
- acceptance: checkout stable/kilo puppet modules
##2015-07-08 - 6.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Kilo.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- Remove deprecated parameters
- MySQL: change default MySQL collate to utf8_general_ci
- Move openstackclient to openstacklib
- Puppet 4.x support
- Support Keystone v3 API
- Allow disabling or delaying the token_flush cron
- Migrate postgresql backend to use openstacklib::db::postgresql
- Add max_token_size optional parameter
- Add admin_workers and public_workers configuration options
- Add support for LDAP connection pools
- Add a package ensure for openstackclient
- Enable setting the revoke/token driver
- Add manage_service feature
- Makes distinct use of url vs auth_url
- Create a sync_db boolean for Keystone
- LDAP: add support to configure credential driver
- Support notification_format
- Allow custom file source for wsgi scripts
- Decouple sync_db from enabled
- Add support for Fernet Tokens
- Crontab: ensure the script is run with bash shell
- Copy latest keystone.py from Keystone upstream
- Fix deprecated LDAP config options
- Fix service keystone conflict when running in apache
- Acceptance tests with Beaker
- Fix spec tests for RSpec 3.x and Puppet 4.x
- Restructures authentication for resource providers
##2015-06-17 - 5.1.0 ###Summary
This is a features and bugfixes release in the Juno series.
- Allow disabling or delaying the token_flush cron
- Use openstackclient for keystone_* providers
- Switch to TLSv1
- Handle missing project/tenant when using ldap backend
- Add support for LDAP connection pools
- Support the ldap user_enabled_invert parameter
- Tag packages with 'openstack'
- Add ::keystone::policy class for policy management
- New option replace_password for keystone_user
- Set WSGI process display-name
- Add native types for keystone paste configuration
- crontab: ensure the script is run with shell
- service_identity: add user/role ordering
- Fix password check for SSL endpoints
- Add require json for to_json dependency
- Sync keystone.py with upstream to function with Juno
- Allow Keystone to be queried when using IPv6 ::0
- spec: pin rspec-puppet to 1.0.1
- Pin puppetlabs-concat to 1.2.1 in fixtures
- Update .gitreview file for project rename
##2014-11-24 - 5.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Juno.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- Update token driver, logging, and ldap config parameters for Juno
- Make UUID the default token provider
- Migrate the keystone::db::mysql class to use openstacklib::db::mysql, adding dependency on openstacklib
- Change admin_roles parameter to accept an array in order to configure multiple admin roles
- Add new parameters to keystone class to configure pki signing
- Add parameters to control whether to configure users
- Deprecate the mysql_module parameter
- Enable setting cert and key paths for PKI token signing
- Add parameters for SSL communication between keystone and rabbitmq
- Add parameter ignore_default_tenant to keystone::role::admin
- Add parameter service_provider to keystone class
- Add parameters for service validation to keystone class
- Install python-ldappool package for ldap
- Change keystone class to inherit from keystone::params
- Change pki_setup to run regardless of token provider
- Stop managing member role since it is created automatically
- Stop overriding token_flush log file
- Change the usage of admin_endpoint to not include the API version
- Allow keystone_user_role to accept email as username
- Add ability to set up keystone using Apache mod_wsgi
- Make keystone_user_role idempotent
- Install python-memcache when using token driver memcache
##2014-10-16 - 4.2.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Icehouse series.
- Add class for extended logging options
- Add parameters to set tenant descriptions
- Fix rabbit password leaking
- Fix keystone user authorization error handling
##2014-06-19 - 4.1.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Icehouse series.
- Add token flushing with cron
- Update database api for consistency with other projects
- Fix admin_token with secret parameter
- Fix deprecated catalog driver
##2014-05-05 - 4.0.0 ###Summary
This is a major release for OpenStack Icehouse but contains no API-breaking changes.
- Add template_file parameter to specify catalog
- Add keystone::config to handle additional custom options
- Add notification parameters
- Add support for puppetlabs-mysql 2.2 and greater
- Fix deprecated sql section header in keystone.conf
- Fix deprecated bind_host parameter
- Fix example for native type keystone_service
- Fix LDAP module bugs
- Fix variable for host_access dependency
- Reduce default token duration to one hour
##2014-04-15 - 3.2.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Havana series.
- Add ability to configure any catalog driver
- Ensure log_file is absent when using syslog
##2014-03-28 - 3.1.1 ###Summary
This is a bugfix release in the Havana series.
- Fix inconsistent variable for mysql allowed hosts
##2014-03-26 - 3.1.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Havana series.
- Add ability to disable pki_setup
- Add log_dir param, with option to disable
- Add support to enable SSL
- Load tenant un-lazily if needed
- Update endpoint argument
- Remove setting of Keystone endpoint by default
- Relax regex when keystone refuses connections
##2014-01-16 - 3.0.0 ###Summary
This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Havana.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- Move db_sync to its own class
- Remove creation of Member role
- Switch from signing/format to token/provider
- Create memcache_servers option to allow for multiple cache servers
- Enable serving Keystone from Apache mod_wsgi
- Improve performance of Keystone providers
- Update endpoints to support paths and ssl
- Add support for token expiration parameter
- Fix duplicated keystone endpoints
- Refactor keystone_endpoint to use prefetch and flush paradigm
##2013-10-07 - 2.2.0 ###Summary
This is a feature and bugfix release in the Grizzly series.
- Optimized tenant and user queries
- Added syslog support
- Added support for token driver backend
- Various bug and lint fixes
##2013-08-06 - 2.1.0 ###Summary
This is a bugfix release in the Grizzly series.
- Fix allowed_hosts contitional statement
- Select keystone endpoint based on SSL setting
- Improve tenant_hash usage in keystone_tenant
- Various cleanup and bug fixes
- Pin dependencies
##2013-06-18 - 2.0.0 ###Summary
Initial release on StackForge.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- keystone_user can be used to change passwords
- service tenant name now configurable
- keystone_user is now idempotent
- Various cleanups and bug fixes