Denis Egorenko 6744e0ccde Add new options related to Glare API
This commits add a few new options to Murano:
* dashboard part - MURANO_USE_GLARE
  which allow to use Glare API (ex Glance v3 API);
* murano config - package_services
  the service to store murano packages;

Change-Id: I8e17fcf92d13ea4f8f7c50faa4d873e8c1f6bacd
2016-03-11 16:50:08 +03:00

137 lines
3.8 KiB

# == Class: murano::dashboard
# murano dashboard package
# === Parameters
# [*package_ensure*]
# (Optional) Ensure state for package
# Defaults to 'present'
# [*api_url*]
# (Optional) DEPRECATED: Use murano::keystone::auth to configure keystone::endpoint for Murano API instead
# API url for murano-dashboard
# Defaults to 'undef'
# [*repo_url*]
# (Optional) Application repository URL for murano-dashboard
# Defaults to 'undef'
# [*enable_glare*]
# (Optional) Whether Murano to use Glare API (ex Glance v3 API)
# Defaults to false
# [*collect_static_script*]
# (Optional) Path to horizon manage utility
# Defaults to '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py'
# [*metadata_dir*]
# (Optional) Directory to store murano dashboard metadata cache
# Defaults to '/var/cache/murano-dashboard'
# [*max_file_size*]
# (Optional) Maximum allowed filesize to upload
# Defaults to '5'
# [*dashboard_debug_level*]
# (Optional) Murano dashboard logging level
# Defaults to 'DEBUG'
# [*client_debug_level*]
# (Optional) Murano client logging level
# Defaults to 'ERROR'
# [*sync_db*]
# (Optional) Whether to sync database
# Default to 'true'
class murano::dashboard(
$package_ensure = 'present',
$repo_url = undef,
$enable_glare = false,
$collect_static_script = '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py',
$metadata_dir = '/var/cache/murano-dashboard',
$max_file_size = '5',
$dashboard_debug_level = 'DEBUG',
$client_debug_level = 'ERROR',
$sync_db = true,
$api_url = undef,
) {
include ::murano::params
if $api_url {
warning('Usage of api_url is deprecated. Use murano::keystone::auth to configure keystone::endpoint for Murano API instead.')
package { 'murano-dashboard':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::murano::params::dashboard_package_name,
tag => ['openstack', 'murano-packages'],
concat { $::murano::params::local_settings_path: }
concat::fragment { 'original_config':
target => $::murano::params::local_settings_path,
source => $::murano::params::local_settings_path,
order => 1,
concat::fragment { 'murano_dashboard_section':
target => $::murano::params::local_settings_path,
content => template('murano/local_settings.py.erb'),
order => 2,
exec { 'clean_horizon_config':
command => "sed -e '/^## MURANO_CONFIG_BEGIN/,/^## MURANO_CONFIG_END ##/ d' -i ${::murano::params::local_settings_path}",
onlyif => "grep '^## MURANO_CONFIG_BEGIN' ${::murano::params::local_settings_path}",
path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/', '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ],
exec { 'django_collectstatic':
command => "${collect_static_script} collectstatic --noinput --clear",
environment => [
refreshonly => true,
exec { 'django_compressstatic':
command => "${collect_static_script} compress --force",
environment => [
refreshonly => true,
if $sync_db {
exec { 'django_syncdb':
command => "${collect_static_script} migrate --noinput",
environment => [
refreshonly => true,
Exec['django_compressstatic'] ~>
Exec['django_syncdb'] ~>
Service <| title == 'httpd' |>
Package['murano-dashboard'] ->
Exec['clean_horizon_config'] ->
Concat[$::murano::params::local_settings_path] ->
Service <| title == 'httpd' |>
Package['murano-dashboard'] ~>
Exec['django_collectstatic'] ~>
Exec['django_compressstatic'] ~>
Service <| title == 'httpd' |>