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# == Class: neutron::server
# Setup and configure the neutron API endpoint
# === Parameters
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) The state of the package
# Defaults to present
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) The state of the service
# Defaults to true
# [*log_file*]
# REMOVED: Use log_file of neutron class instead.
# [*log_dir*]
# REMOVED: Use log_dir of neutron class instead.
# [*auth_password*]
# (optional) The password to use for authentication (keystone)
# Defaults to false. Set a value unless you are using noauth
# [*auth_type*]
# (optional) What auth system to use
# Defaults to 'keystone'. Can other be 'noauth'
# [*auth_host*]
# (optional) The keystone host
# Defaults to localhost
# [*auth_protocol*]
# (optional) The protocol used to access the auth host
# Defaults to http.
# [*auth_port*]
# (optional) The keystone auth port
# Defaults to 35357
# [*auth_admin_prefix*]
# (optional) The admin_prefix used to admin endpoint of the auth host
# This allow admin auth URIs like http://auth_host:35357/keystone.
# (where '/keystone' is the admin prefix)
# Defaults to false for empty. If defined, should be a string with a leading '/' and no trailing '/'.
# [*auth_tenant*]
# (optional) The tenant of the auth user
# Defaults to services
# [*auth_user*]
# (optional) The name of the auth user
# Defaults to neutron
# [*auth_protocol*]
# (optional) The protocol to connect to keystone
# Defaults to http
# [*auth_uri*]
# (optional) Complete public Identity API endpoint.
# Defaults to: $auth_protocol://$auth_host:5000/
# [*database_connection*]
# (optional) Connection url for the neutron database.
# (Defaults to 'sqlite:////var/lib/neutron/ovs.sqlite')
# [*sql_connection*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_connection instead.
# [*connection*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_connection instead.
# [*database_max_retries*]
# (optional) Maximum database connection retries during startup.
# (Defaults to 10)
# [*sql_max_retries*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_max_retries instead.
# [*max_retries*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_max_retries instead.
# [*database_idle_timeout*]
# (optional) Timeout before idle database connections are reaped.
# Deprecates sql_idle_timeout
# (Defaults to 3600)
# [*sql_idle_timeout*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_idle_timeout instead.
# [*idle_timeout*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_idle_timeout instead.
# [*database_retry_interval*]
# (optional) Interval between retries of opening a database connection.
# (Defaults to 10)
# [*sql_reconnect_interval*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_retry_interval instead.
# [*retry_interval*]
# DEPRECATED: Use database_retry_interval instead.
# [*sync_db*]
# (optional) Run neutron-db-manage on api nodes after installing the package.
# Defaults to true
# [*api_workers*]
# (optional) Number of separate worker processes to spawn.
# The default, 0, runs the worker thread in the current process.
# Greater than 0 launches that number of child processes as workers.
# The parent process manages them.
# Defaults to: 0
# [*agent_down_time*]
# (optional) Seconds to regard the agent as down; should be at least twice
# report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good.
# Defaults to: 9
# [*report_interval*]
# (optional) Seconds between nodes reporting state to server; should be less than
# agent_down_time, best if it is half or less than agent_down_time.
# Defaults to: 4
# [*router_scheduler_driver*]
# (optional) Driver to use for scheduling router to a default L3 agent. Could be:
# neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler to schedule a router in a random way
# neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.LeastRoutersScheduler to allocate on an L3 agent with the least number of routers bound.
# Defaults to: neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler
class neutron::server (
$package_ensure = 'present',
$enabled = true,
$auth_password = false,
$auth_type = 'keystone',
$auth_host = 'localhost',
$auth_port = '35357',
$auth_admin_prefix = false,
$auth_tenant = 'services',
$auth_user = 'neutron',
$auth_protocol = 'http',
$auth_uri = false,
$database_connection = 'sqlite:////var/lib/neutron/ovs.sqlite',
$database_max_retries = 10,
$database_idle_timeout = 3600,
$database_retry_interval = 10,
$sync_db = true,
$api_workers = '0',
$agent_down_time = '9',
$report_interval = '4',
$router_scheduler_driver = 'neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler',
$sql_connection = undef,
$connection = undef,
$sql_max_retries = undef,
$max_retries = undef,
$sql_idle_timeout = undef,
$idle_timeout = undef,
$sql_reconnect_interval = undef,
$retry_interval = undef,
$log_dir = undef,
$log_file = undef,
) {
include neutron::params
require keystone::python
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
Neutron_config<||> ~> Service['neutron-server']
Neutron_api_config<||> ~> Service['neutron-server']
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
if $sql_connection {
warning('The sql_connection parameter is deprecated, use database_connection instead.')
$database_connection_real = $sql_connection
} elsif $connection {
warning('The connection parameter is deprecated, use database_connection instead.')
$database_connection_real = $connection
} else {
$database_connection_real = $database_connection
if $sql_max_retries {
warning('The sql_max_retries parameter is deprecated, use database_max_retries instead.')
$database_max_retries_real = $sql_max_retries
} elsif $connection {
warning('The max_retries parameter is deprecated, use database_max_retries instead.')
$database_max_retries_real = $max_retries
} else {
$database_max_retries_real = $database_max_retries
if $sql_idle_timeout {
warning('The sql_idle_timeout parameter is deprecated, use database_idle_timeout instead.')
$database_idle_timeout_real = $sql_idle_timeout
} elsif $idle_timeout {
warning('The dle_timeout parameter is deprecated, use database_idle_timeout instead.')
$database_idle_timeout_real = $idle_timeout
} else {
$database_idle_timeout_real = $database_idle_timeout
if $sql_reconnect_interval {
warning('The sql_reconnect_interval parameter is deprecated, use database_retry_interval instead.')
$database_retry_interval_real = $sql_reconnect_interval
} elsif $retry_interval {
warning('The retry_interval parameter is deprecated, use database_retry_interval instead.')
$database_retry_interval_real = $retry_interval
} else {
$database_retry_interval_real = $database_retry_interval
if $log_dir {
fail('The log_dir parameter is removed, use log_dir of neutron class instead.')
if $log_file {
fail('The log_file parameter is removed, use log_file of neutron class instead.')
validate_re($database_connection_real, '(sqlite|mysql|postgresql):\/\/(\S+:\S+@\S+\/\S+)?')
case $database_connection_real {
/mysql:\/\/\S+:\S+@\S+\/\S+/: {
require 'mysql::python'
/postgresql:\/\/\S+:\S+@\S+\/\S+/: {
$backend_package = 'python-psycopg2'
/sqlite:\/\//: {
$backend_package = 'python-pysqlite2'
default: {
fail("Invalid database_connection parameter: ${database_connection_real}")
if $sync_db {
if ($::neutron::params::server_package) {
# Debian platforms
Package<| title == 'neutron-server' |> ~> Exec['neutron-db-sync']
} else {
# RH platforms
Package<| title == 'neutron' |> ~> Exec['neutron-db-sync']
exec { 'neutron-db-sync':
command => 'neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head',
path => '/usr/bin',
before => Service['neutron-server'],
require => Neutron_config['database/connection'],
refreshonly => true
neutron_config {
'DEFAULT/api_workers': value => $api_workers;
'DEFAULT/agent_down_time': value => $agent_down_time;
'DEFAULT/report_interval': value => $report_interval;
'DEFAULT/router_scheduler_driver': value => $router_scheduler_driver;
'database/connection': value => $database_connection_real;
'database/idle_timeout': value => $database_idle_timeout_real;
'database/retry_interval': value => $database_retry_interval_real;
'database/max_retries': value => $database_max_retries_real;
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
if $enabled {
$service_ensure = 'running'
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
} else {
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
if ($::neutron::params::server_package) {
Package['neutron-server'] -> Neutron_api_config<||>
Package['neutron-server'] -> Neutron_config<||>
Package['neutron-server'] -> Service['neutron-server']
package { 'neutron-server':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::server_package,
} else {
# Some platforms (RedHat) does not provide a neutron-server package.
# The neutron api config file is provided by the neutron package.
Package['neutron'] -> Neutron_api_config<||>
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
if ($auth_type == 'keystone') {
if ($auth_password == false) {
fail('$auth_password must be set when using keystone authentication.')
} else {
neutron_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_host': value => $auth_host;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_port': value => $auth_port;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol': value => $auth_protocol;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => $auth_tenant;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_user': value => $auth_user;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $auth_password;
neutron_api_config {
'filter:authtoken/auth_host': value => $auth_host;
'filter:authtoken/auth_port': value => $auth_port;
'filter:authtoken/auth_protocol': value => $auth_protocol;
'filter:authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => $auth_tenant;
'filter:authtoken/admin_user': value => $auth_user;
'filter:authtoken/admin_password': value => $auth_password;
if $auth_admin_prefix {
validate_re($auth_admin_prefix, '^(/.+[^/])?$')
neutron_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': value => $auth_admin_prefix;
neutron_api_config {
'filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': value => $auth_admin_prefix;
} else {
neutron_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': ensure => absent;
neutron_api_config {
'filter:authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': ensure => absent;
if $auth_uri {
neutron_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri;
neutron_api_config {
'filter:authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri;
} else {
neutron_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => "${auth_protocol}://${auth_host}:5000/";
neutron_api_config {
'filter:authtoken/auth_uri': value => "${auth_protocol}://${auth_host}:5000/";
service { 'neutron-server':
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::server_service,
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => Class['neutron'],
2012-10-09 10:21:36 +02:00