Sebastien Badia 11e58e03a9 lint: Add and fix missing parameter documentation
This commit just fix missing parameter docs in order to be
able to activate the lint check.

The activation will be made in the next msync commit.

Change-Id: I0ff2c8061adcdba407753b02fe8ac5d6aefcdec9
2015-08-18 13:46:08 +02:00

142 lines
4.6 KiB

# This class installs and configures Plumgrid Neutron Plugin.
# === Parameters
# [*director_server*]
# IP address of the PLUMgrid Director Server
# Defaults to
# [*director_server_port*]
# Port of the PLUMgrid Director Server.
# Defaults to 443
# [*username*]
# PLUMgrid platform username
# [*password*]
# PLUMgrid platform password
# [*servertimeout*]
# Request timeout duration (seconds) to PLUMgrid paltform
# Defaults to 99
# [*connection*]
# Database connection
# Defaults to
# [*admin_password*]
# Keystone admin password
# [*controller_priv_host*]
# Controller private host IP
# Defaults to
# [*auth_protocol*]
# Authorization protocol
# Defaults to http
# [*nova_metadata_ip*]
# Nova metadata IP
# Defaults to
# [*nova_metadata_port*]
# Nova metadata port
# Defaults to 8775
# [*metadata_proxy_shared_secret*]
# Neutron metadata shared secret key
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) Ensure state for package.
# Defaults to 'present'.
class neutron::plugins::plumgrid (
$director_server = '',
$director_server_port = '443',
$username = undef,
$password = undef,
$servertimeout = '99',
$connection = '',
$admin_password = undef,
$controller_priv_host = '',
$auth_protocol = 'http',
$nova_metadata_ip = '',
$nova_metadata_port = '8775',
$metadata_proxy_shared_secret = undef,
$package_ensure = 'present'
) {
include ::neutron::params
Package[neutron-plugin-plumgrid] -> Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||>
Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||> ~> Service['neutron-server']
Package[neutron-plumlib-plumgrid] -> Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||>
Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||> ~> Service['neutron-server']
ensure_resource('file', '/etc/neutron/plugins/plumgrid', {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'neutron',
mode => '0640'}
# Ensure the neutron package is installed before config is set
# under both RHEL and Ubuntu
if ($::neutron::params::server_package) {
Package['neutron-server'] -> Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||>
Package['neutron-server'] -> Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||>
} else {
Package['neutron'] -> Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||>
Package['neutron'] -> Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||>
package { 'neutron-plugin-plumgrid':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::plumgrid_plugin_package
package { 'neutron-plumlib-plumgrid':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::plumgrid_pythonlib_package
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
file_line { '/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG':
path => '/etc/default/neutron-server',
match => '^NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=(.*)$',
line => "NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=${::neutron::params::plumgrid_config_file}",
require => [ Package['neutron-server'], Package['neutron-plugin-plumgrid'] ],
notify => Service['neutron-server'],
if $::osfamily == 'Redhat' {
file { '/etc/neutron/plugin.ini':
ensure => link,
target => $::neutron::params::plumgrid_config_file,
require => Package['neutron-plugin-plumgrid'],
neutron_plugin_plumgrid {
'PLUMgridDirector/director_server': value => $director_server;
'PLUMgridDirector/director_server_port': value => $director_server_port;
'PLUMgridDirector/username': value => $username;
'PLUMgridDirector/password': value => $password, secret =>true;
'PLUMgridDirector/servertimeout': value => $servertimeout;
'database/connection': value => $connection;
neutron_plumlib_plumgrid {
'keystone_authtoken/admin_user' : value => 'admin';
'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $admin_password, secret =>true;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => "${auth_protocol}://${controller_priv_host}:35357/v2.0";
'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => 'admin';
'PLUMgridMetadata/enable_pg_metadata' : value => 'True';
'PLUMgridMetadata/metadata_mode': value => 'local';
'PLUMgridMetadata/nova_metadata_ip': value => $nova_metadata_ip;
'PLUMgridMetadata/nova_metadata_port': value => $nova_metadata_port;
'PLUMgridMetadata/metadata_proxy_shared_secret': value => $metadata_proxy_shared_secret;