danehans 82552e7931 Adds Database Configuration Support for Havana
Previously, database configuration information was stored in the
plugin .ini file.  As of Havana, a [database] section has been
created in neutron.conf to manage the database configuation for
all Neutron plugins:


Additionaly, several database flags have changed from Grizzly to
Havana.  For backwards compatibility, the previously supported
database flags are contained in neutron::server with a default
of false.

Change-Id: I300fc12092bca1abdd105e0c0c272f7fd49258ac
2013-10-31 21:22:26 +00:00

97 lines
3.1 KiB

# Configure the neutron server to use the OVS plugin.
# This configures the plugin for the API server, but does nothing
# about configuring the agents that must also run and share a config
# file with the OVS plugin if both are on the same machine.
# === Parameters
class neutron::plugins::ovs (
$package_ensure = 'present',
$sql_connection = false,
$sql_max_retries = false,
$sql_idle_timeout = false,
$reconnect_interval = false,
$tenant_network_type = 'vlan',
# NB: don't need tunnel ID range when using VLANs,
# *but* you do need the network vlan range regardless of type,
# because the list of networks there is still important
# even if the ranges aren't specified
# if type is vlan or flat, a default of physnet1:1000:2000 is used
# otherwise this will not be set by default.
$network_vlan_ranges = undef,
$tunnel_id_ranges = '1:1000'
) {
include neutron::params
Package['neutron'] -> Package['neutron-plugin-ovs']
Package['neutron-plugin-ovs'] -> Neutron_plugin_ovs<||>
Neutron_plugin_ovs<||> ~> Service<| title == 'neutron-server' |>
Package['neutron-plugin-ovs'] -> Service<| title == 'neutron-server' |>
if ! defined(Package['neutron-plugin-ovs']) {
package { 'neutron-plugin-ovs':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::ovs_server_package,
if $sql_connection {
warning('sql_connection is deprecated for connection in the neutron::server class')
if $sql_max_retries {
warning('sql_max_retries is deprecated for max_retries in the neutron::server class')
if $sql_idle_timeout {
warning('sql_idle_timeout is deprecated for idle_timeout in the neutron::server class')
if $reconnect_interval {
warning('reconnect_interval is deprecated for retry_interval in the neutron::server class')
neutron_plugin_ovs {
'OVS/tenant_network_type': value => $tenant_network_type;
if($tenant_network_type == 'gre') {
neutron_plugin_ovs {
# this is set by the plugin and the agent - since the plugin node has the agent installed
# we rely on it setting it.
# TODO(ijw): do something with a virtualised node
# 'OVS/enable_tunneling': value => 'True';
'OVS/tunnel_id_ranges': value => $tunnel_id_ranges;
# If the user hasn't specified vlan_ranges, fail for the modes where
# it is required, otherwise keep it absent
if ($tenant_network_type == 'vlan') or ($tenant_network_type == 'flat') {
if ! $network_vlan_ranges {
fail('When using the vlan network type, network_vlan_ranges is required')
} else {
if ! $network_vlan_ranges {
neutron_plugin_ovs { 'OVS/network_vlan_ranges': ensure => absent }
# This might be set by the user for the gre case where
# provider networks are in use
if $network_vlan_ranges {
neutron_plugin_ovs {
'OVS/network_vlan_ranges': value => $network_vlan_ranges
if $::osfamily == 'Redhat' {
file {'/etc/neutron/plugin.ini':
ensure => link,
target => '/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini',
require => Package['neutron-plugin-ovs']