salmank 4ff68894b3 Add PLUMgrid plugin support.
Define the resources to configure PLUMgrid plugin with Neutron.

Change-Id: Ifcdc5eb05457f27de947347237dd1f6fd781f46b
2015-04-27 13:49:07 +01:00

109 lines
3.6 KiB

# This class installs and configures Plumgrid Neutron Plugin.
# === Parameters
# [*director_server*]
# IP address of the PLUMgrid Director Server
# Defaults to
# [*director_server_port*]
# Port of the PLUMgrid Director Server.
# Defaults to 443
# [*username*]
# PLUMgrid platform username
# [*password*]
# PLUMgrid platform password
# [*servertimeout*]
# Request timeout duration (seconds) to PLUMgrid paltform
# Defaults to 99
# [*connection*]
# Database connection
# Defaults to
# [*admin_password*]
# Keystone admin password
# [*controller_priv_host*]
# Controller private host IP
# Defaults to
class neutron::plugins::plumgrid (
$director_server = '',
$director_server_port = '443',
$username = undef,
$password = undef,
$servertimeout = '99',
$connection = '',
$admin_password = undef,
$controller_priv_host = '',
$package_ensure = 'present'
) {
include ::neutron::params
Package[neutron-plugin-plumgrid] -> Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||>
Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||> ~> Service['neutron-server']
Package[neutron-plumlib-plumgrid] -> Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||>
Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||> ~> Service['neutron-server']
ensure_resource('file', '/etc/neutron/plugins/plumgrid', {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'neutron',
mode => '0640'}
# Ensure the neutron package is installed before config is set
# under both RHEL and Ubuntu
if ($::neutron::params::server_package) {
Package['neutron-server'] -> Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||>
Package['neutron-server'] -> Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||>
} else {
Package['neutron'] -> Neutron_plugin_plumgrid<||>
Package['neutron'] -> Neutron_plumlib_plumgrid<||>
package { 'neutron-plugin-plumgrid':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::plumgrid_plugin_package
package { 'neutron-plumlib-plumgrid':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::neutron::params::plumgrid_pythonlib_package
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
file_line { '/etc/default/neutron-server:NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG':
path => '/etc/default/neutron-server',
match => '^NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=(.*)$',
line => "NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=${::neutron::params::plumgrid_config_file}",
require => [ Package['neutron-server'], Package['neutron-plugin-plumgrid'] ],
notify => Service['neutron-server'],
if $::osfamily == 'Redhat' {
file { '/etc/neutron/plugin.ini':
ensure => link,
target => $::neutron::params::plumgrid_config_file,
require => Package['neutron-plugin-plumgrid'],
neutron_plugin_plumgrid {
'PLUMgridDirector/director_server': value => $director_server;
'PLUMgridDirector/director_server_port': value => $director_server_port;
'PLUMgridDirector/username': value => $username;
'PLUMgridDirector/password': value => $password, secret =>true;
'PLUMgridDirector/servertimeout': value => $servertimeout;
'database/connection': value => $connection;
neutron_plumlib_plumgrid {
'keystone_authtoken/admin_user' : value => 'admin';
'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $admin_password, secret =>true;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => "http://${controller_priv_host}:35357/v2.0";
'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => 'admin';
'PLUMgridMetadata/enable_pg_metadata' : value => 'True';
'PLUMgridMetadata/metadata_mode': value => 'local';