
300 lines
9.7 KiB

# Configure OVS to use OpenDaylight
# === Parameters
# [*tunnel_ip*]
# (required) The IP of the host to use for tunneling tenant VXLAN/GRE over
# [*odl_username*]
# (optional) The opendaylight controller username
# [*odl_password*]
# (optional) The opendaylight controller password
# [*odl_check_url*]
# (optional) The URL used to check ODL is available and ready
# Defaults to ''
# [*odl_ovsdb_iface*]
# (optional) The ODL southbound interface for OVSDB
# Defaults to 'tcp:'
# [*ovsdb_server_iface*]
# (optional) The interface for OVSDB local server to listen on
# Defaults to 'ptcp:6639:'
# [*provider_mappings*]
# (optional) List of <physical_network>:<nic/bridge>
# Required for VLAN provider networks.
# Required for Flat provider networks when using new NetVirt
# Defaults to empty list
# [*retry_interval*]
# (optional) The time (in seconds) to wait between ODL availability checks
# Defaults to 60
# [*retry_count*]
# (optional) The number of ODL availability checks to run before failing
# Defaults to 20
# [*host_id*]
# (optional) The desired hostname for this node
# Defaults to FQDN hostname of the server
# [*allowed_network_types*]
# (optional) List of network_types to allocate as tenant networks.
# The value 'local' is only useful for single-box testing
# but provides no connectivity between hosts.
# Should be an array that can have these elements:
# local, flat, vlan, gre, vxlan
# Defaults to ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan']
# [*enable_dpdk*]
# (optional) Enables vhostuser VIF host configuration for OVS DPDK.
# Defaults to false.
# [*vhostuser_socket_dir*]
# (optional) Specify the directory to use for vhostuser sockets.
# Defaults to "/var/run/openvswitch"
# [*vhostuser_mode*]
# (optional) Specify the mode for the VIF when creating vhostuser ports.
# Valid values are 'client' or 'server'. In client mode, openvswitch
# will be responsible for creating the vhostuser socket. In server mode,
# the hypervisor will create the vhostuser socket.
# Defaults to "server"
# [*enable_hw_offload*]
# (optional) Configure OVS to use
# Hardware Offload. This feature is
# supported from ovs 2.8.0.
# Defaults to False.
# [*enable_tls*]
# (optional) Configure OVS to use SSL/TLS
# Defaults to False.
# [*tls_key_file*]
# (optional) Private key file path to use for TLS configuration
# Defaults to False. Required if enabling TLS.
# [*tls_cert_file*]
# (optional) Certificate file path to use for TLS configuration
# Defaults to False. Required if enabling TLS.
# [*tls_ca_cert_file*]
# (optional) CA Certificate file path to use for TLS configuration
# Defaults to False.
class neutron::plugins::ovs::opendaylight (
$odl_check_url = '',
$odl_ovsdb_iface = 'tcp:',
$ovsdb_server_iface = 'ptcp:6639:',
$provider_mappings = [],
$retry_interval = 60,
$retry_count = 20,
$host_id = $fqdn,
$allowed_network_types = ['local', 'flat', 'vlan', 'vxlan', 'gre'],
$enable_dpdk = false,
$vhostuser_socket_dir = '/var/run/openvswitch',
$vhostuser_mode = 'server',
$enable_hw_offload = false,
$enable_tls = false,
$tls_key_file = undef,
$tls_cert_file = undef,
$tls_ca_cert_file = undef,
$enable_ipv6 = false,
) {
include ::neutron::deps
# Handle the case where ODL controller is also on this host
Service<| title == 'opendaylight' |> -> Exec <| title == 'Wait for NetVirt OVSDB to come up' |>
if $enable_tls {
if empty($tls_key_file) or empty($tls_cert_file) {
fail('When enabling TLS, tls_key_file and tls_cert_file must be provided')
if ! empty($tls_ca_cert_file) {
vs_ssl { 'system':
ensure => present,
key_file => $tls_key_file,
cert_file => $tls_cert_file,
ca_file => $tls_ca_cert_file,
before => Exec['Set OVS Manager to OpenDaylight']
} else {
vs_ssl { 'system':
ensure => present,
key_file => $tls_key_file,
cert_file => $tls_cert_file,
bootstrap => true,
before => Exec['Set OVS Manager to OpenDaylight']
warning('TLS enabled, overriding all protocols')
$odl_ovsdb_iface_proto = 'ssl'
$ovsdb_server_iface_proto = 'pssl'
$odl_check_url_proto = 'https'
$cert_data = convert_cert_to_string($tls_cert_file)
$rest_data = @("END":json/L)
"aaa-cert-rpc:input": {\
"aaa-cert-rpc:node-alias": "${::hostname}",\
"aaa-cert-rpc:node-cert": "${cert_data}"\
$curl_post = "curl -k -X POST -o /dev/null --fail --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'"
$curl_get = "curl -k -X POST --fail --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'"
$rest_get_data = @("END":json/L)
"aaa-cert-rpc:input": {\
"aaa-cert-rpc:node-alias": "${::hostname}"\
$ovsdb_arr = split($odl_ovsdb_iface, ' ')
$odl_rest_port = regsubst($odl_check_url, '^.*:([0-9]+)/.*$', '\1')
$ovsdb_arr.each |$ovsdb_uri| {
$odl_ip = regsubst($ovsdb_uri, 'ssl:(.+):[0-9]+', '\1')
$odl_url_prefix = "https://${odl_ip}:${odl_rest_port}"
$cert_rest_url = "${odl_url_prefix}/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:setNodeCertifcate"
$cert_rest_get = "${odl_url_prefix}/restconf/operations/aaa-cert-rpc:getNodeCertifcate"
exec { "Add trusted cert: ${tls_cert_file} to ${odl_url_prefix}":
command => "${curl_post} -u ${odl_username}:${odl_password} -d '${rest_data}' ${cert_rest_url}",
tries => 5,
try_sleep => 30,
unless => "${curl_get} -u ${odl_username}:${odl_password} -d '${rest_get_data}' ${cert_rest_get} | grep -q ${cert_data}",
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
before => Exec['Set OVS Manager to OpenDaylight'],
require => Exec['Wait for NetVirt OVSDB to come up']
else {
$odl_ovsdb_iface_proto = 'tcp'
$ovsdb_server_iface_proto = 'ptcp'
$odl_check_url_proto = 'http'
if $enable_ipv6 {
$ovsdb_server_ip = '[::1]'
else {
$ovsdb_server_ip = ''
$odl_ovsdb_iface_parsed = regsubst($odl_ovsdb_iface, 'tcp', $odl_ovsdb_iface_proto, 'G')
$ovsdb_server_iface_parsed = "${ovsdb_server_iface_proto}:6639:${ovsdb_server_ip}"
$odl_check_url_parsed = regsubst($odl_check_url, 'http', $odl_check_url_proto)
exec { 'Wait for NetVirt OVSDB to come up':
command => "curl -g -k -o /dev/null --fail --silent --head -u ${odl_username}:${odl_password} ${odl_check_url_parsed}",
tries => $retry_count,
try_sleep => $retry_interval,
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
# OVS manager
-> exec { 'Set OVS Manager to OpenDaylight':
command => "ovs-vsctl set-manager ${ovsdb_server_iface_parsed} ${odl_ovsdb_iface_parsed}",
unless => "ovs-vsctl show | grep 'Manager \"${ovsdb_server_iface_parsed} ${odl_ovsdb_iface_parsed}\"'",
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
# local ip
vs_config {'other_config:local_ip':
value => $tunnel_ip,
# set mappings for VLAN or Flat provider networks
if $provider_mappings and ! empty($provider_mappings) {
$pr_map_str = join(any2array($provider_mappings), ',')
vs_config {'other_config:provider_mappings':
value => $pr_map_str
# host config for pseudo agent binding type
vs_config {'external_ids:odl_os_hostconfig_hostid':
value => $host_id,
# Set hostname to FQDN instead of default 'localhost'
vs_config {'external_ids:hostname':
value => $host_id,
$json_network_types = convert_to_json_string($allowed_network_types)
$json_bridge_mappings = convert_to_json_string($provider_mappings)
if $enable_hw_offload and $enable_dpdk {
fail('Enabling hardware offload and DPDK is not allowed')
if $enable_dpdk {
$host_config = @("END":json/$L)
"supported_vnic_types": [{\
"vnic_type": "normal",\
"vif_type": "vhostuser",\
"vif_details": {\
"uuid": "${::ovs_uuid}",\
"has_datapath_type_netdev": true,\
"port_prefix": "vhu",\
"vhostuser_socket_dir": "${vhostuser_socket_dir}",\
"vhostuser_ovs_plug": true,\
"vhostuser_mode": "${vhostuser_mode}",\
"vhostuser_socket": "${vhostuser_socket_dir}/vhu\$PORT_ID"\
"allowed_network_types": ${json_network_types},\
"bridge_mappings": ${json_bridge_mappings}\
} elsif $enable_hw_offload {
require ::vswitch::ovs
$host_config = @("END":json/L)
"supported_vnic_types": [{\
"vnic_type": "normal",\
"vif_type": "ovs",\
"vif_details": {}\
"vnic_type": "direct",\
"vif_type": "ovs",\
"vif_details": {}\
"allowed_network_types": ${json_network_types},\
"bridge_mappings": ${json_bridge_mappings}\
} else {
$host_config = @("END":json/L)
"supported_vnic_types": [{\
"vnic_type": "normal",\
"vif_type": "ovs",\
"vif_details": {}\
"allowed_network_types": ${json_network_types},\
"bridge_mappings": ${json_bridge_mappings}\
vs_config {'external_ids:odl_os_hostconfig_config_odl_l2':
value => $host_config