Ensure hardware offload is disabled

This change ensures hardware offload is disabled. Previously when
hw_offload is false, puppet-vswitch didn't manage the configuration,
thus offload was kept enabled if it was enabled in advance.

Change-Id: I654c0f7f5a5efb845484cb610ff07effd4f33aa9
This commit is contained in:
Takashi Kajinami 2021-12-28 13:31:43 +09:00
parent 1fe71cf5e3
commit c801c6e97b
4 changed files with 19 additions and 3 deletions

@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ class vswitch::dpdk (
restart => true,
wait => true,
} else {
vs_config { 'other_config:hw-offload':
ensure => absent,
restart => true,
wait => true,
# lint:endignore

@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ class vswitch::ovs(
restart => true,
wait => true,
} else {
vs_config { 'other_config:hw-offload':
ensure => absent,
restart => true,
wait => true,
# lint:endignore

@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ describe 'vswitch::dpdk' do
is_expected.to contain_vs_config('other_config:dpdk-extra').with(
:value => nil, :wait => false,
is_expected.to_not contain_vs_config('other_config:hw-offload')
is_expected.to contain_vs_config('other_config:hw-offload').with(
:ensure => 'absent', :restart => true, :wait => true,
is_expected.to_not contain_vs_config('other_config:emc-insert-inv-prob')
is_expected.to_not contain_vs_config('other_config:vlan-limit')

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ describe 'vswitch::ovs' do
is_expected.to contain_class('vswitch::params')
it 'configures hw-offload option to false' do
is_expected.to_not contain_vs_config('other_config:hw-offload')
it 'clears hw-offload option' do
is_expected.to contain_vs_config('other_config:hw-offload').with(
:ensure => 'absent', :restart => true, :wait => true,
it 'configures disable_emc option to false' do