
409 lines
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Client Usage
To use barbicanclient, you must first create an instance of the
:class:`barbicanclient.client.Client` class.
The client uses Keystone Sessions for both authentication and for handling HTTP
requests. You can provide authentication credentials to the client by
creating a Keystone Session with the appropriate auth plugin and then passing
that session to the new Client.
See :doc:`authentication` for more details.
.. code-block:: python
from barbicanclient import client
barbican = client.Client(...)
The client object has different attributes that can be used to interact with
the Barbican service. Each attribute represents an entity in the Barbican
service: Secrets, Orders and Containers.
Secrets represent keys, credentials, and other sensitive data that is stored by
the Barbican service. To store or retrieve a secret in the Barbican service
you should use the different methods of the
:class:`barbicanclient.secrets.SecretManager` class that is exposed as the
`secrets` attribute of the Client.
.. code-block:: python
# Store a random text password in Barbican
from barbicanclient import client
import random
import string
def random_password(length):
sys_random = random.SystemRandom()
return ''.join(
sys_random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length)
barbican = client.Client(...)
my_secret = barbican.secrets.create() = 'Random plain text password'
my_secret.payload = random_password(24)
my_secret_ref =
The secret reference returned by
:meth:`` can later be used to
retrieve the secret data from barbican.
.. code-block:: python
# Retrieve Secret from secret reference
retrieved_secret = barbican.secrets.get(my_secret_ref)
my_password = retrieved_secret.payload
Secret Content Types
The Barbican service defines a Secret Content Type. The client will choose the
correct Content Type based on the type of the data that is set on the
`Secret.payload` property. The following table summarizes the mapping of
Python types to Barbican Secret Content Types:
| Python 3 Type | Barbican Content Type |
| bytes | application/octet-stream |
| str | text/plain |
Previous versions of python-barbicanclient allowed the user to set the
`payload_content_type` and `payload_content_encoding` properties for any
secret. This can lead to unexpected behavior such as changing a unicode
string back to a byte string in Python 2, and dropping the base64 encoding
of a binary secret as in Launchpad Bug #1419166.
Because of this, manually setting the `payload_content_type` and the
`payload_content_encoding` has been deprecated.
Orders are used to request secret material to be created by the Barbican
service. Submitting an order will result in a Secret being created on your
behalf. The Secret can then be used like any Secret you may have uploaded
yourself. Orders should be created using the factory methods in the
:class:`barbicanclient.orders.OrderManager` instance in the `orders` attribute
of the `Client`.
.. code-block:: python
# Submit an order to generate a random encryption key
from barbicanclient import client
barbican = client.Client(...)
my_order = barbican.orders.create_key()
my_order.algorithm = 'AES'
my_order.mode = 'CBC'
my_order.bit_length = 256
my_order_ref = my_order.submit()
The order reference returned by :meth:`barbicanclient.orders.Order.submit` can
later be used to retrieve the order from Barbican.
.. code-block:: python
# Retrieve Order from order reference
retrieved_order = barbican.orders.get(my_order_ref)
Once your order has been processed by Barbican, the order status will be set to
`'ACTIVE'`. An active order will contain the reference to the requested
secret (or container).
.. code-block:: python
# Retrieve Encryption Key generated by the above KeyOrder
generated_secret = barbican.secrets.get(retrieved_order.secret_ref)
key = generated_secret.payload
Currently the client can submit :class:`barbicanclient.orders.KeyOrder` orders
for Keys suitable for symmetric encryption, and
:class:`barbicanclient.orders.AsymmetricOrder` for Asymmetric keys such as RSA
Containers can be either arbitrary groupings of `Secrets` or a strict grouping
of Secrets, such as the Public and Private keys of an RSA keypair.
Containers should be managed using the
:class:`barbicanclient.containers.ContainerManager` instance in the
`containers` attribute of the `Client`
.. code-block:: python
# Add the Secrets created above to a container
my_container = barbican.containers.create()
my_container.add('Retrieved Secret', retrieved_secret)
my_container.add('Generated Secret', generated_secret)
my_container_ref =
The container reference returned by
:meth:`` can later be used to
retrieve the container from Barbican.
.. code-block:: python
# Retrieve container from Barbican
retrieved_container = barbican.containers.get(my_container_ref)
Secret Consumers
Secret consumers are represented by three attributes: service, resource type and resource id.
Callers can register secret consumers to indicate that they are using a secret.
For instance, in the example below, the caller creates a secret consumer to indicate that
the created secret is being used to encrypt a specific Glance image.
Secret consumers should be managed using the
:class:`barbicanclient.secrets.SecretManager` instance in the
`secrets` attribute of the `Client` and by the corresponding
`register_consumer`, `remove_consumer` and `list_consumers` methods.
.. code-block:: python
# Creating a secret and adding a consumer to it
secret = barbican.secrets.create(name='image encryption key',
# Listing all the secret's consumers
consumers = barbican.secrets.list_consumers(secret.secret_ref)
for consumer in consumers:
print(f"Service: {consumer['service']}\t"
f"Resource Type: {consumer['resource_type']}\t"
f"Resource id: {consumer['resource_id']}")
# Removing the previously created consumer
Access Control List (ACL) feature in Barbican provides user level access
control for secrets and containers. By default Barbican manages access to its
resources (secrets, containers) on a per project level and authorization is
granted based on the roles a user has in that project.
ACLs should be managed using the :class:`barbicanclient.acls.ACLManager`
instance in the `acls` attribute of the `Client`.
.. code-block:: python
# Submits ACLs on an existing Secret with URI as 'secret_ref'
# create ACL entity object with needed settings
acl_entity = barbican.acls.create(entity_ref=secret_ref, users=[u1, u2],
acl_ref = acl_entity.submit() # submits ACL setting to server at this point.
The secret or container URI can be used to read all of its ACL setting.
Returned value is instance of either :class:`barbicanclient.acls.SecretACL` or
:class:`barbicanclient.acls.ContainerACL`. Refer to respective class for its
available APIs.
.. code-block:: python
# Get ACL entity for a Secret
# Returned entity will be either SecretACL or ContainerACL.
# This entity has ACL settings per operation type (e.g. 'read')
secret_acl = barbican.acls.get(secret_ref)
# To retrieve (load) ACL using existing ACL entity e.g. container_acl
ACLs setting can also be retrieved directly from secret or container entity.
Its data is lazy loaded i.e. related ACL settings are not read till `acls`
attribute is accessed on secret or container entity.
.. code-block:: python
# Get secret entity for a given ref
secret = barbican.secrets.get(secret_ref)
# To get project access flag or users for 'read' operation
project_access_flag =
read_acl_users =
# Get container entity for a given ref
container = barbican.containers.get(container_ref)
# To get project access flag or users for 'read' operation
project_access_flag =
read_acl_users =
If need to add users to existing 'read' ACL settings on a secret or container,
above mentioned get and submit methods can be used.
.. code-block:: python
# Every Barbican secret and container has default ACL setting which
# reflects default project access behavior.
# ACL settings is modified via submit operation on ACL entity.
# provide users to be added as list.
add_users = ['user1', 'user2', 'users3']
# Case 1 - Add users to 'read' operation ACL setting
# --------------------------------------------------
# Get ACL entity from server
acl_entity = barbican.acls.get(entity_ref=secret_ref)
# add new users to existing users for 'read' operation
# OR
# acl_entity.get('read').users.extend(add_users)
acl_ref = acl_entity.submit() # here submits ACL changes to server.
# Case 2 - Add same users to ACL settings for each operation type
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Get ACL entity from server
acl_entity = barbican.acls.get(entity_ref=secret_ref)
# Go through each operation ACL setting and add users to existing list
for op_acl in acl_entity.operation_acls
acl_ref = acl_entity.submit() # here submits ACL changes to server.
If need to remove some users from existing ACL settings on a secret or
container, similar approach can be used as mentioned above for `add` example.
.. code-block:: python
# provide users to be removed as list.
remove_users = ['user1', 'user2', 'users3']
# Case 1 - Remove users from 'read' operation ACL setting
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Get ACL entity from server
acl_entity = barbican.acls.get(entity_ref=container_ref)
existing_users =
# OR
# existing users = acl_entity.get('read').users
# remove matching users from existing users list
updated_users = set(existing_users).difference(remove_users)
# set back updated users to operation specific acl setting = updated_users
# OR
# acl_entity.get('read').users = updated_users
acl_ref = acl_entity.submit() # here submits ACL changes to server.
# Case 2 - Remove same users from ACL settings for each operation type
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get ACL from server
acl_entity = barbican.acls.get(secret_ref)
# Go through each operation ACL setting and remove users from existing list
for op_acl in acl_entity.operation_acls
existing_users = op_acl.users
# remove matching users from existing users list
updated_users = set(existing_users).difference(remove_users)
# set back updated users to operation specific acl setting
op_acl.users = updated_users
acl_ref = acl_entity.submit() # here submits ACL changes to server.
If need to unset or delete ACL settings on a secret or container,
:meth:`barbicanclient.acls.SecretACL.remove` or
:meth:`barbicanclient.acls.ContainerACL.remove` can be used.
.. code-block:: python
# create ACL entity object with secret or container ref
blank_acl_entity = barbican.acls.create(entity_ref=secret_ref)
# removes all ACL settings for the secret on server
# To remove 'read' operation specific ACL setting
acl_entity = barbican.acls.get(entity_ref=secret_ref)
# OR
# acl_entity.get('read').remove()