Konrad Gube dd8ba12681 Add os-extend_volume_completion volume action.
Change-Id: Ifdeab1a8cd634bbe63c25fae17448c0789b297c9
2024-02-27 15:24:16 +00:00

429 lines
16 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
import logging
import re
from oslo_utils import strutils
from cinderclient._i18n import _
from cinderclient import exceptions
from cinderclient import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# key is unsupported version, value is appropriate supported alternative
REPLACEMENT_VERSIONS = {"1": "3", "2": "3"}
MAX_VERSION = "3.71"
_type_error_msg = "'%(other)s' should be an instance of '%(cls)s'"
class APIVersion(object):
"""This class represents an API Version with convenience
methods for manipulation and comparison of version
numbers that we need to do to implement microversions.
def __init__(self, version_str=None):
"""Create an API version object."""
self.ver_major = 0
self.ver_minor = 0
if version_str is not None:
match = re.match(r"^([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*|0|latest)$", version_str)
if match:
self.ver_major = int(match.group(1))
if match.group(2) == "latest":
# NOTE(andreykurilin): Infinity allows to easily determine
# latest version and doesn't require any additional checks
# in comparison methods.
self.ver_minor = float("inf")
self.ver_minor = int(match.group(2))
msg = (_("Invalid format of client version '%s'. "
"Expected format 'X.Y', where X is a major part and Y "
"is a minor part of version.") % version_str)
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg)
def __str__(self):
"""Debug/Logging representation of object."""
if self.is_latest():
return "Latest API Version Major: %s" % self.ver_major
return ("API Version Major: %s, Minor: %s"
% (self.ver_major, self.ver_minor))
def __repr__(self):
if self:
return "<APIVersion: %s>" % self.get_string()
return "<APIVersion: null>"
def __bool__(self):
return self.ver_major != 0 or self.ver_minor != 0
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def is_latest(self):
return self.ver_minor == float("inf")
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, APIVersion):
raise TypeError(_type_error_msg % {"other": other,
"cls": self.__class__})
return ((self.ver_major, self.ver_minor) <
(other.ver_major, other.ver_minor))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, APIVersion):
raise TypeError(_type_error_msg % {"other": other,
"cls": self.__class__})
return ((self.ver_major, self.ver_minor) ==
(other.ver_major, other.ver_minor))
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, APIVersion):
raise TypeError(_type_error_msg % {"other": other,
"cls": self.__class__})
return ((self.ver_major, self.ver_minor) >
(other.ver_major, other.ver_minor))
def __le__(self, other):
return self < other or self == other
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self > other or self == other
def matches(self, min_version, max_version=None):
"""Returns whether the version object represents a version
greater than or equal to the minimum version and less than
or equal to the maximum version.
:param min_version: Minimum acceptable version.
:param max_version: Maximum acceptable version.
:returns: boolean
If min_version is null then there is no minimum limit.
If max_version is null then there is no maximum limit.
If self is null then raise ValueError
if not self:
raise ValueError("Null APIVersion doesn't support 'matches'.")
if isinstance(min_version, str):
min_version = APIVersion(version_str=min_version)
if isinstance(max_version, str):
max_version = APIVersion(version_str=max_version)
# This will work when they are None and when they are version 0.0
if not min_version and not max_version:
return True
if not max_version:
return min_version <= self
if not min_version:
return self <= max_version
return min_version <= self <= max_version
def get_string(self):
"""Converts object to string representation which if used to create
an APIVersion object results in the same version.
if not self:
raise ValueError("Null APIVersion cannot be converted to string.")
elif self.is_latest():
return "%s.%s" % (self.ver_major, "latest")
return "%s.%s" % (self.ver_major, self.ver_minor)
def get_major_version(self):
return "%s" % self.ver_major
class VersionedMethod(object):
def __init__(self, name, start_version, end_version, func):
"""Versioning information for a single method
:param name: Name of the method
:param start_version: Minimum acceptable version
:param end_version: Maximum acceptable_version
:param func: Method to call
Minimum and maximums are inclusive
self.name = name
self.start_version = start_version
self.end_version = end_version
self.func = func
def __str__(self):
return ("Version Method %s: min: %s, max: %s"
% (self.name, self.start_version, self.end_version))
def __repr__(self):
return "<VersionedMethod %s>" % self.name
def get_available_major_versions():
# NOTE: the discovery code previously here assumed that if a v2
# module exists, it must contain a client. This will be False
# during the transition period when the v2 client is removed but
# we are still using other classes in that module. Right now there's
# only one client version available, so we simply hard-code it.
return ['3']
def check_major_version(api_version):
"""Checks major part of ``APIVersion`` obj is supported.
:raises cinderclient.exceptions.UnsupportedVersion: if major part is not
available_versions = get_available_major_versions()
if (api_version and str(api_version.ver_major) not in available_versions):
if len(available_versions) == 1:
msg = ("Invalid client version '%(version)s'. "
"Major part should be '%(major)s'") % {
"version": api_version.get_string(),
"major": available_versions[0]}
msg = ("Invalid client version '%(version)s'. "
"Major part must be one of: '%(major)s'") % {
"version": api_version.get_string(),
"major": ", ".join(available_versions)}
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg)
def get_api_version(version_string):
"""Returns checked APIVersion object"""
version_string = str(version_string)
if version_string in REPLACEMENT_VERSIONS:
LOG.warning("Version %(old)s is not supported, use "
"supported version %(now)s instead.",
{"old": version_string,
"now": REPLACEMENT_VERSIONS[version_string]})
if strutils.is_int_like(version_string):
version_string = "%s.0" % version_string
api_version = APIVersion(version_string)
return api_version
def _get_server_version_range(client):
versions = client.services.server_api_version()
except AttributeError:
# Wrong client was used, translate to something helpful.
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(
_('Invalid client version %s to get server version range. Only '
'the v3 client is supported for this operation.') %
if not versions:
msg = _("Server does not support microversions. You cannot use this "
"version of the cinderclient with the requested server. "
"Try using a cinderclient version less than 8.0.0.")
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg)
for version in versions:
if '3.' in version.version:
return APIVersion(version.min_version), APIVersion(version.version)
# if we're still here, there's nothing we understand in the versions
msg = _("You cannot use this version of the cinderclient with the "
"requested server.")
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg)
def get_highest_version(client):
"""Queries the server version info and returns highest supported
:param client: client object
:returns: APIVersion
server_start_version, server_end_version = _get_server_version_range(
return server_end_version
def discover_version(client, requested_version):
"""Checks ``requested_version`` and returns the most recent version
supported by both the API and the client.
:param client: client object
:param requested_version: requested version represented by APIVersion obj
:returns: APIVersion
server_start_version, server_end_version = _get_server_version_range(
_validate_server_version(server_start_version, server_end_version)
# get the highest version the server can handle relative to the
# requested version
valid_version = _validate_requested_version(
# see if we need to downgrade for the client
client_max = APIVersion(MAX_VERSION)
if client_max < valid_version:
msg = _("Requested version %(requested_version)s is "
"not supported. Downgrading requested version "
"to %(actual_version)s.")
LOG.debug(msg, {
"requested_version": requested_version,
"actual_version": client_max})
valid_version = client_max
return valid_version
def _validate_requested_version(requested_version,
"""Validates the requested version.
Checks 'requested_version' is within the min/max range supported by the
server. If 'requested_version' is not within range then attempts to
downgrade to 'server_end_version'. Otherwise an UnsupportedVersion
exception is thrown.
:param requested_version: requestedversion represented by APIVersion obj
:param server_start_version: APIVersion object representing server min
:param server_end_version: APIVersion object representing server max
valid_version = requested_version
if not requested_version.matches(server_start_version, server_end_version):
if server_end_version <= requested_version:
if (APIVersion(MIN_VERSION) <= server_end_version and
server_end_version <= APIVersion(MAX_VERSION)):
msg = _("Requested version %(requested_version)s is "
"not supported. Downgrading requested version "
"to %(server_end_version)s.")
LOG.debug(msg, {
"requested_version": requested_version,
"server_end_version": server_end_version})
valid_version = server_end_version
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(
_("The specified version isn't supported by server. The valid "
"version range is '%(min)s' to '%(max)s'") % {
"min": server_start_version.get_string(),
"max": server_end_version.get_string()})
return valid_version
def _validate_server_version(server_start_version, server_end_version):
"""Validates the server version.
Checks that the 'server_end_version' is greater than the minimum version
supported by the client. Then checks that the 'server_start_version' is
less than the maximum version supported by the client.
:param server_start_version:
:param server_end_version:
if APIVersion(MIN_VERSION) > server_end_version:
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(
_("Server's version is too old. The client's valid version range "
"is '%(client_min)s' to '%(client_max)s'. The server valid "
"version range is '%(server_min)s' to '%(server_max)s'.") % {
'client_min': MIN_VERSION,
'client_max': MAX_VERSION,
'server_min': server_start_version.get_string(),
'server_max': server_end_version.get_string()})
elif APIVersion(MAX_VERSION) < server_start_version:
raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(
_("Server's version is too new. The client's valid version range "
"is '%(client_min)s' to '%(client_max)s'. The server valid "
"version range is '%(server_min)s' to '%(server_max)s'.") % {
'client_min': MIN_VERSION,
'client_max': MAX_VERSION,
'server_min': server_start_version.get_string(),
'server_max': server_end_version.get_string()})
def update_headers(headers, api_version):
"""Set 'OpenStack-API-Version' header if api_version is not
if api_version and api_version.ver_minor != 0:
headers["OpenStack-API-Version"] = "volume " + api_version.get_string()
def add_substitution(versioned_method):
_SUBSTITUTIONS.setdefault(versioned_method.name, [])
def get_substitutions(func_name, api_version=None):
substitutions = _SUBSTITUTIONS.get(func_name, [])
if api_version:
return [m for m in substitutions
if api_version.matches(m.start_version, m.end_version)]
return substitutions
def wraps(start_version, end_version=None):
start_version = APIVersion(start_version)
if end_version:
end_version = APIVersion(end_version)
end_version = APIVersion("%s.latest" % start_version.ver_major)
def decor(func):
func.versioned = True
name = utils.get_function_name(func)
versioned_method = VersionedMethod(name, start_version,
end_version, func)
def substitution(obj, *args, **kwargs):
methods = get_substitutions(name, obj.api_version)
if not methods:
raise exceptions.VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(
obj.api_version.get_string(), name)
method = max(methods, key=lambda f: f.start_version)
return method.func(obj, *args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(func, 'arguments'):
for cli_args, cli_kwargs in func.arguments:
utils.add_arg(substitution, *cli_args, **cli_kwargs)
return substitution
return decor