Ivan Kolodyazhny 9e19357e4b Fix upload_to_image method
Commit Ie639179c5bbbaca4de62b42b368830afcfd8f7ac introduced 'visibility'
and 'protected' params. These params should be used only with
v3.1 microversion. Also these changes break current v2 users.

This patch fixes these issues.

Closes-Bug: #1584056
Change-Id: I0574631791c475bbefdb6e7d1647a20d0759df64
2016-05-20 22:55:55 +03:00

624 lines
24 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Volume interface (v3 extension)."""
from cinderclient import api_versions
from cinderclient import base
from cinderclient.openstack.common.apiclient import base as common_base
class Volume(base.Resource):
"""A volume is an extra block level storage to the OpenStack instances."""
def __repr__(self):
return "<Volume: %s>" % self.id
def delete(self, cascade=False):
"""Delete this volume."""
return self.manager.delete(self, cascade=cascade)
def update(self, **kwargs):
"""Update the name or description for this volume."""
return self.manager.update(self, **kwargs)
def attach(self, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw', host_name=None):
"""Set attachment metadata.
:param instance_uuid: uuid of the attaching instance.
:param mountpoint: mountpoint on the attaching instance or host.
:param mode: the access mode.
:param host_name: name of the attaching host.
return self.manager.attach(self, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode,
def detach(self):
"""Clear attachment metadata."""
return self.manager.detach(self)
def reserve(self, volume):
"""Reserve this volume."""
return self.manager.reserve(self)
def unreserve(self, volume):
"""Unreserve this volume."""
return self.manager.unreserve(self)
def begin_detaching(self, volume):
"""Begin detaching volume."""
return self.manager.begin_detaching(self)
def roll_detaching(self, volume):
"""Roll detaching volume."""
return self.manager.roll_detaching(self)
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Initialize a volume connection.
:param connector: connector dict from nova.
return self.manager.initialize_connection(self, connector)
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Terminate a volume connection.
:param connector: connector dict from nova.
return self.manager.terminate_connection(self, connector)
def set_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
"""Set or Append metadata to a volume.
:param volume : The :class: `Volume` to set metadata on
:param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to set
return self.manager.set_metadata(self, metadata)
def set_image_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
"""Set a volume's image metadata.
:param volume : The :class: `Volume` to set metadata on
:param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to set
return self.manager.set_image_metadata(self, volume, metadata)
def delete_image_metadata(self, volume, keys):
"""Delete specified keys from volume's image metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
:param keys: A list of keys to be removed.
return self.manager.delete_image_metadata(self, volume, keys)
def show_image_metadata(self, volume):
"""Show a volume's image metadata.
:param volume : The :class: `Volume` where the image metadata
return self.manager.show_image_metadata(self)
def upload_to_image(self, force, image_name, container_format,
disk_format, visibility, protected):
"""Upload a volume to image service as an image."""
return self.manager.upload_to_image(self, force, image_name,
container_format, disk_format,
visibility, protected)
def force_delete(self):
"""Delete the specified volume ignoring its current state.
:param volume: The UUID of the volume to force-delete.
return self.manager.force_delete(self)
def reset_state(self, state, attach_status=None, migration_status=None):
"""Update the volume with the provided state.
:param state: The state of the volume to set.
:param attach_status: The attach_status of the volume to be set,
or None to keep the current status.
:param migration_status: The migration_status of the volume to be set,
or None to keep the current status.
return self.manager.reset_state(self, state, attach_status,
def extend(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend the size of the specified volume.
:param volume: The UUID of the volume to extend
:param new_size: The desired size to extend volume to.
return self.manager.extend(self, new_size)
def migrate_volume(self, host, force_host_copy, lock_volume):
"""Migrate the volume to a new host."""
return self.manager.migrate_volume(self, host, force_host_copy,
def retype(self, volume_type, policy):
"""Change a volume's type."""
return self.manager.retype(self, volume_type, policy)
def update_all_metadata(self, metadata):
"""Update all metadata of this volume."""
return self.manager.update_all_metadata(self, metadata)
def update_readonly_flag(self, volume, read_only):
"""Update the read-only access mode flag of the specified volume.
:param volume: The UUID of the volume to update.
:param read_only: The value to indicate whether to update volume to
read-only access mode.
return self.manager.update_readonly_flag(self, read_only)
def manage(self, host, ref, name=None, description=None,
volume_type=None, availability_zone=None, metadata=None,
"""Manage an existing volume."""
return self.manager.manage(host=host, ref=ref, name=name,
metadata=metadata, bootable=bootable)
def unmanage(self, volume):
"""Unmanage a volume."""
return self.manager.unmanage(volume)
def promote(self, volume):
"""Promote secondary to be primary in relationship."""
return self.manager.promote(volume)
def reenable(self, volume):
"""Sync the secondary volume with primary for a relationship."""
return self.manager.reenable(volume)
def get_pools(self, detail):
"""Show pool information for backends."""
return self.manager.get_pools(detail)
class VolumeManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
"""Manage :class:`Volume` resources."""
resource_class = Volume
def create(self, size, consistencygroup_id=None, snapshot_id=None,
source_volid=None, name=None, description=None,
volume_type=None, user_id=None,
project_id=None, availability_zone=None,
metadata=None, imageRef=None, scheduler_hints=None,
source_replica=None, multiattach=False):
"""Create a volume.
:param size: Size of volume in GB
:param consistencygroup_id: ID of the consistencygroup
:param snapshot_id: ID of the snapshot
:param name: Name of the volume
:param description: Description of the volume
:param volume_type: Type of volume
:param user_id: User id derived from context
:param project_id: Project id derived from context
:param availability_zone: Availability Zone to use
:param metadata: Optional metadata to set on volume creation
:param imageRef: reference to an image stored in glance
:param source_volid: ID of source volume to clone from
:param source_replica: ID of source volume to clone replica
:param scheduler_hints: (optional extension) arbitrary key-value pairs
specified by the client to help boot an instance
:param multiattach: Allow the volume to be attached to more than
one instance
:rtype: :class:`Volume`
if metadata is None:
volume_metadata = {}
volume_metadata = metadata
body = {'volume': {'size': size,
'consistencygroup_id': consistencygroup_id,
'snapshot_id': snapshot_id,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'volume_type': volume_type,
'user_id': user_id,
'project_id': project_id,
'availability_zone': availability_zone,
'status': "creating",
'attach_status': "detached",
'metadata': volume_metadata,
'imageRef': imageRef,
'source_volid': source_volid,
'source_replica': source_replica,
'multiattach': multiattach,
if scheduler_hints:
body['OS-SCH-HNT:scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints
return self._create('/volumes', body, 'volume')
def get(self, volume_id):
"""Get a volume.
:param volume_id: The ID of the volume to get.
:rtype: :class:`Volume`
return self._get("/volumes/%s" % volume_id, "volume")
def list(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, sort=None):
"""Lists all volumes.
:param detailed: Whether to return detailed volume info.
:param search_opts: Search options to filter out volumes.
:param marker: Begin returning volumes that appear later in the volume
list than that represented by this volume id.
:param limit: Maximum number of volumes to return.
:param sort_key: Key to be sorted; deprecated in kilo
:param sort_dir: Sort direction, should be 'desc' or 'asc'; deprecated
in kilo
:param sort: Sort information
:rtype: list of :class:`Volume`
resource_type = "volumes"
url = self._build_list_url(resource_type, detailed=detailed,
search_opts=search_opts, marker=marker,
limit=limit, sort_key=sort_key,
sort_dir=sort_dir, sort=sort)
return self._list(url, resource_type, limit=limit)
def delete(self, volume, cascade=False):
"""Delete a volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to delete.
:param cascade: Also delete dependent snapshots.
loc = "/volumes/%s" % base.getid(volume)
if cascade:
loc += '?cascade=True'
return self._delete(loc)
def update(self, volume, **kwargs):
"""Update the name or description for a volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to update.
if not kwargs:
body = {"volume": kwargs}
return self._update("/volumes/%s" % base.getid(volume), body)
def _action(self, action, volume, info=None, **kwargs):
"""Perform a volume "action."
body = {action: info}
self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', body, **kwargs)
url = '/volumes/%s/action' % base.getid(volume)
resp, body = self.api.client.post(url, body=body)
return common_base.TupleWithMeta((resp, body), resp)
def attach(self, volume, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw',
"""Set attachment metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
you would like to attach.
:param instance_uuid: uuid of the attaching instance.
:param mountpoint: mountpoint on the attaching instance or host.
:param mode: the access mode.
:param host_name: name of the attaching host.
body = {'mountpoint': mountpoint, 'mode': mode}
if instance_uuid is not None:
body.update({'instance_uuid': instance_uuid})
if host_name is not None:
body.update({'host_name': host_name})
return self._action('os-attach', volume, body)
def detach(self, volume, attachment_uuid=None):
"""Clear attachment metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
you would like to detach.
:param attachment_uuid: The uuid of the volume attachment.
return self._action('os-detach', volume,
{'attachment_id': attachment_uuid})
def reserve(self, volume):
"""Reserve this volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
you would like to reserve.
return self._action('os-reserve', volume)
def unreserve(self, volume):
"""Unreserve this volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
you would like to unreserve.
return self._action('os-unreserve', volume)
def begin_detaching(self, volume):
"""Begin detaching this volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
you would like to detach.
return self._action('os-begin_detaching', volume)
def roll_detaching(self, volume):
"""Roll detaching this volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
you would like to roll detaching.
return self._action('os-roll_detaching', volume)
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Initialize a volume connection.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID).
:param connector: connector dict from nova.
resp, body = self._action('os-initialize_connection', volume,
{'connector': connector})
return common_base.DictWithMeta(body['connection_info'], resp)
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Terminate a volume connection.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID).
:param connector: connector dict from nova.
return self._action('os-terminate_connection', volume,
{'connector': connector})
def set_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
"""Update/Set a volumes metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
:param metadata: A list of keys to be set.
body = {'metadata': metadata}
return self._create("/volumes/%s/metadata" % base.getid(volume),
body, "metadata")
def delete_metadata(self, volume, keys):
"""Delete specified keys from volumes metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
:param keys: A list of keys to be removed.
response_list = []
for k in keys:
resp, body = self._delete("/volumes/%s/metadata/%s" %
(base.getid(volume), k))
return common_base.ListWithMeta([], response_list)
def set_image_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
"""Set a volume's image metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
:param metadata: keys and the values to be set with.
:type metadata: dict
return self._action("os-set_image_metadata", volume,
{'metadata': metadata})
def delete_image_metadata(self, volume, keys):
"""Delete specified keys from volume's image metadata.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
:param keys: A list of keys to be removed.
response_list = []
for key in keys:
resp, body = self._action("os-unset_image_metadata", volume,
{'key': key})
return common_base.ListWithMeta([], response_list)
def show_image_metadata(self, volume):
"""Show a volume's image metadata.
:param volume : The :class: `Volume` where the image metadata
return self._action("os-show_image_metadata", volume)
def upload_to_image(self, volume, force, image_name, container_format,
"""Upload volume to image service as image.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to upload.
return self._action('os-volume_upload_image',
{'force': force,
'image_name': image_name,
'container_format': container_format,
'disk_format': disk_format})
def upload_to_image(self, volume, force, image_name, container_format,
disk_format, visibility, protected):
"""Upload volume to image service as image.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to upload.
return self._action('os-volume_upload_image',
{'force': force,
'image_name': image_name,
'container_format': container_format,
'disk_format': disk_format,
'visibility': visibility,
'protected': protected})
def force_delete(self, volume):
"""Delete the specified volume ignoring its current state.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to force-delete.
return self._action('os-force_delete', base.getid(volume))
def reset_state(self, volume, state, attach_status=None,
"""Update the provided volume with the provided state.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to set the state.
:param state: The state of the volume to be set.
:param attach_status: The attach_status of the volume to be set,
or None to keep the current status.
:param migration_status: The migration_status of the volume to be set,
or None to keep the current status.
body = {'status': state} if state else {}
if attach_status:
body.update({'attach_status': attach_status})
if migration_status:
body.update({'migration_status': migration_status})
return self._action('os-reset_status', volume, body)
def extend(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend the size of the specified volume.
:param volume: The UUID of the volume to extend.
:param new_size: The requested size to extend volume to.
return self._action('os-extend',
{'new_size': new_size})
def get_encryption_metadata(self, volume_id):
Retrieve the encryption metadata from the desired volume.
:param volume_id: the id of the volume to query
:return: a dictionary of volume encryption metadata
metadata = self._get("/volumes/%s/encryption" % volume_id)
return common_base.DictWithMeta(metadata._info, metadata.request_ids)
def migrate_volume(self, volume, host, force_host_copy, lock_volume):
"""Migrate volume to new host.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to migrate
:param host: The destination host
:param force_host_copy: Skip driver optimizations
:param lock_volume: Lock the volume and guarantee the migration
to finish
return self._action('os-migrate_volume',
{'host': host, 'force_host_copy': force_host_copy,
'lock_volume': lock_volume})
def migrate_volume_completion(self, old_volume, new_volume, error):
"""Complete the migration from the old volume to the temp new one.
:param old_volume: The original :class:`Volume` in the migration
:param new_volume: The new temporary :class:`Volume` in the migration
:param error: Inform of an error to cause migration cleanup
new_volume_id = base.getid(new_volume)
resp, body = self._action('os-migrate_volume_completion', old_volume,
{'new_volume': new_volume_id,
'error': error})
return common_base.DictWithMeta(body, resp)
def update_all_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
"""Update all metadata of a volume.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
:param metadata: A list of keys to be updated.
body = {'metadata': metadata}
return self._update("/volumes/%s/metadata" % base.getid(volume),
def update_readonly_flag(self, volume, flag):
return self._action('os-update_readonly_flag',
{'readonly': flag})
def retype(self, volume, volume_type, policy):
"""Change a volume's type.
:param volume: The :class:`Volume` to retype
:param volume_type: New volume type
:param policy: Policy for migration during the retype
return self._action('os-retype',
{'new_type': volume_type,
'migration_policy': policy})
def set_bootable(self, volume, flag):
return self._action('os-set_bootable',
{'bootable': flag})
def manage(self, host, ref, name=None, description=None,
volume_type=None, availability_zone=None, metadata=None,
"""Manage an existing volume."""
body = {'volume': {'host': host,
'ref': ref,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'volume_type': volume_type,
'availability_zone': availability_zone,
'metadata': metadata,
'bootable': bootable
return self._create('/os-volume-manage', body, 'volume')
def unmanage(self, volume):
"""Unmanage a volume."""
return self._action('os-unmanage', volume, None)
def promote(self, volume):
"""Promote secondary to be primary in relationship."""
return self._action('os-promote-replica', volume, None)
def reenable(self, volume):
"""Sync the secondary volume with primary for a relationship."""
return self._action('os-reenable-replica', volume, None)
def get_pools(self, detail):
"""Show pool information for backends."""
query_string = ""
if detail:
query_string = "?detail=True"
return self._get('/scheduler-stats/get_pools%s' % query_string, None)