Recently the TC has worked on determining the criteria for when an OpenStack project should be retired. When there was not a PTL nominee for the Congress project, that triggered the TC to review the project health per [1], and the TC has determined [2] that development work on the project has ceased. This decision was announced in the openstack-discuss mailing list in April 2020 [3]. This commit retires the repository per the process for governance removal in the Victoria cycle as specified in the Mandatory Repository Retirement resolution [4] and detailed in the infra manual [5]. Should interest in developing Congress as part of OpenStack revive, please revert this commit to have the project rejoin the list of active projects. The community wishes to express our thanks and appreciation to all of those who have contributed to the Congress project over the years. [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/dropping-projects.html [2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/latest.log.html#t2020-04-20T15:36:59 [3] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-April/014292.html [4] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20190711-mandatory-repository-retirement.html [5] https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/infra-manual/latest/drivers.html#retiring-a-project Change-Id: Ib13d3325a5497064d037b007e9823609f836988d
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Welcome to Congress Client
This project is no longer maintained.
The contents of this repository are still available in the Git source code management system. To see the contents of this repository before it reached its end of life, please check out the previous commit with "git checkout HEAD^1".
For any further questions, please email openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org or join #openstack-dev on Freenode.