Ironic *-show does not ensure that uuid are not empty. This patch adds checks to the client to ensure that command line arguments are not empty strings or only whitespace. It will raise a command exception if *-show command line argument is an empty string or only whitespace. Change-Id: Ia34957922006da5ecbbfc7483040d67ac51f0ada Closes-Bug: 1442436
254 lines
8.6 KiB
254 lines
8.6 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import base64
import contextlib
import gzip
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from oslo_utils import importutils
from ironicclient.common.i18n import _
from ironicclient import exc
class HelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
def start_section(self, heading):
# Title-case the headings
heading = '%s%s' % (heading[0].upper(), heading[1:])
super(HelpFormatter, self).start_section(heading)
def define_command(subparsers, command, callback, cmd_mapper):
'''Define a command in the subparsers collection.
:param subparsers: subparsers collection where the command will go
:param command: command name
:param callback: function that will be used to process the command
desc = callback.__doc__ or ''
help = desc.strip().split('\n')[0]
arguments = getattr(callback, 'arguments', [])
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(command, help=help,
subparser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help',
cmd_mapper[command] = subparser
for (args, kwargs) in arguments:
subparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
def define_commands_from_module(subparsers, command_module, cmd_mapper):
"""Add *do_* methods in a module and add as commands into a subparsers."""
for method_name in (a for a in dir(command_module) if a.startswith('do_')):
# Commands should be hypen-separated instead of underscores.
command = method_name[3:].replace('_', '-')
callback = getattr(command_module, method_name)
define_command(subparsers, command, callback, cmd_mapper)
def import_versioned_module(version, submodule=None):
module = 'ironicclient.v%s' % version
if submodule:
module = '.'.join((module, submodule))
return importutils.import_module(module)
def split_and_deserialize(string):
"""Split and try to JSON deserialize a string.
Gets a string with the KEY=VALUE format, split it (using '=' as the
separator) and try to JSON deserialize the VALUE.
:returns: A tuple of (key, value).
key, value = string.split("=", 1)
except ValueError:
raise exc.CommandError(_('Attributes must be a list of '
'PATH=VALUE not "%s"') % string)
value = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
return (key, value)
def args_array_to_dict(kwargs, key_to_convert):
values_to_convert = kwargs.get(key_to_convert)
if values_to_convert:
kwargs[key_to_convert] = dict(split_and_deserialize(v)
for v in values_to_convert)
return kwargs
def args_array_to_patch(op, attributes):
patch = []
for attr in attributes:
# Sanitize
if not attr.startswith('/'):
attr = '/' + attr
if op in ['add', 'replace']:
path, value = split_and_deserialize(attr)
patch.append({'op': op, 'path': path, 'value': value})
elif op == "remove":
# For remove only the key is needed
patch.append({'op': op, 'path': attr})
raise exc.CommandError(_('Unknown PATCH operation: %s') % op)
return patch
def common_params_for_list(args, fields, field_labels):
"""Generate 'params' dict that is common for every 'list' command.
:param args: arguments from command line.
:param fields: possible fields for sorting.
:param field_labels: possible field labels for sorting.
:returns: a dict with params to pass to the client method.
params = {}
if args.marker is not None:
params['marker'] = args.marker
if args.limit is not None:
if args.limit < 0:
raise exc.CommandError(
_('Expected non-negative --limit, got %s') % args.limit)
params['limit'] = args.limit
if args.sort_key is not None:
# Support using both heading and field name for sort_key
fields_map = dict(zip(field_labels, fields))
fields_map.update(zip(fields, fields))
sort_key = fields_map[args.sort_key]
except KeyError:
raise exc.CommandError(
_("%(sort_key)s is an invalid field for sorting, "
"valid values for --sort-key are: %(valid)s") %
{'sort_key': args.sort_key,
'valid': list(fields_map)})
params['sort_key'] = sort_key
if args.sort_dir is not None:
if args.sort_dir not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise exc.CommandError(
_("%s is an invalid value for sort direction, "
"valid values for --sort-dir are: 'asc', 'desc'") %
params['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
params['detail'] = args.detail
return params
def common_filters(marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Generate common filters for any list request.
:param marker: entity ID from which to start returning entities.
:param limit: maximum number of entities to return.
:param sort_key: field to use for sorting.
:param sort_dir: direction of sorting: 'asc' or 'desc'.
:returns: list of string filters.
filters = []
if isinstance(limit, int) and limit > 0:
filters.append('limit=%s' % limit)
if marker is not None:
filters.append('marker=%s' % marker)
if sort_key is not None:
filters.append('sort_key=%s' % sort_key)
if sort_dir is not None:
filters.append('sort_dir=%s' % sort_dir)
return filters
def tempdir(*args, **kwargs):
dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs)
yield dirname
def make_configdrive(path):
"""Make the config drive file.
:param path: The directory containing the config drive files.
:returns: A gzipped and base64 encoded configdrive string.
# Make sure path it's readable
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
raise exc.CommandError(_('The directory "%s" is not readable') % path)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpzipfile:
publisher = 'ironicclient-configdrive 0.1'
p = subprocess.Popen(['genisoimage', '-o', tmpfile.name,
'-ldots', '-allow-lowercase',
'-allow-multidot', '-l',
'-publisher', publisher,
'-quiet', '-J',
'-r', '-V', 'config-2',
except OSError as e:
raise exc.CommandError(
_('Error generating the config drive. Make sure the '
'"genisoimage" tool is installed. Error: %s') % e)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise exc.CommandError(
_('Error generating the config drive.'
'Stdout: "%(stdout)s". Stderr: %(stderr)s') %
{'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr})
# Compress file
g = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=tmpzipfile, mode='wb')
shutil.copyfileobj(tmpfile, g)
return base64.b64encode(tmpzipfile.read())
def check_empty_arg(arg, arg_descriptor):
if not arg.strip():
raise exc.CommandError(_('%(arg)s cannot be empty or only have blank'
' spaces') % {'arg': arg_descriptor})