441 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import six
import six.moves.configparser as config_parser
from tempest.lib.cli import base
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions
import ironicclient.tests.functional.utils as utils
DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test.conf')
class FunctionalTestBase(base.ClientTestBase):
"""Ironic base class, calls to ironicclient."""
def setUp(self):
super(FunctionalTestBase, self).setUp()
self.client = self._get_clients()
# NOTE(kromanenko) set ironic api version for portgroups
self.pg_api_ver = '--ironic-api-version 1.25'
def _get_clients(self):
# NOTE(aarefiev): {toxinidir} is a current working directory, so
# the tox env path is {toxinidir}/.tox
cli_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), '.tox/functional/bin')
config = self._get_config()
if config.get('os_auth_url'):
client = base.CLIClient(cli_dir=cli_dir,
for keystone_object in 'user', 'project':
domain_attr = 'os_%s_domain_id' % keystone_object
if config.get(domain_attr):
setattr(self, domain_attr, config[domain_attr])
self.ironic_url = config['ironic_url']
client = base.CLIClient(cli_dir=cli_dir,
return client
def _get_config(self):
config_file = os.environ.get('IRONICCLIENT_TEST_CONFIG',
# SafeConfigParser was deprecated in Python 3.2
if six.PY3:
config = config_parser.ConfigParser()
config = config_parser.SafeConfigParser()
if not config.read(config_file):
self.skipTest('Skipping, no test config found @ %s' % config_file)
auth_strategy = config.get('functional', 'auth_strategy')
except config_parser.NoOptionError:
auth_strategy = 'keystone'
if auth_strategy not in ['keystone', 'noauth']:
raise self.fail(
'Invalid auth type specified: %s in functional must be '
'one of: [keystone, noauth]' % auth_strategy)
conf_settings = []
keystone_v3_conf_settings = []
if auth_strategy == 'keystone':
conf_settings += ['os_auth_url', 'os_username',
'os_password', 'os_project_name']
keystone_v3_conf_settings += ['os_user_domain_id',
conf_settings += ['ironic_url']
cli_flags = {}
missing = []
for c in conf_settings + keystone_v3_conf_settings:
cli_flags[c] = config.get('functional', c)
except config_parser.NoOptionError:
# NOTE(vdrok): Here we ignore the absence of KS v3 options as
# v2 may be used. Keystone client will do the actual check of
# the parameters' correctness.
if c not in keystone_v3_conf_settings:
if missing:
self.fail('Missing required setting in test.conf (%(conf)s) for '
'auth_strategy=%(auth)s: %(missing)s' %
{'conf': config_file,
'auth': auth_strategy,
'missing': ','.join(missing)})
return cli_flags
def _cmd_no_auth(self, cmd, action, flags='', params=''):
"""Execute given command with noauth attributes.
:param cmd: command to be executed
:type cmd: string
:param action: command on cli to run
:type action: string
:param flags: optional cli flags to use
:type flags: string
:param params: optional positional args to use
:type params: string
flags = ('--os-endpoint %(url)s %(flags)s'
{'url': self.ironic_url,
'flags': flags})
return base.execute(cmd, action, flags, params,
def _ironic(self, action, cmd='ironic', flags='', params='',
"""Execute ironic command for the given action.
:param action: the cli command to run using Ironic
:type action: string
:param cmd: the base of cli command to run
:type action: string
:param flags: any optional cli flags to use
:type flags: string
:param params: any optional positional args to use
:type params: string
:param merge_stderr: whether to merge stderr into the result
:type merge_stderr: bool
if cmd == 'openstack':
config = self._get_config()
id_api_version = config.get('os_identity_api_version')
if id_api_version:
flags += ' --os-identity-api-version {}'.format(id_api_version)
flags += ' --os-endpoint-type publicURL'
if hasattr(self, 'ironic_url'):
if cmd == 'openstack':
flags += ' --os-auth-type none'
return self._cmd_no_auth(cmd, action, flags, params)
for keystone_object in 'user', 'project':
domain_attr = 'os_%s_domain_id' % keystone_object
if hasattr(self, domain_attr):
flags += ' --os-%(ks_obj)s-domain-id %(value)s' % {
'ks_obj': keystone_object,
'value': getattr(self, domain_attr)
return self.client.cmd_with_auth(
cmd, action, flags, params, merge_stderr=merge_stderr)
def ironic(self, action, flags='', params='', parse=True):
"""Return parsed list of dicts with basic item info.
:param action: the cli command to run using Ironic
:type action: string
:param flags: any optional cli flags to use
:type flags: string
:param params: any optional positional args to use
:type params: string
:param parse: return parsed list or raw output
:type parse: bool
output = self._ironic(action=action, flags=flags, params=params)
return self.parser.listing(output) if parse else output
def get_table_headers(self, action, flags='', params=''):
output = self._ironic(action=action, flags=flags, params=params)
table = self.parser.table(output)
return table['headers']
def assertTableHeaders(self, field_names, table_headers):
"""Assert that field_names and table_headers are equal.
:param field_names: field names from the output table of the cmd
:param table_headers: table headers output from cmd
self.assertEqual(sorted(field_names), sorted(table_headers))
def assertNodeStates(self, node_show, node_show_states):
"""Assert that node_show_states output corresponds to node_show output.
:param node_show: output from node-show cmd
:param node_show_states: output from node-show-states cmd
for key in node_show_states.keys():
self.assertEqual(node_show_states[key], node_show[key])
def assertNodeValidate(self, node_validate):
"""Assert that all interfaces present are valid.
:param node_validate: output from node-validate cmd
self.assertNotIn('False', [x['Result'] for x in node_validate])
def delete_node(self, node_id):
"""Delete node method works only with fake driver.
:param node_id: node uuid
:raises: CommandFailed exception when command fails to delete a node
node_list = self.list_nodes()
if utils.get_object(node_list, node_id):
node_show = self.show_node(node_id)
if node_show['provision_state'] not in ('available',
params='{0} deleted'.format(node_id))
if node_show['power_state'] not in ('None', 'off'):
params='{0} off'.format(node_id))
self.ironic('node-delete', params=node_id)
node_list_uuid = self.get_nodes_uuids_from_node_list()
if node_id in node_list_uuid:
self.fail('Ironic node {0} has not been deleted!'
def create_node(self, driver='fake-hardware', params=''):
node = self.ironic('node-create',
params='--driver {0} {1}'.format(driver, params))
if not node:
self.fail('Ironic node has not been created!')
node = utils.get_dict_from_output(node)
self.addCleanup(self.delete_node, node['uuid'])
return node
def show_node(self, node_id, params=''):
node_show = self.ironic('node-show',
params='{0} {1}'.format(node_id, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(node_show)
def list_nodes(self, params=''):
return self.ironic('node-list', params=params)
def update_node(self, node_id, params):
updated_node = self.ironic('node-update',
params='{0} {1}'.format(node_id, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(updated_node)
def get_nodes_uuids_from_node_list(self):
node_list = self.list_nodes()
return [x['UUID'] for x in node_list]
def show_node_states(self, node_id):
show_node_states = self.ironic('node-show-states', params=node_id)
return utils.get_dict_from_output(show_node_states)
def set_node_maintenance(self, node_id, maintenance_mode, params=''):
params='{0} {1} {2}'.format(node_id, maintenance_mode, params))
def set_node_power_state(self, node_id, power_state, params=''):
params='{0} {1} {2}'
.format(node_id, power_state, params))
def set_node_provision_state(self, node_id, provision_state, params=''):
params='{0} {1} {2}'
.format(node_id, provision_state, params))
def validate_node(self, node_id):
return self.ironic('node-validate', params=node_id)
def list_node_chassis(self, chassis_uuid, params=''):
return self.ironic('chassis-node-list',
params='{0} {1}'.format(chassis_uuid, params))
def get_nodes_uuids_from_chassis_node_list(self, chassis_uuid):
chassis_node_list = self.list_node_chassis(chassis_uuid)
return [x['UUID'] for x in chassis_node_list]
def list_driver(self, params=''):
return self.ironic('driver-list', params=params)
def show_driver(self, driver_name):
driver_show = self.ironic('driver-show', params=driver_name)
return utils.get_dict_from_output(driver_show)
def properties_driver(self, driver_name):
return self.ironic('driver-properties', params=driver_name)
def get_drivers_names(self):
driver_list = self.list_driver()
return [x['Supported driver(s)'] for x in driver_list]
def delete_chassis(self, chassis_id, ignore_exceptions=False):
self.ironic('chassis-delete', params=chassis_id)
except exceptions.CommandFailed:
if not ignore_exceptions:
def get_chassis_uuids_from_chassis_list(self):
chassis_list = self.list_chassis()
return [x['UUID'] for x in chassis_list]
def create_chassis(self, params=''):
chassis = self.ironic('chassis-create', params=params)
if not chassis:
self.fail('Ironic chassis has not been created!')
chassis = utils.get_dict_from_output(chassis)
return chassis
def list_chassis(self, params=''):
return self.ironic('chassis-list', params=params)
def show_chassis(self, chassis_id, params=''):
chassis_show = self.ironic('chassis-show',
params='{0} {1}'.format(chassis_id, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(chassis_show)
def update_chassis(self, chassis_id, operation, params=''):
updated_chassis = self.ironic(
params='{0} {1} {2}'.format(chassis_id, operation, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(updated_chassis)
def delete_port(self, port_id, ignore_exceptions=False):
self.ironic('port-delete', params=port_id)
except exceptions.CommandFailed:
if not ignore_exceptions:
def create_port(self,
if mac_address is None:
mac_address = data_utils.rand_mac_address()
port = self.ironic('port-create',
params='--address {0} --node {1} {2}'
.format(mac_address, node_id, params))
if not port:
self.fail('Ironic port has not been created!')
return utils.get_dict_from_output(port)
def list_ports(self, params=''):
return self.ironic('port-list', params=params)
def show_port(self, port_id, params=''):
port_show = self.ironic('port-show', params='{0} {1}'
.format(port_id, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(port_show)
def get_uuids_from_port_list(self):
port_list = self.list_ports()
return [x['UUID'] for x in port_list]
def update_port(self, port_id, operation, flags='', params=''):
updated_port = self.ironic('port-update',
params='{0} {1} {2}'
.format(port_id, operation, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(updated_port)
def create_portgroup(self, node_id, params=''):
"""Create a new portgroup."""
portgroup = self.ironic('portgroup-create',
params='--node {0} {1}'
.format(node_id, params))
if not portgroup:
self.fail('Ironic portgroup failed to create!')
portgroup = utils.get_dict_from_output(portgroup)
self.addCleanup(self.delete_portgroup, portgroup['uuid'],
return portgroup
def delete_portgroup(self, portgroup_id, ignore_exceptions=False):
"""Delete a port group."""
except exceptions.CommandFailed:
if not ignore_exceptions:
def list_portgroups(self, params=''):
"""List the port groups."""
return self.ironic('portgroup-list',
def show_portgroup(self, portgroup_id, params=''):
"""Show detailed information about a port group."""
portgroup_show = self.ironic('portgroup-show',
params='{0} {1}'
.format(portgroup_id, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(portgroup_show)
def update_portgroup(self, portgroup_id, op, params=''):
"""Update information about a port group."""
updated_portgroup = self.ironic('portgroup-update',
params='{0} {1} {2}'
.format(portgroup_id, op, params))
return utils.get_dict_from_output(updated_portgroup)
def get_portgroup_uuids_from_portgroup_list(self):
"""Get UUIDs from list of port groups."""
portgroup_list = self.list_portgroups()
return [x['UUID'] for x in portgroup_list]
def portgroup_port_list(self, portgroup_id, params=''):
"""List the ports associated with a port group."""
return self.ironic('portgroup-port-list', flags=self.pg_api_ver,
params='{0} {1}'.format(portgroup_id, params))