Adds support for a node's ``deploy_step`` (read-only) field. The deploy step indicates which step is being performed during the deployment/provisioning of a node. It is available starting with Bare Metal API version 1.44. Depends-On: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579968/ Change-Id: I93ac628bca0822a9a359926389543f7db7fb3e56 Story: #1753128 Task: #22925
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# Copyright (c) 2017 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
from tempest.lib import exceptions
from ironicclient.tests.functional.osc.v1 import base
class TestNodeListFields(base.TestCase):
"""Functional tests for "baremetal node list" with --fields."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestNodeListFields, self).setUp()
self.node = self.node_create()
def _get_table_headers(self, raw_output):
table = self.parser.table(raw_output)
return table['headers']
def test_list_default_fields(self):
"""Test presence of default list table headers."""
headers = ['UUID', 'Name', 'Instance UUID',
'Power State', 'Provisioning State', 'Maintenance']
nodes_list = self.openstack('baremetal node list')
nodes_list_headers = self._get_table_headers(nodes_list)
self.assertEqual(set(headers), set(nodes_list_headers))
def test_list_minimal_fields(self):
headers = ['Instance UUID', 'Name', 'UUID']
fields = ['instance_uuid', 'name', 'uuid']
node_list = self.openstack(
'baremetal node list --fields {}'
.format(' '.join(fields)))
nodes_list_headers = self._get_table_headers(node_list)
self.assertEqual(headers, nodes_list_headers)
def test_list_no_fields(self):
command = 'baremetal node list --fields'
ex_text = 'expected at least one argument'
six.assertRaisesRegex(self, exceptions.CommandFailed, ex_text,
self.openstack, command)
def test_list_wrong_field(self):
command = 'baremetal node list --fields ABC'
ex_text = 'invalid choice'
six.assertRaisesRegex(self, exceptions.CommandFailed, ex_text,
self.openstack, command)
class TestNodeShowFields(base.TestCase):
"""Functional tests for "baremetal node show" with --fields."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestNodeShowFields, self).setUp()
self.node = self.node_create()
self.api_version = '--os-baremetal-api-version 1.20'
def _get_table_rows(self, raw_output):
table = self.parser.table(raw_output)
rows = []
for row in table['values']:
return rows
def test_show_default_fields(self):
rows = ['console_enabled',
node_show = self.openstack('baremetal node show {}'
nodes_show_rows = self._get_table_rows(node_show)
def test_show_minimal_fields(self):
rows = [
node_show = self.openstack(
'baremetal node show {} --fields {} {}'
.format(self.node['uuid'], ' '.join(rows), self.api_version))
nodes_show_rows = self._get_table_rows(node_show)
self.assertEqual(set(rows), set(nodes_show_rows))
def test_show_no_fields(self):
command = 'baremetal node show {} --fields {}'.format(
self.node['uuid'], self.api_version)
ex_text = 'expected at least one argument'
six.assertRaisesRegex(self, exceptions.CommandFailed, ex_text,
self.openstack, command)
def test_show_wrong_field(self):
command = 'baremetal node show {} --fields ABC {}'.format(
self.node['uuid'], self.api_version)
ex_text = 'invalid choice'
six.assertRaisesRegex(self, exceptions.CommandFailed, ex_text,
self.openstack, command)