Armando Migliaccio a686743940 Clarify how to do client-side development for repos in neutron governance
Change-Id: I90085b47b2e960fbd75e936fb3ee5c0553b0a8e2
2016-12-06 01:39:14 +00:00

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Transition to OpenStack Client

This document details the transition roadmap for moving the neutron client's OpenStack Networking API support, both the Python library and the neutron command-line interface (CLI), to the OpenStack Client (OSC) and the OpenStack Python SDK. This transition is being guided by the Deprecate individual CLIs in favour of OSC OpenStack spec. See the Neutron RFE, OSC neutron support etherpad and details below for the overall progress of this transition.


This transition will result in the neutron client's neutron CLI being deprecated and then eventually removed. The neutron CLI will be replaced by OSC's networking support available via the openstack CLI. This is similar to the deprecation and removal process for the keystone client's keystone CLI. The neutron client's Python library won't be deprecated. It will be available along side the networking support provided by the OpenStack Python SDK.

Users of the neutron client's command extensions will need to transition to the OSC plugin system before the neutron CLI is removed. Such users will maintain their OSC plugin commands within their own project and will be responsible for deprecating and removing their neutron CLI extension.

Transition Steps

  1. Done: OSC adds OpenStack Python SDK as a dependency. See the following patch set:
  2. Done: OSC switches its networking support for the network command object to use the OpenStack Python SDK instead of the neutron client's Python library. See the following patch set:
  3. Done: OSC removes its python-neutronclient dependency. See the following patch set:
  4. In Progress: OpenStack Python SDK releases version 1.0 to guarantee backwards compatibility of its networking support and OSC updates its dependencies to include OpenStack Python SDK version 1.0 or later. See the following blueprint:
  5. Done: OSC switches its networking support for the ip floating, ip floating pool, ip fixed, security group, and security group rule command objects to use the OpenStack Python SDK instead of the nova client's Python library when neutron is enabled. When nova network is enabled, then the nova client's Python library will continue to be used. See the following OSC bugs:
  6. In Progress: OSC continues enhancing its networking support. At this point and when applicable, enhancements to the neutron CLI must also be made to the openstack CLI and possibly the OpenStack Python SDK. Users of the neutron client's command extensions should start their transition to the OSC plugin system. See the developer guide section below for more information on this step.
  7. In Progress: Deprecate the neutron CLI. Running the CLI after it has been deprecated will issue a warning message: neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead. In addition, no new features will be added to the CLI, though fixes to the CLI will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  8. Not Started: Remove the neutron CLI after two deprecation cycles once the criteria below have been met.
    • The networking support provide by the openstack CLI is functionally equivalent to the neutron CLI and it contains sufficient functional and unit test coverage.
    • Neutron Stadium projects, Neutron documentation and DevStack use openstack CLI instead of neutron CLI.
    • Most users of the neutron client's command extensions have transitioned to the OSC plugin system and use the openstack CLI instead of the neutron CLI.

Developer Guide

The neutron CLI version 6.x, without extensions, supports over 200 commands while the openstack CLI version 3.3.0 supports over 70 networking commands. Of the 70 commands, some do not have all of the options or arguments of their neutron CLI equivalent. With this large functional gap, a few critical questions for developers during this transition are "Which CLI do I change?", "Where does my CLI belong?", and "Which Python library do I change?" The answer depends on the state of a command and the state of the overall transition. Details are outlined in the tables below. Early stages of the transition will require dual maintenance.

Which CLI do I change?

neutron Command openstack Command CLI to Change
Exists Doesn't Exist neutron
Exists In Progress neutron and openstack (update related blueprint or bug)
Exists Exists openstack (assumes command parity resulting in neutron being deprecated)
Doesn't Exist Doesn't Exist openstack

Where does my CLI belong?

If you are developing an API in any of the neutron repos the client-side support must be generally located in either the openstackclient or neutronclient repos. Whether the actual code goes into one or the other repo it depends on the nature of the feature, its maturity level, and/or the depth of feedback required during the development.

The table below provides an idea of what goes where. Generally speaking, we consider Core anything that is L2 and L3 related or that it has been located in the neutron repo for quite sometime, e.g. QoS or Metering, or that it is available in each neutron deployment irrespective of its configuration (e.g. auto-allocated-topology). Any client feature that falls into this categorization will need to be contributed in OSC. Any other that does not, will need to go into neutronclient, assuming that its server-side is located in a neutron controlled repo. This is a general guideline, when in doubt, please reach out to a member of the neutron core team for clarifications.

Networking Commands OSC Plugin OpenStack Project for openstack Commands
Core No python-openstackclient
Extension (i.e. neutron stadium) Yes python-neutronclient (neutronclient/osc/v2/<extension>)
Other Yes Applicable project owning networking resource

When a repo stops being under neutron governance, its client-side counterpart will have to go through deprecation. Bear in mind that for grandfathered extensions like FWaaS v1, VPNaaS, and LBaaS v1, this is not required as the neutronclient is already deprecated on its own.

Which Python library do I change?

OpenStack Project for openstack Commands Python Library to Change
python-openstackclient python-openstacksdk
python-neutronclient python-neutronclient
Other Applicable project owning network resource

Important: The actual name of the command object and/or action in OSC may differ from those used by neutron in order to follow the OSC command structure and to avoid name conflicts. The network prefix must be used to avoid name conflicts if the command object name is highly likely to have an ambiguous meaning. Developers should get new command objects and actions approved by the OSC team before proceeding with the implementation.

The "Core" group includes network resources that provide core neutron project features (e.g. network, subnet, port, etc.) and not advanced features in the neutron project (e.g. trunk, etc.) or advanced services in separate projects (FWaaS, LBaaS, VPNaaS, dynamic routing, etc.). The "Other" group applies projects other than the core neutron project. Contact the neutron PTL or core team with questions on network resource classification.

When adding or updating an openstack networking command to python-openstackclient, changes may first be required to the OpenStack Python SDK to support the underlying networking resource object, properties and/or actions. Once the OpenStack Python SDK changes are merged, the related OSC changes can be merged. The OSC changes may require an update to the OSC openstacksdk version in the requirements.txt file.

When adding an openstack networking command to python-openstackclient, you can optionally propose an OSC command spec which documents the new command interface before proceeding with the implementation.

Users of the neutron client's command extensions must adopt the OSC plugin system for this transition. Such users will maintain their OSC plugin within their own project and should follow the guidance in the table above to determine which command to change.

Developer References