JUN JIE NAN 3582d6f1be Generate interfaces reference doc
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these boilerplates.

Change-Id: I6683c41d39685dcb7f7a619a36210a987c9e9825
2014-01-03 13:51:08 +08:00

1.3 KiB

Python bindings to the OpenStack Nova API

This is a client for OpenStack Nova API. There's a Python API <api> (the novaclient module), and a command-line script <shell> (installed as nova). Each implements the entire OpenStack Nova API.

You'll need credentials for an OpenStack cloud that implements the Compute API, such as TryStack, HP, or Rackspace, in order to use the nova client.

You may want to read the OpenStack Compute Developer Guide__ -- the overview, at least -- to get an idea of the concepts. By understanding the concepts this library should make more sense.

__ http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-compute/2/content/


shell api ref/index ref/v1_1/index releases


Code is hosted at git.openstack.org. Submit bugs to the Nova project on Launchpad. Submit code to the openstack/python-novaclient project using Gerrit.

Run tests with python setup.py test.

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search