Vishvananda Ishaya 5c5b098f7c Add start and stop to server actions
Change-Id: I7fc52a87519813e38090f05dd9646b800c5c1813
2012-06-01 17:08:35 +00:00

255 lines
11 KiB

Python bindings to the OpenStack Nova API
This is a client for the OpenStack Nova API. There's a Python API (the
``novaclient`` module), and a command-line script (``nova``). Each
implements 100% of the OpenStack Nova API.
[PENDING] `Full documentation is available`__.
You'll also probably want to read `OpenStack Compute Developer Guide API`__ --
the first bit, at least -- to get an idea of the concepts. Rackspace is doing
the cloud hosting thing a bit differently from Amazon, and if you get the
concepts this library should make more sense.
The project is hosted on `Launchpad`_, where bugs can be filed. The code is
hosted on `Github`_. Patches must be submitted using `Gerrit`_, *not* Github
pull requests.
.. _Github:
.. _Launchpad:
.. _Gerrit:
This code a fork of `Jacobian's python-cloudservers`__ If you need API support
for the Rackspace API solely or the BSD license, you should use that repository.
python-client is licensed under the Apache License like the rest of OpenStack.
.. contents:: Contents:
Command-line API
Installing this package gets you a shell command, ``nova``, that you
can use to interact with any Rackspace compatible API (including OpenStack).
You'll need to provide your OpenStack username and password. You can do this
with the ``--os_username``, ``--os_password`` and ``--os_tenant_name``
params, but it's easier to just set them as environment variables::
export OS_USERNAME=openstack
export OS_PASSWORD=yadayada
export OS_TENANT_NAME=myproject
You will also need to define the authentication url with ``--os_auth_url``
and the version of the API with ``--version``. Or set them as an environment
variables as well::
export OS_AUTH_URL=
If you are using Keystone, you need to set the NOVA_URL to the keystone
export OS_AUTH_URL=
Since Keystone can return multiple regions in the Service Catalog, you
can specify the one you want with ``--os_region_name`` (or
``export OS_REGION_NAME``). It defaults to the first in the list returned.
You'll find complete documentation on the shell by running
``nova help``::
usage: nova [--debug] [--os_username OS_USERNAME] [--os_password OS_PASSWORD]
[--os_tenant_name OS_TENANT_NAME] [--os_auth_url OS_AUTH_URL]
[--os_region_name OS_REGION_NAME] [--service_type SERVICE_TYPE]
[--service_name SERVICE_NAME] [--endpoint_type ENDPOINT_TYPE]
[--version VERSION] [--username USERNAME]
[--region_name REGION_NAME] [--apikey APIKEY]
[--projectid PROJECTID] [--url URL]
<subcommand> ...
Command-line interface to the OpenStack Nova API.
Positional arguments:
absolute-limits Print a list of absolute limits for a user
actions Retrieve server actions.
add-fixed-ip Add new IP address to network.
add-floating-ip Add a floating IP address to a server.
aggregate-add-host Add the host to the specified aggregate.
aggregate-create Create a new aggregate with the specified details.
aggregate-delete Delete the aggregate by its id.
aggregate-details Show details of the specified aggregate.
aggregate-list Print a list of all aggregates.
Remove the specified host from the specfied aggregate.
Update the metadata associated with the aggregate.
aggregate-update Update the aggregate's name and optionally
availability zone.
boot Boot a new server.
console-log Get console log output of a server.
credentials Show user credentials returned from auth
delete Immediately shut down and delete a server.
describe-resource Show details about a resource
diagnostics Retrieve server diagnostics.
dns-create Create a DNS entry for domain, name and ip.
Create the specified DNS domain.
Create the specified DNS domain.
dns-delete Delete the specified DNS entry.
dns-delete-domain Delete the specified DNS domain.
dns-domains Print a list of available dns domains.
dns-list List current DNS entries for domain and ip or domain
and name.
endpoints Discover endpoints that get returned from the
authenticate services
flavor-create Create a new flavor
flavor-delete Delete a specific flavor
flavor-list Print a list of available 'flavors' (sizes of
floating-ip-create Allocate a floating IP for the current tenant.
floating-ip-delete De-allocate a floating IP.
floating-ip-list List floating ips for this tenant.
List all floating ip pools.
get-vnc-console Get a vnc console to a server.
host-action Perform a power action on a host.
host-update Update host settings.
image-create Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a running
image-delete Delete an image.
image-list Print a list of available images to boot from.
image-meta Set or Delete metadata on an image.
image-show Show details about the given image.
keypair-add Create a new key pair for use with instances
keypair-delete Delete keypair by its id
keypair-list Print a list of keypairs for a user
list List active servers.
live-migration Migrates a running instance to a new machine.
lock Lock a server.
meta Set or Delete metadata on a server.
migrate Migrate a server.
pause Pause a server.
rate-limits Print a list of rate limits for a user
reboot Reboot a server.
rebuild Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
remove-fixed-ip Remove an IP address from a server.
remove-floating-ip Remove a floating IP address from a server.
rename Rename a server.
rescue Rescue a server.
resize Resize a server.
resize-confirm Confirm a previous resize.
resize-revert Revert a previous resize (and return to the previous
resume Resume a server.
root-password Change the root password for a server.
Add a source group rule to a security group.
secgroup-add-rule Add a rule to a security group.
secgroup-create Create a security group.
secgroup-delete Delete a security group.
Delete a source group rule from a security group.
Delete a rule from a security group.
secgroup-list List security groups for the curent tenant.
List rules for a security group.
show Show details about the given server.
ssh SSH into a server.
start Start a server.
stop Stop a server.
suspend Suspend a server.
unlock Unlock a server.
unpause Unpause a server.
unrescue Unrescue a server.
usage-list List usage data for all tenants
volume-attach Attach a volume to a server.
volume-create Add a new volume.
volume-delete Remove a volume.
volume-detach Detach a volume from a server.
volume-list List all the volumes.
volume-show Show details about a volume.
Add a new snapshot.
Remove a snapshot.
List all the snapshots.
Show details about a snapshot.
volume-type-create Create a new volume type.
volume-type-delete Delete a specific flavor
volume-type-list Print a list of available 'volume types'.
x509-create-cert Create x509 cert for a user in tenant
x509-get-root-cert Fetches the x509 root cert.
bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options to stdout so
that the
help Display help about this program or one of its
Optional arguments:
--debug Print debugging output
--os_username OS_USERNAME
Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
--os_password OS_PASSWORD
Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
--os_tenant_name OS_TENANT_NAME
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
--os_auth_url OS_AUTH_URL
Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].
--os_region_name OS_REGION_NAME
Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME].
--service_type SERVICE_TYPE
Defaults to compute for most actions
--service_name SERVICE_NAME
Defaults to env[NOVA_SERVICE_NAME]
--endpoint_type ENDPOINT_TYPE
Defaults to env[NOVA_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.
--os_compute_api_version VERSION
Accepts 1.1, defaults to env[OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION].
--username USERNAME Deprecated
--region_name REGION_NAME
--apikey APIKEY, --password APIKEY
--projectid PROJECTID, --tenant_name PROJECTID
--url URL, --auth_url URL
See "nova help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.
Python API
[PENDING] There's also a `complete Python API`__.
Quick-start using keystone::
# use v2.0 auth with")
>>> from novaclient.v1_1 import client
>>> nt = client.Client(USER, PASS, TENANT, AUTH_URL, service_type="compute")
>>> nt.flavors.list()
>>> nt.servers.list()
>>> nt.keypairs.list()
What's new?
[PENDING] See `the release notes <>`_.