This changes every command-line option with a '_' in its name and changes them to '-'. The old option names are maintained for backward compatibility but are no longer in the help text. BP command-options Note: there is a dodgy hack in novaclient/shell.py to handle usage-list's --end option that conflicts with --endpoint-type if --endpoint_type is also present for backward compatibility. If --endpoint_type is not added to the parser it works. Go figure. Better solutions that do not break backward compatibility are welcome. Rebased due to https://review.openstack.org/11072 merging. Note: --availability_zone changed to --availability-zone with no backward compatability since this s a new option. Change-Id: I09ab546659be0a0d3f0eadb22ab5e13fac2f059d
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The nova
shell utility
The nova
utility interacts with OpenStack Nova API from the command line. It
supports the entirety of the OpenStack Nova API.
First, you'll need an OpenStack Nova account and an API key. You get this by using the nova-manage command in OpenStack Nova.
You'll need to provide nova
with your OpenStack username and API key. You
can do this with the --os-username
, --os-password
and --os-tenant-id
options, but it's easier to just set
them as environment variables by setting two environment variables:
Your OpenStack Nova username.
Your password.
Project for work.
The OpenStack API server URL.
The OpenStack API version.
For example, in Bash you'd use:
export OS_USERNAME=yourname
export OS_PASSWORD=yadayadayada
export OS_TENANT_NAME=myproject
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://...
From there, all shell commands take the form:
nova <command> [arguments...]
Run nova help
get a full list of all possible commands, and run nova help <command>
to get detailed help for that command.