* Sort by command objects * Drop the comparison to the project CLIs * Minor updates to command help to match docs Initially include the cross-API commands to establish the structure and format. Change-Id: I77a7b3c89e088b66aa62941e29ce0b65b532285b
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Resource quotas appear in multiple APIs, OpenStackClient presents them as a single object with multiple properties.
quota set
Set quotas for project
quota set
os quota set
# Compute settings
[--cores <num-cores>]
[--fixed-ips <num-fixed-ips>]
[--floating-ips <num-floating-ips>]
[--injected-file-size <injected-file-bytes>]
[--injected-files <num-injected-files>]
[--instances <num-instances>]
[--key-pairs <num-key-pairs>]
[--properties <num-properties>]
[--ram <ram-mb>]
# Volume settings
[--gigabytes <new-gigabytes>]
[--snapshots <new-snapshots>]
[--volumes <new-volumes>]
Set quotas for class
os quota set
# Compute settings
[--cores <num-cores>]
[--fixed-ips <num-fixed-ips>]
[--floating-ips <num-floating-ips>]
[--injected-file-size <injected-file-bytes>]
[--injected-files <num-injected-files>]
[--instances <num-instances>]
[--key-pairs <num-key-pairs>]
[--properties <num-properties>]
[--ram <ram-mb>]
# Volume settings
[--gigabytes <new-gigabytes>]
[--snapshots <new-snapshots>]
[--volumes <new-volumes>]
Set quotas for <class>
--properties <new-properties>
New value for the properties quota
--ram <new-ram>
New value for the ram quota
--secgroup-rules <new-secgroup-rules>
New value for the secgroup-rules quota
--instances <new-instances>
New value for the instances quota
--key-pairs <new-key-pairs>
New value for the key-pairs quota
--fixed-ips <new-fixed-ips>
New value for the fixed-ips quota
--secgroups <new-secgroups>
New value for the secgroups quota
--injected-file-size <new-injected-file-size>
New value for the injected-file-size quota
--floating-ips <new-floating-ips>
New value for the floating-ips quota
--injected-files <new-injected-files>
New value for the injected-files quota
--cores <new-cores>
New value for the cores quota
--injected-path-size <new-injected-path-size>
New value for the injected-path-size quota
--gigabytes <new-gigabytes>
New value for the gigabytes quota
--volumes <new-volumes>
New value for the volumes quota
--snapshots <new-snapshots>
New value for the snapshots quota
quota show
Show quotas for project
quota show
os quota show
Show default quotas for \<project\> <quota_show-project>
Show quotas for class
os quota show
Show quotas for \<class\> <quota_show-class>
Class to show