Sean McGinnis b90c780d2b
Add volume backup import/export commands
This adds commands to import and export volume backup records so they
can be imported and restored on other Cinder instances or to the
original instance if the service or database has been lost and had to be

I know this is a commonly used process by some users, so it would be
good to have this functionality in osc so they do not have to switch

More details about the export and import process can be found here:

Change-Id: Ic95f87b36a416a2b50cb2193fd5759ab59336975
Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <>
2018-11-10 02:11:04 -06:00

7.6 KiB

1absolute-limitslimits show --absoluteLists absolute limits for a user.
2availability-zone-listavailability zone list --volumeLists all availability zones.
3backup-createvolume backup createCreates a volume backup.
4backup-deletevolume backup deleteRemoves a backup.
5backup-exportvolume backup record exportExport backup metadata record.
6backup-importvolume backup record importImport backup metadata record.
7backup-listvolume backup listLists all backups.
8backup-reset-statevolume backup set --stateExplicitly updates the backup state.
9backup-restorevolume backup restoreRestores a backup.
10backup-showvolume backup showShow backup details.
11cgsnapshot-createconsistency group snapshot createCreates a cgsnapshot.
12cgsnapshot-deleteconsistency group snapshot deleteRemoves one or more cgsnapshots.
13cgsnapshot-listconsistency group snapshot listLists all cgsnapshots.
14cgsnapshot-showconsistency group snapshot showShows cgsnapshot details.
15consisgroup-createconsistency group createCreates a consistency group.
16consisgroup-create-from-srcconsistency group create --consistency-group-snapshotCreates a consistency group from a cgsnapshot or a source CG
17consisgroup-deleteconsistency group deleteRemoves one or more consistency groups.
18consisgroup-listconsistency group listLists all consistencygroups.
19consisgroup-showconsistency group showShows details of a consistency group.
20consisgroup-updateconsistency group setUpdates a consistencygroup.
21createvolume createCreates a volume.
22credentialsWONTFIXShows user credentials returned from auth.
23deletevolume deleteRemoves one or more volumes.
24encryption-type-createvolume type create --encryption-provider --enc..Creates encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
25encryption-type-deletevolume type deleteDeletes encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
26encryption-type-listvolume type list --encryption-typeShows encryption type details for volume types. Admin only.
27encryption-type-showvolume type list --encryption-showShows encryption type details for volume type. Admin only.
28encryption-type-updatevolume type set --encryption-provider --enc..Update encryption type information for a volume type (Admin Only).
29endpointscatalog listDiscovers endpoints registered by authentication service.
30extendvolume set --sizeAttempts to extend size of an existing volume.
31extra-specs-listvolume type list --longLists current volume types and extra specs.
32failover-hostvolume host failoverFailover a replicating cinder-volume host.
33force-deletevolume delete --forceAttempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.
34freeze-hostvolume host set --disableFreeze and disable the specified cinder-volume host.
35get-capabilitiesvolume backend capability showShow capabilities of a volume backend. Admin only.
36get-poolsvolume backend pool listShow pool information for backends. Admin only.
37image-metadatavolume set --image-propertySets or deletes volume image metadata.
38image-metadata-showvolume showShows volume image metadata.
39listvolume listLists all volumes.
40managevolume create --remote-source k=vManage an existing volume.
41metadatavolume set --property k=v / volume unset --property kSets or deletes volume metadata.
42metadata-showvolume showShows volume metadata.
43metadata-update-allvolume set --property k=vUpdates volume metadata.
44migratevolume migrate --host --force-copy --lock-volume <volume>Migrates volume to a new host.
45qos-associatevolume qos associateAssociates qos specs with specified volume type.
46qos-createvolume qos createCreates a qos specs.
47qos-deletevolume qos deleteDeletes a specified qos specs.
48qos-disassociatevolume qos disassociateDisassociates qos specs from specified volume type.
49qos-disassociate-allvolume qos disassociate --allDisassociates qos specs from all associations.
50qos-get-associationvolume qos showGets all associations for specified qos specs.
51qos-keyvolume qos set --property k=v / volume qos unset --property kSets or unsets specifications for a qos spec
52qos-listvolume qos listLists qos specs.
53qos-showvolume qos showShows a specified qos specs.
54quota-class-showquota show --classLists quotas for a quota class.
55quota-class-updatequota set --classUpdates quotas for a quota class.
56quota-defaultsquota show --defaultLists default quotas for a tenant.
57quota-deleteDelete the quotas for a tenant.
58quota-showquota showLists quotas for a tenant.
59quota-updatequota setUpdates quotas for a tenant.
60quota-usageLists quota usage for a tenant.
61rate-limitslimits show --rateLists rate limits for a user.
62readonly-mode-updatevolume set --read-only-mode | --read-write-modeUpdates volume read-only access-mode flag.
63renamevolume set --nameRenames a volume.
64replication-promoteWONTFIXPromote a secondary volume to primary for a relationship
65replication-reenableWONTFIXSync the secondary volume with primary for a relationship
66reset-statevolume set --stateExplicitly updates the volume state.
67retypevolume type set --typeChanges the volume type for a volume.
68service-disablevolume service set --disableDisables the service.
69service-enablevolume service set --enableEnables the service.
70service-listvolume service listLists all services. Filter by host and service binary.
71set-bootablevolume set --bootable / --not-bootableUpdate bootable status of a volume.
72showvolume showShows volume details.
73snapshot-createsnapshot createCreates a snapshot.
74snapshot-deletesnapshot deleteRemove one or more snapshots.
75snapshot-listsnapshot listLists all snapshots.
76snapshot-managevolume snapshot create --remote-source <key=value>Manage an existing snapshot.
77snapshot-metadatasnapshot set --property k=v / snapshot unset --property kSets or deletes snapshot metadata.
78snapshot-metadata-showsnapshot showShows snapshot metadata.
79snapshot-metadata-update-allsnapshot set --property k=vUpdates snapshot metadata.
80snapshot-renamesnapshot set --nameRenames a snapshot.
81snapshot-reset-statesnapshot set --stateExplicitly updates the snapshot state.
82snapshot-showsnapshot showShows snapshot details.
83snapshot-unmanagevolume snapshot delete --remoteStop managing a snapshot.
84thaw-hostvolume host set --enableThaw and enable the specified cinder-volume host.
85transfer-acceptvolume transfer acceptAccepts a volume transfer.
86transfer-createvolume transfer createCreates a volume transfer.
87transfer-deletevolume transfer deleteUndoes a transfer.
88transfer-listvolume transfer listLists all transfers.
89transfer-showvolume transfer showShow transfer details.
90type-access-addvolume type set --projectAdds volume type access for the given project.
91type-access-listvolume type showPrint access information about the given volume type.
92type-access-removevolume type unset --projectRemoves volume type access for the given project.
93type-createvolume type createCreates a volume type.
94type-defaultvolume type list --defaultList the default volume type.
95type-deletevolume type deleteDeletes a specified volume type.
96type-keyvolume type set --property k=v / volume type unset --property kSets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.
97type-listvolume type listLists available 'volume types'.
98type-showvolume type showShow volume type details.
99type-updatevolume type setUpdates volume type name, description, and/or is_public.
100unmanagevolume delete --remoteStop managing a volume.
101upload-to-imageimage create --volumeUploads volume to Image Service as an image.
102bash-completioncompletePrints arguments for bash_completion.
103helphelpShows help about this program or one of its subcommands.
104list-extensionsextension list --volumeLists all available os-api extensions.