The --enable option on commands is ignored when the arguments are parsed. This is related to the --enable-beta-commands option. Renaming the option to --os-beta-command fixes the problem. There's no need to handle backwards compatibility for the option name change because there hasn't been an OSC release yet with beta commands. Change-Id: I0327ba8a2058858a83e9a42e231470ed733cc834 Closes-Bug: #1588384
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network segment
A network segment is an isolated Layer 2 segment within a network. A network may contain multiple network segments. Depending on the network configuration, Layer 2 connectivity between network segments within a network may not be guaranteed.
Network v2
network segment list
List network segments
This is a beta command and subject to change. Use global option
to enable this command.
network segment list
os network segment list
[--network <network>]
List additional fields in output
--network <network>
List network segments that belong to this network (name or ID)
network segment show
Display network segment details
This is a beta command and subject to change. Use global option
to enable this command.
network segment show
os network segment show
Network segment to display (ID only)