Move existing content around based on the doc-migration specification. Replace :doc: markup with :ref: to have sphinx keep track of where the files move and generate valid hyperlinks. Add a few toctrees and index pages for the new directories. Depends-On: Ia750cb049c0f53a234ea70ce1f2bbbb7a2aa9454 Change-Id: I253ee8f89d3ec40e39310c18bb87ed1d3d5de330 Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
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Block Storage v1, v2
backup create
Create new backup
(Deprecated, please use ``volume backup create`` instead)
.. program:: backup create
.. code:: bash
openstack backup create
[--container <container>]
[--name <name>]
[--description <description>]
[--snapshot <snapshot>]
.. option:: --container <container>
Optional backup container name
.. option:: --name <name>
Name of the backup
.. option:: --description <description>
Description of the backup
.. option:: --snapshot <snapshot>
Snapshot to backup (name or ID)
*Volume version 2 only*
.. option:: --force
Allow to back up an in-use volume
*Volume version 2 only*
.. option:: --incremental
Perform an incremental backup
*Volume version 2 only*
.. _backup_create-backup:
.. describe:: <volume>
Volume to backup (name or ID)
backup delete
Delete backup(s)
(Deprecated, please use ``volume backup delete`` instead)
.. program:: backup delete
.. code:: bash
openstack backup delete
<backup> [<backup> ...]
.. option:: --force
Allow delete in state other than error or available
*Volume version 2 only*
.. _backup_delete-backup:
.. describe:: <backup>
Backup(s) to delete (name or ID)
backup list
List backups
(Deprecated, please use ``volume backup list`` instead)
.. program:: backup list
.. code:: bash
openstack backup list
.. _backup_list-backup:
.. option:: --long
List additional fields in output
backup restore
Restore backup
(Deprecated, please use ``volume backup restore`` instead)
.. program:: backup restore
.. code:: bash
openstack backup restore
.. _backup_restore-backup:
.. describe:: <backup>
Backup to restore (name or ID)
.. describe:: <volume>
Volume to restore to (name or ID)
backup show
Display backup details
(Deprecated, please use ``volume backup show`` instead)
.. program:: backup show
.. code:: bash
openstack backup show
.. _backup_show-backup:
.. describe:: <backup>
Backup to display (name or ID)