Move existing content around based on the doc-migration specification. Replace :doc: markup with :ref: to have sphinx keep track of where the files move and generate valid hyperlinks. Add a few toctrees and index pages for the new directories. Depends-On: Ia750cb049c0f53a234ea70ce1f2bbbb7a2aa9454 Change-Id: I253ee8f89d3ec40e39310c18bb87ed1d3d5de330 Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
677 B
677 B
console url
Server remote console URL
Compute v2
console url show
Show server's remote console URL
console url show
openstack console url show
[--novnc | --xvpvnc | --spice]
[--rdp | --serial | --mks]
Show noVNC console URL (default)
Show xvpvnc console URL
Show SPICE console URL
Show RDP console URL
Show serial console URL
Show WebMKS console URL
Server to show URL (name or ID)