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1add-secgroupserver add security groupAdd a Security Group to a server.
2agent-createcompute agent createCreate new agent build.
3agent-deletecompute agent deleteDelete existing agent build.
4agent-listcompute agent listList all builds.
5agent-modifycompute agent setModify existing agent build.
6aggregate-add-hostaggregate add hostAdd the host to the specified aggregate.
7aggregate-cache-imagesaggregate cache imageRequest images be cached. (Supported by API versions '2.81' - '2.latest') [hint: use '-- os-compute-api-version' flag to show help message for proper version]
8aggregate-createaggregate createCreate a new aggregate with the specified details.
9aggregate-deleteaggregate deleteDelete the aggregate.
10aggregate-listaggregate listPrint a list of all aggregates.
11aggregate-remove-hostaggregate remove hostRemove the specified host from the specified aggregate.
12aggregate-set-metadataaggregate set / unsetUpdate the metadata associated with the aggregate.
13aggregate-showaggregate showShow details of the specified aggregate.
14aggregate-updateaggregate set / unsetUpdate the aggregate's name and optionally availability zone.
15availability-zone-listavailability zone listList all the availability zones.
16backupserver backup createBackup a server by creating a 'backup' type snapshot.
17bootserver createBoot a new server.
18clear-passwordserver set --root-passwordClear the admin password for a server from the metadata server. This action does not actually change the instance server password.
19console-logconsole log showGet console log output of a server.
20deleteserver deleteImmediately shut down and delete specified server(s).
21diagnosticsopenstack server show --diagnosticsRetrieve server diagnostics.
22evacuateserver evacuateEvacuate server from failed host.
23flavor-access-addflavor set --projectAdd flavor access for the given tenant.
24flavor-access-listflavor showPrint access information about the given flavor.
25flavor-access-removeflavor unsetRemove flavor access for the given tenant.
26flavor-createflavor createCreate a new flavor.
27flavor-deleteflavor deleteDelete a specific flavor
28flavor-keyflavor set / unset --propertySet or unset extra_spec for a flavor.
29flavor-listflavor listPrint a list of available 'flavors'
30flavor-showflavor showShow details about the given flavor.
31flavor-updateflavor set --descriptionUpdate the description of an existing flavor. (Supported by API versions '2.55' - '2.latest') [hint: use '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help message for proper version]
32force-deleteserver deleteForce delete a server.
33get-mks-consoleconsole url show --mksGet an MKS console to a server. (Supported by API versions '2.8' - '2.latest') [hint: use ' --os-compute-api-version' flag to show help message for proper version]
34get-passwordWONTFIXGet the admin password for a server. This operation calls the metadata service to query metadata information and does not read password information from the server itself.
35get-rdp-consoleconsole url show --rdpGet a rdp console to a server.
36get-serial-consoleconsole url show --serialGet a serial console to a server.
37get-spice-consoleconsole url show --spiceGet a spice console to a server.
38get-vnc-consoleconsole url show --novncGet a vnc console to a server.
39host-evacuateWONTFIXEvacuate all instances from failed host.
40host-evacuate-liveWONTFIXLive migrate all instances off the specified host to other available hosts.
41host-metaWONTFIXSet or Delete metadata on all instances of a host.
42host-servers-migrateWONTFIXCold migrate all instances off the specified host to other available hosts.
43hypervisor-listhypervisor listList hypervisors. (Supported by API versions '2.0' - '2.latest')
44hypervisor-serversserver list --hostList servers belonging to specific hypervisors.
45hypervisor-showhypervisor showDisplay the details of the specified hypervisor.
46hypervisor-statshypervisor stats showGet hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.
47hypervisor-uptimehypervisor showDisplay the uptime of the specified hypervisor.
48image-createserver image createCreate a new image by taking a snapshot of a running server.
49instance-actionserver event showShow an action.
50instance-action-listserver event listList actions on a server.
51instance-usage-audit-logWONTFIXList/Get server usage audits.
52interface-attachserver add port / server add floating ip / server add fixed ipAttach a network interface to a server.
53interface-detachserver remove portDetach a network interface from a server.
54interface-listport list --serverList interfaces attached to a server.
55keypair-addkeypair createCreate a new key pair for use with servers.
56keypair-deletekeypair deleteDelete keypair given by its name.
57keypair-listkeypair listPrint a list of keypairs for a user
58keypair-showkeypair showShow details about the given keypair.
59limitslimits showPrint rate and absolute limits.
60listserver listList active servers.
61list-secgroupsecurity group listList Security Group(s) of a server.
62live-migrationserver migration listMigrate running server to a new machine.
63live-migration-abortserver migration abortAbort an on-going live migration.
64live-migration-force-compserver migration force completeForce on-going live migration to complete.
65lockserver lockLock a server.
66metaserver set --property / unsetSet or delete metadata on a server.
67migrateserver migrateMigrate a server. The new host will be selected by the scheduler.
68migration-listserver migration listPrint a list of migrations.
69pauseserver pausePause a server.
70quota-class-showquota show --classList the quotas for a quota class.
71quota-class-updatequota set --classUpdate the quotas for a quota class.
72quota-defaultsquota listList the default quotas for a tenant.
73quota-deletequota delete --computeDelete quota for a tenant/user so their quota will Revert back to default.
74quota-showquota showList the quotas for a tenant/user.
75quota-updatequota setUpdate the quotas for a tenant/user.
76rebootserver rebootReboot a server.
77rebuildserver rebuildShutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
78refresh-networkWONTFIXRefresh server network information.
79remove-secgroupserver remove security groupRemove a Security Group from a server.
80rescueserver rescueReboots a server into rescue mode.
81reset-networkWONTFIXReset network of a server.
82reset-stateserver set --stateReset the state of a server.
83resizeserver resizeResize a server.
84resize-confirmserver resize --confirmConfirm a previous resize.
85resize-revertserver resize --revertRevert a previous resize.
86restoreserver restoreRestore a soft-deleted server.
87resumeserver resumeResume a server.
88server-group-createserver group createCreate a new server group with the specified details.
89server-group-deleteserver group deleteDelete specific server group(s).
90server-group-getserver group showGet a specific server group.
91server-group-listserver group listPrint a list of all server groups.
92server-migration-listserver migration listGet the migrations list of specified server.
93server-migration-showserver migration showGet the migration of specified server.
94server-tag-addserver set --tagAdd one or more tags to a server.
95server-tag-deleteserver unset --tagDelete one or more tags from a server.
96server-tag-delete-allserver unset --tagDelete all tags from a server.
97server-tag-listserver list --tagGet list of tags from a server.
98server-tag-setserver set --tagSet list of tags to a server.
99server-topologyopenstack server show --topologyRetrieve server topology. (Supported by API versions '2.78' - '2.latest') [hint: use '-- os-compute-api-version' flag to show help message for proper version]
100service-deletecompute service deleteDelete the service.
101service-disablecompute service set --disableDisable the service.
102service-enablecompute service set --enableEnable the service.
103service-force-downcompute service set --forceForce service to down.
104service-listcompute service listShow a list of all running services.
105set-passwordserver set --root-passwordChange the admin password for a server.
106shelveserver shelveShelve a server.
107shelve-offloadshelve --offloadRemove a shelved server from the compute node.
108showserver showShow details about the given server.
109sshserver sshSSH into a server.
110startserver startStart the server(s).
111stopserver stopStop the server(s).
112suspendserver suspendSuspend a server.
113trigger-crash-dumpserver dump createTrigger crash dump in an instance.
114unlockserver unlockUnlock a server.
115unpauseserver unpauseUnpause a server.
116unrescueserver unrescueRestart the server from normal boot disk again.
117unshelveserver unshelveUnshelve a server.
118updateserver set / unsetUpdate the name or the description for a server.
119usageusage showShow usage data for a single tenant.
120usage-listusage listList usage data for all tenants.
121version-listversions show --service computeList all API versions.
122volume-attachserver add volumeAttach a volume to a server.
123volume-attachmentsserver volume listList all the volumes attached to a server.
124volume-detachserver remove volumeDetach a volume from a server.
125volume-updateserver volume updateUpdate volume attachment.
126bash-completioncompletePrints all of the commands and options to stdout so that the nova.bash_completion script doesn't have to hard code them.
127helphelpDisplay help about this program or one of its subcommands.