Removed set_nodes_state, a unused utility function

Change-Id: I47695cfd6e49155c1161098fd455e00a457b23a4
This commit is contained in:
Dougal Matthews 2019-08-01 12:14:15 +01:00
parent a8e8165853
commit 48ed65c205
2 changed files with 0 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -565,29 +565,6 @@ class TestWaitForStackUtil(TestCase):
result = utils.wait_for_stack_ready(self.mock_orchestration, 'stack')
self.assertEqual(False, result)
def test_set_nodes_state(self, wait_for_state_mock):
wait_for_state_mock.return_value = True
bm_client = mock.Mock()
# One node already deployed, one in the manageable state after
# introspection.
nodes = [
mock.Mock(uuid="ABCDEFGH", provision_state="active"),
mock.Mock(uuid="IJKLMNOP", provision_state="manageable")
skipped_states = ('active', 'available')
uuids = list(utils.set_nodes_state(bm_client, nodes, 'provide',
'available', skipped_states))
bm_client.node.set_provision_state.assert_has_calls(['IJKLMNOP', 'provide'),
self.assertEqual(uuids, ['IJKLMNOP', ])
def test_wait_for_provision_state(self):
baremetal_client = mock.Mock()

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@ -612,68 +612,6 @@ def wait_for_provision_state(baremetal_client, node_uuid, provision_state,
def set_nodes_state(baremetal_client, nodes, transition, target_state,
"""Make all nodes available in the baremetal service for a deployment
For each node, make it available unless it is already available or active.
Available nodes can be used for a deployment and an active node is already
in use.
:param baremetal_client: Instance of Ironic client
:type baremetal_client: ironicclient.v1.client.Client
:param nodes: List of Baremetal Nodes
:type nodes: [ironicclient.v1.node.Node]
:param transition: The state to set for a node. The full list of states
can be found in ironic.common.states.
:type transition: string
:param target_state: The expected result state for a node. For example when
transitioning to 'manage' the result is 'manageable'
:type target_state: string
:param skipped_states: A set of states to skip, for example 'active' nodes
are already deployed and the state can't always be
:type skipped_states: iterable of strings
:param error_states: Node states treated as error for this transition
:type error_states: collection of strings
:param error_message: Optional message to append to an error message
:param error_message: str
:raises exceptions.StateTransitionFailed: if a node enters any of the
states in error_states
:raises exceptions.Timeout: if a node takes too long to reach target state
log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".set_nodes_state")
for node in nodes:
if node.provision_state in skipped_states:
"Setting provision state from '{0}' to '{1}' for Node {2}")
.format(node.provision_state, transition, node.uuid))
baremetal_client.node.set_provision_state(node.uuid, transition)
wait_for_provision_state(baremetal_client, node.uuid, target_state)
except exceptions.StateTransitionFailed as e:
log.error(_("FAIL: State transition failed for Node {0}. {1}")
.format(node.uuid, e))
except exceptions.Timeout as e:
log.error(_("FAIL: Timeout waiting for Node {0}. {1}")
.format(node.uuid, e))
yield node.uuid
def get_stack_output_item(stack, item):
if not stack:
return None