- The documentation index page will now contain a Version 1 API Reference section with links to each v1 module and documentation for each method in that module. - Copied python-novaclients gen_ref method into the doc/source/conf.py file that dyanamically generates the sphinx .rst files for each trove v1 module. When it runs it will create generate a new folder named ref/v1/ and will contain each module such as instances.rst with the filled out automodule sphinx code. Ex: /ref/v1/instances.rst .. automodule:: troveclient.v1.instances :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Change-Id: Ib311486564f5b6def205590a1ccc2e493f3fef97
777 B
777 B
usage ref/v1/index
Indices and tables