Matthew Treinish c5b1920556
Cleanup the specs repo
This commit bakes several cleanups into one patch. First it clearly
separates devstack and tempest specs by creating a separate tempest
subdir for specs. The next step is moving all implemented specs/bps
into the implemented dir to indicate this. The last is deleting specs
which were outdated and never implemented.

Change-Id: I86331ac279b6a9cdb94ed4c43e5b0c41697e6a7d
2015-07-02 15:12:30 -04:00

5.9 KiB

Tempest Post-run Cleanup

Problem description

The existing script, /tempest/stress/, can be used to do some basic cleanup after a Tempest run, but a more robust tool is needed to report as much information as possible about dangling objects (leaks) left behind after a tempest run in an attempt to help find out why the object(s) was left behind and report a bug against the root cause. Also the tool should completely reset the environment to the pre-run state should tempest leave behind any dangling objects.

The idea is that the user should be able look at the report generated and find the root cause as to why an object was not deleted. Also the tool will return the system back into a state where tempest can be re-run with the expectation that the same test results will be returned.

Currently there can be a good deal of manual work needed, depending on what tests fail, to return to this pre-run state. This blueprint is designed to alleviate this issue.

Proposed changes

  • Keep /tempest/stress/ as a starting point and extend it. It should be moved to from /tempest/stress to tempest/cmd/ and an entry point should be added for it as well. This way it is installed as a binary when is run, which also allows it to be unit tested. Currently the tools uses the tempest OpenStack clients and this will remain unchanged.

  • Fix to delete objects by looping through each tenant/user, over the way it currently works, which is to use the admin user and "all_tenants" argument, as some object types don't support this argument, Floating IPs for example.

  • Currently deletes all objects across all users/tenants. Add two runtime arguments: --init-saved-state, that creates a JSON file containg the pre-tempest run state and --preserve-state, that will preserve the deployment's pre-tempest run state, including tenants and users defined in tempest.conf. This will enforce that the deployment is in the same state it was prior to running tempest and allow tempest to be run again without having to reconfigure tempest and recreate the tempest test users etc. For example, if --preserve-state is true cleanup will load the JSON file (created by running cleanup with --init-saved-state flag prior to tempest run) containing the preserved state of the environment and marshal the data to some defined instance variables. Then, when cleanup is looping through floating ips we would have something like:

    for f in floating_ips:
    if not preserve or (preserve and f['id'] not in self.floating_ips):


    except Exception:


  • currently deletes servers (instances), keypairs, security groups, floating ips, users, tenants, snapshots and volumes. It should also delete any stacks, availability zones and any other objects created by Tempest, full list TBD.

  • As mentioned in the overview section above some test failures leave the system in a strange state. For example, an instance cannot be deleted because it is in Error state. Even after using CLI to reset the instance to Active state, future delete calls just result in Error state once again. Such a case indicates a bug in OpenStack. This tool should should provide as much detail as possible as to what went wrong so a defect can be opened against the problem(s).

  • Add argument, --dry-run, that runs cleanup in reporting mode only, showing what would be deleted without doing the actual deletes

Scenario 1: run

This is the current behavior, which deletes all objects in the system, with the exception of the missing ones, stacks and availability zones for example.

Scenario 2: run --preserve-state

Same as Scenario 1 except that objects defined in tempest.conf, that are used in a Tempest run are preserved.

For example (exceptions are variables defined in tempest.conf):

  • delete all users except: username, alt_username, admin_username
  • delete all tenants except: tenant_name, alt_tenant_name, admin_tenant_name
  • delete all images except: image_ref, image_ref_alt

Additional Implications

There are cases where cruft will be left in the database do to openstack defects that don't allow objects to be removed during the cleanup process. In such cases resetting the system to the pre-existing state requires direct interaction with the database. It may be useful to design the cleanup script so that it has a pluggable interface, where downstream functionality can be added to automate required database interactions for example. Although the API delete failure indicates an upstream bug that needs to be fixed, until that bug is fixed testing the environment further is blocked until the records are deleted.



Primary assignee:

David Paterson <>

Can optionally can list additional ids if they intend on doing substantial implementation work on this blueprint.


Target Milestone for completion:

  • Juno release cycle, approximately the week of July 24th, 2014.

Work Items

  • refactor location of
  • register new runtime arguments in
  • enable filtering deletions based on --preserve-state argument and values defined in tempest.conf
  • write code for detailed reporting on dangling resources and possible root cause for cleanup failure.
  • implement code for --dry-run argument, report only mode.


Only those listed above