mitsutu yoshida 96fc6edb14 Fix typo in Rally Installation document
"ran" was miss-spelled as "run" in install.rst

Closes-Bug #1488835

Change-Id: Ie54f23b960729bb3d7e985873ca5027ff8ba715e
2015-08-26 09:28:31 +00:00

6.8 KiB


Automated installation

The easiest way to install Rally is by executing its installation script

wget -q -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/rally/master/install_rally.sh | bash
# or using curl
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/rally/master/install_rally.sh | bash

The installation script will also check if all the software required by Rally is already installed in your system; if run as root user and some dependency is missing it will ask you if you want to install the required packages.

By default it will install Rally in a virtualenv in ~/rally when run as standard user, or install system wide when run as root. You can install Rally in a venv by using the option --target:

./install_rally.sh --target /foo/bar

You can also install Rally system wide by running script as root and without --target option:

sudo ./install_rally.sh

Run ./install_rally.sh with option --help to have a list of all available options:

$ ./install_rally.sh --help
Usage: install_rally.sh [options]

This script will install rally either in the system (as root) or in a virtual environment.

 -h, --help             Print this help text
 -v, --verbose          Verbose mode
 -s, --system           Instead of creating a virtualenv, install as
                        system package.
 -d, --target DIRECTORY Install Rally virtual environment into DIRECTORY.
                        (Default: $HOME/rally).
 -f, --overwrite        Remove target directory if it already exists.
 -y, --yes              Do not ask for confirmation: assume a 'yes' reply
                        to every question.
 -D, --dbtype TYPE      Select the database type. TYPE can be one of
                        'sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgres'.
                        Default: sqlite
 --db-user USER         Database user to use. Only used when --dbtype
                        is either 'mysql' or 'postgres'.
 --db-password PASSWORD Password of the database user. Only used when
                        --dbtype is either 'mysql' or 'postgres'.
 --db-host HOST         Database host. Only used when --dbtype is
                        either 'mysql' or 'postgres'
 --db-name NAME         Name of the database. Only used when --dbtype is
                        either 'mysql' or 'postgres'
 -p, --python EXE       The python interpreter to use. Default: /usr/bin/python.

Notes: the script will check if all the software required by Rally is already installed in your system. If this is not the case, it will exit, suggesting you the command to issue as root in order to install the dependencies.

You also have to set up the Rally database after the installation is complete:

rally-manage db recreate

Rally with DevStack all-in-one installation

It is also possible to install Rally with DevStack. First, clone the corresponding repositories:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack
git clone https://github.com/openstack/rally

Then, configure DevStack to run Rally:

cp rally/contrib/devstack/lib/rally devstack/lib/
cp rally/contrib/devstack/extras.d/70-rally.sh devstack/extras.d/
cd devstack
cp samples/local.conf local.conf
echo "enable_service rally" >> local.conf

Finally, run DevStack as usually:


Rally & Docker

First you need to install Docker; Docker supplies installation instructions for various OSes.

You can either use the official Rally Docker image, or build your own from the Rally source. To do that, change directory to the root directory of the Rally git repository and run:

docker build -t myrally .

If you build your own Docker image, substitute myrally for rallyforge/rally in the commands below.

The Rally Docker image is configured to store local settings and the database in the user's home directory. For persistence of these data, you may want to keep this directory outside of the container. This may be done by the following steps:

sudo mkdir /var/lib/rally_container
sudo chown 65500 rally_db
docker run -it -v /var/lib/rally_container:/home/rally rallyforge/rally


In order for the volume to be accessible by the Rally user (uid: 65500) inside the container, it must be accessible by UID 65500 outside the container as well, which is why it is created in /var/lib/rally. Creating it in your home directory is only likely to work if your home directory has excessively open permissions (e.g., 0755), which is not recommended.

You may want to save the last command as an alias:

echo 'alias dock_rally="docker run -it -v /var/lib/rally_container:/home/rally rallyforge/rally"' >> ~/.bashrc

After executing dock_rally, or docker run ..., you will have bash running inside the container with Rally installed. You may do anything with Rally, but you need to create the database first:

user@box:~/rally$ dock_rally
rally@1cc98e0b5941:~$ rally-manage db recreate
rally@1cc98e0b5941:~$ rally deployment list
There are no deployments. To create a new deployment, use:
rally deployment create

In case you have SELinux enabled and Rally fails to create the database, try executing the following commands to put SELinux into Permissive Mode on the host machine

sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config
setenforce permissive

Rally currently has no SELinux policy, which is why it must be run in Permissive mode for certain configurations. If you can help create an SELinux policy for Rally, please contribute!

More about docker: https://www.docker.com/