Sergey Skripnick 13aeb60ac0 Fix permissions issue in docker image
Now rally user in docker image is created with fixed id 65500
Also changed rally.conf to store rally.db in rally home directory

Change-Id: I476baf305b69052f5bd20da66b64616230f1e051
2015-03-20 16:12:48 +01:00

3.5 KiB


Automated installation

git clone https://git.openstack.org/stackforge/rally

Notes: The installation script should be run as root or as a normal user using sudo. Rally requires either the Python 2.6 or the Python 2.7 version.

Alternatively, you can install Rally in a virtual environment:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/stackforge/rally
./rally/install_rally.sh -v

You also have to set up the Rally database after the installation is complete:

rally-manage db recreate

Rally with DevStack all-in-one installation

It is also possible to install Rally with DevStack. First, clone the corresponding repositories:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack
git clone https://github.com/stackforge/rally

Then, configure DevStack to run Rally:

cp rally/contrib/devstack/lib/rally devstack/lib/
cp rally/contrib/devstack/extras.d/70-rally.sh devstack/extras.d/
cd devstack
echo "enable_service rally" >> localrc

Finally, run DevStack as usually:


Rally & Docker

First you need to install docker. Installing docker in ubuntu may be done by following:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker.io
$ sudo usermod -a -G docker `id -u -n` # add yourself to docker group

NOTE: re-login is required to apply users groups changes and actually use docker.

Pull docker image with rally:

$ docker pull rallyforge/rally

Or you may want to build rally image from source:

# first cd to rally source root dir
docker build -t myrally .

Since rally stores local settings in user's home dir and the database in /var/lib/rally/database, you may want to keep this directories outside of container. This may be done by the following steps:

mkdir rally_home
sudo chown 65500 rally_home
docker run -t -i -v ~/rally_home:/home/rally rallyforge/rally

You may want to save last command as an alias:

echo 'alias dock_rally="docker run -t -i -v ~/rally_home:/home/rally rallyforge/rally"' >> ~/.bashrc

After executing dock_rally alias, or docker run you got bash running inside container with rally installed. You may do anytnig with rally, but you need to create db first:

user@box:~/rally$ dock_rally
rally@1cc98e0b5941:~$ rally-manage db recreate
rally@1cc98e0b5941:~$ rally deployment list
There are no deployments. To create a new deployment, use:
rally deployment create

More about docker: https://www.docker.com/