blue55 7d56f22806 modify some misspellings
Change-Id: I975d5ac17ea8f34f5fc70b16bdb648b95fb9a4f7
2017-08-25 09:42:21 +08:00

11 KiB

Scaling & Refactoring Rally DB

There are a lot of use cases that can't be done because of DB schema that we have. This proposal describes what and why we should change in DB.

Problem description

There are 3 use cases that requires DB refactoring:

  1. scalable task engine

    Run load tests with billions iterations Generate distributed load 10k-100k RPS Generate all reports/aggregated based on that data

  2. multi scenario load generation

    Running multiple scenarios as a part of single subtask requires changes in the way how we are storing subtask results.

  3. task debugging and profiling

    Store complete results of validation in DB (e.g. what validators were run, what validators passed, what didn't passed and why).

    Store durations of all steps (validation/task) as well as other execution stats needed by CLI and to generate graphs in reports.

    Store statuses, duration, errors of context cleanup steps.

Current schema doesn't work for those cases.

Proposed change

Changes in DB

Existing DB schema

+------------+    +-------------+
| Task       |    | TaskResult  |
+------------+    +-------------+
|            |    |             |
|  id        |    |  id         |
|  uuid   <--+----+- task_uuid  |
|            |    |             |
+------------+    +-------------+
  • Task - stores task status, tags, validation log
  • TaskResult - stores all information about workloads, including configuration, conext, sla, results etc.

New DB schema

+------------+    +-------------+    +--------------+    +---------------+
| Task       |    | Subtask     |    | Workload     |    | WorkloadData  |
+------------+    +-------------+    +--------------+    +---------------+
|            |    |             |    |              |    |               |
|  id        |    |  id    <----+--+ |  id    <-----+--+ |  id           |
|  uuid   <--+----+- task_uuid  |  +-+- subtask_id  |  +-+- workload_id  |
|   ^        |    |  uuid       |    |  uuid        |    |  uuid         |
+---+--------+    +---^---------+    |              |    |               |
    +--------------------------------+- task_uuid   |    |               |
    |                 |              +--------------+    |               |
    +----------------------------------------------------+- task_uuid    |
    |                 |                                  +---------------+
+--------+  +
| Tag    |  |
+--------+  |
|        |  |
|  id    |  |
|  uuid -+--+
|  type  |
|  tag   |
  • Task - stores information about task, when it was started/updated/finished, it's status, description, and so on. As well it used to aggregate all subtasks related to this task
  • SubTask - stores information about subtask, when it was started/updated/ finished, it's status, description, configuration, aggregated information about workloads. Without subtasks we won't be able to track information about task execution, and run many subtasks in single task.
  • Workload - aggregated information about some specific workload (required for reports) as well as information how these workloads are executed in parallel/serial and status of each workload. Without workloads table we won't be able to support multiple workloads per single subtask
  • WorkloadData - contains chunks of raw data for future data analyze and reporting. This is complete information that we don't need always, as well for getting overview of what happened. As we have multiple chunks per Workload, we won't be able to store them without creating this table.
  • Tag - contains tags bound to tasks and subtasks by uuid and type

Task table

id                      : INT, PK
uuid                    : UUID

# Optional
deployment_uuid         : UUID

# Full input task configuration
input_task              : TEXT

title                   : String
description             : TEXT

# Structure of verification results:
# [
#    {
#        "name": <name>,      # full validator function name,
#                             # validator plugin name (in the future)
#        "input": <input>,    # smallest part of
#        "message": <msg>,    # message with description
#        "success": <bool>,   # did validatior pass
#        "duration": <float>  # duration of validation process
#    },
#   .....
# ]
validation_result       : TEXT

# Duration of verification can be used to tune verification process.
validation_duration     : FLOAT

# Duration of load part of subtask
task_duration           : FLOAT

# All workloads in the subtask are passed
pass_sla                : BOOL

# Current status of task
status                  : ENUM(init, validating, validation_failed,
                               aborting, soft_aborting, aborted,
                               crashed, validated, running, finished)

Task.status diagram of states

                   -> ABORTING -> ABORTED
                   -> SOFT_ABORTING -> ABORTED
                   -> CRASHED
                   -> VALIDATED -> RUNNING -> FINISHED
                                           -> ABORTING -> ABORTED
                                           -> SOFT_ABORTING -> ABORTED
                                           -> CRASHED

Subtask table

id                      : INT, PK
uuid                    : UUID
task_uuid               : UUID
title                   : String
description             : TEXT

# Position of Subtask in Input Task
position                : INT

# Context and SLA could be defined both Subtask-wide and per workload
context                 : JSON
sla                     : JSON

run_in_parallel         : BOOL
duration                : FLOAT

# All workloads in the task are passed
pass_sla                : BOOL

# Current status of task
status                  : ENUM(running, finished, crashed)

Workload table

id                      : INT, PK
uuid                    : UUID
subtask_id              : INT
task_uuid               : UUID

# Unlike Task's and Subtask's title which is arbitrary
# Workload's name defines scenario being executed
name                    : String

# Scenario plugin docstring
description             : TEXT

# Position of Workload in Input Task
position                : INT

runner                  : JSON
runner_type             : String

# Context and SLA could be defined both Subtask-wide and per workload
context                 : JSON
sla                     : JSON

args                    : JSON

# SLA structure that contains all detailed info looks like:
# [
#   {
#       "name": <full_name_of_validator>,
#       "duration": <duration_of_validation>,
#       "success": <boolean_pass_or_not>,
#       "message": <description_of_what_happened>,
#   }
sla_results             : TEXT

# Context data structure (order makes sense)
#   {
#      "name": string
#      "setup_duration": FLOAT,
#      "cleanup_duration": FLOAT,
#      "exception": LIST          # exception info
#      "setup_extra": DICT        # any custom data
#      "cleanup_extra": DICT      # any custom data
#   }
context_execution       : TEXT

starttime               : TIMESTAMP

load_duration           : FLOAT
full_duration           : FLOAT

# Shortest and longest iteration duration
min_duration            : FLOAT
max_duration            : FLOAT

total_iteration_count   : INT
failed_iteration_count  : INT

# Statictics data structure (order makes sense)
#   {
#      "<action_name>": {
#        "min_duration": FLOAT,
#        "max_duration": FLOAT,
#        "median_duration": FLOAT,
#        "avg_duration": FLOAT,
#        "percentile90_duration": FLOAT,
#        "percentile95_duration": FLOAT,
#        "success_count": INT,
#        "total_count": INT
#      },
#      ...
# }
statistics              : JSON  # Aggregated information about actions

# As for SLA result
pass_sla                : BOOL

# Profile information collected during the run of scenario
# This is internal data and format of it can be changed over time
# _profiling_data       : Text


id                      : INT, PK
uuid                    : UUID
workload_id             : INT
task_uuid               : UUID

# Chunk order it's used to be able to sort output data
chunk_order             : INT

# Amount of iterations, can be useful for some of algorithms
iteration_count         : INT

# Number of failed iterations
failed_iteration_count  : INT

# Full size of results in bytes
chunk_size              : INT

# Size of zipped results in bytes
zipped_chunk_size       : INT

started_at              : TIMESTAMP
finished_at             : TIMESTAMP

# Chunk_data structure
# [
#   {
#     "duration": FLOAT,
#     "idle_duration": FLOAT,
#     "timestamp": FLOAT,
#     "errors": LIST,
#     "output": {
#       "complete": LIST,
#       "additive": LIST,
#     },
#     "actions": LIST
#   },
#   ...
# ]
chunk_data             : BLOB  # compressed LIST of JSONs

Tag table

id                      : INT, PK
uuid                    : UUID of task or subtask
type                    : ENUM(task, subtask)
tag                     : TEXT
  • (uuid, type, tag) is unique and indexed

Open questions






  • boris-42 (?)
  • ikhudoshyn


Target Milestone for completion: N/A

Work Items



  • There should be smooth transition of code to work with new data structure