This release picks up new commits to kolla-ansible since the last release from stable/victoria. This is being proposed as a convenience to help make sure stable changes are being released. If the team is good with this going out, please respond with a +1 to let the release team know it is OK to proceed. If it is not wanted at this time, or if there are more changes that would be good to get merged before doing a stable release, please leave a -1 with a comment with what the team would prefer. We can then either abandon this patch, or wait for an update with a new commit hash to use instead. $ git log --oneline --no-merges 11.2.0..5b31b52f7 1c510c33e [CI] [to-revert] Avoid upgrades on CentOS Stream 8 69b7bb93f Fix permission denied errors with ping on c8s e80acd625 Add logrotate to libvirt service 1dd2e4f3d Access to zun container fails when tls_external enabled. 153fa1ad6 Add logrotate configuration for placement service cb73051bc rabbitmq: enable/disable prometheus plugin follow up f67a1d1ec docs: adjust to current defaults 46544622e Support enable/disable rabbitmq prometheus plugins 1a87ed1a0 CI: check-logs - add another exception 145e64d5c Move project_name and kolla_role_name to role vars c257359dc [CI] Stop testing non-stream CentOS d5fe6a38c horizon: move horizon_enable_tls_backend to group_vars b97372923 Add ironic-inspector policy configuration f14caa1e6 Add ovn_sb_connection to octavia.conf fe1e6b465 Fix aodh wsgi config file in Debuntu binary dc5f3700f Register resources info for octavia upgrading Signed-off-by: Elod Illes <elod.illes@est.tech> Change-Id: I7f5c22aba1a42a853c0a662a48df84fe4d7f66a8
OpenStack Releases
This repository is used to drive release automation for OpenStack release deliverables, ultimately publishing them on the https://releases.openstack.org/ website.
Changes to this repository are proposed using Gerrit at https://review.opendev.org. This repository is managed by the OpenStack Release Management team.
For more information on how to use this repository, please read our reference documentation.
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Deliverables managed by teams not under OpenStack governance should follow the tagging instructions in the infra manual.
More information
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