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2023.2 Bobcat Release Schedule
.. note::
Deadlines are generally the Thursday of the week on which they are noted
below. Exceptions to this policy will be explicitly mentioned in the event
March 22, 2023 - October 4, 2023 (28 weeks)
.. datatemplate::
:source: schedule.yaml
:template: schedule_table.tmpl
.. ics::
:source: schedule.yaml
:name: Bobcat
`Subscribe to iCalendar file <schedule.ics>`_
Cross-project events
.. _b-vptg:
PTG (virtual)
From March 27 to March 31 we'll have a virtual PTG to plan the Bobcat release
.. _b-1:
Bobcat-1 milestone
May 11, 2023 is the Bobcat-1 milestone. See project-specific notes
for relevant deadlines.
.. _b-cycle-trail:
Antelope Cycle-Trailing Release Deadline
All projects following the cycle-trailing release model must release
their Antelope deliverables by June 1st, 2023.
.. _b-summit:
OpenInfra Summit in Vancouver
From June 13 to June 15, 2023, the OpenStack community will gather in Vancouver
for the OpenInfra Summit. Discussions on the future of the software, as well as
project team meetings will happen there.
.. _b-2:
Bobcat-2 milestone
July 6, 2023 is the Bobcat-2 milestone. See project-specific notes
for relevant deadlines.
.. _b-mf:
Membership Freeze
Projects must participate in at least two milestones in order to be considered
part of the release. Projects made official after the second milestone, or
which fail to produce milestone releases for at least one of the first and
second milestones as well as the third milestone, are therefore not considered
part of the release for the cycle. This does not apply to cycle-trailing
packaging / lifecycle management projects.
.. _b-extra-atc-freeze:
Extra-ATC freeze
All contributions to OpenStack are valuable, but some are not expressed as
Gerrit code changes. That allow teams to list active contributors to their
projects and who do not have a code contribution this cycle, and therefore won't
automatically be considered an Active Technical Contributor and allowed
to vote. This is done by adding extra-atcs to
before the Extra-ATC freeze on August 17, 2023.
.. _b-final-lib:
Final release for non-client libraries
Libraries that are not client libraries (Oslo and others) should issue their
final release during this week. That allows to give time for last-minute
changes before feature freeze.
.. _b-3:
Bobcat-3 milestone
August 31, 2023 is the Bobcat-3 milestone. See project-specific notes
for relevant deadlines.
.. _b-ff:
Feature freeze
The Bobcat-3 milestone marks feature freeze for projects following the
`release:cycle-with-rc`_ model. No featureful patch should be landed
after this point. Exceptions may be granted by the project PTL.
.. _release:cycle-with-rc: https://releases.openstack.org/reference/release_models.html#cycle-with-rc
.. _b-final-clientlib:
Final release for client libraries
Client libraries should issue their final release during this week, to match
feature freeze.
.. _b-soft-sf:
Soft StringFreeze
You are no longer allowed to accept proposed changes containing modifications
in user-facing strings. Such changes should be rejected by the review team and
postponed until the next series development opens (which should happen when RC1
is published).
.. _b-rf:
Requirements freeze
After the Bobcat-3 milestone, only critical requirements and constraints
changes will be allowed. Freezing our requirements list gives packagers
downstream an opportunity to catch up and prepare packages for everything
necessary for distributions of the upcoming release. The requirements remain
frozen until the stable branches are created, with the release candidates.
.. _b-rc1:
RC1 target week
The week of September 11, 2023 is the target date for projects following the
`release:cycle-with-rc`_ model to issue their first release candidate.
.. _b-hard-sf:
Hard StringFreeze
This happens when the RC1 for the project is tagged. At this point, ideally
no strings are changed (or added, or removed), to give translators time to
finish up their efforts.
.. _b-finalrc:
Final RCs and intermediary releases
The week of September 25, 2023 is the last week to issue release
candidates or intermediary releases before release week. During release week,
only final-release-critical releases will be accepted (at the discretion of
the release team).
.. _b-final:
Bobcat release
The Bobcat coordinated release will happen on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.
.. _b-cycle-highlights:
Cycle Highlights
Cycle highlights need to be added to the release deliverables after the
feature freeze to be included in any marketing release messaging.
Highlights may be added after this point, but they will likely only be
useful for historical purposes.
See the `Project Team Guide`_ for more details and instructions on adding
these highlights.
For examples of previous release highlights:
`Stein Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/stein/highlights.html>`_,
`Train Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/train/highlights.html>`_,
`Ussuri Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/ussuri/highlights.html>`_,
`Victoria Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/victoria/highlights.html>`_,
`Wallaby Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/wallaby/highlights.html>`_,
`Xena Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/xena/highlights.html>`_,
`Yoga Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/yoga/highlights.html>`_,
`Zed Highlights <https://releases.openstack.org/zed/highlights.html>`_.
.. _Project Team Guide: https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html#cycle-highlights
Project-specific events
.. _b-cinder-mid-cycle-ptg-1:
Cinder Mid Cycle PTG - 1
We will be conducting a mid-cycle PTG on 31st May (Wednesday) which is a
continuation of 2023.2 Bobcat PTG to track progress and discuss topics in a
similar manner as of PTG.
Wednesday 31 May 2023 (1400-1600 UTC).
.. _b-cinder-spec-freeze:
Cinder Spec Freeze
All Cinder Specs for features to be implemented in 2023.2 Bobcat must be
approved by Friday 23 Jun 2023 (23:59 UTC).
.. _b-cinder-driver-deadline:
Cinder New Driver Merge Deadline
The deadline for merging a new backend driver to Cinder for the 2023.2 Bobcat
release is Friday 7 July 2023 (23:59 UTC) which is the same as Milestone 2.
New drivers must be (a) code complete including unit tests, (b) merged into
the code repository, and (c) must have a 3rd Party CI running reliably.
.. _b-cinder-target-driver-deadline:
Cinder New Target Driver Merge Deadline
The deadline for merging a new target driver to Cinder for the 2023.2 Bobcat
release is Friday 7 July 2023 (23:59 UTC) which is the same as Milestone 2.
New target drivers must be (a) code complete including unit tests,
(b) merged into the code repository, and (c) must have a 3rd Party CI running
.. _b-cinder-feature-checkpoint:
Cinder New Feature Status Checkpoint
If your new Cinder feature requires client support, keep in mind that the final
release for client libraries is in four weeks. Thus your Cinder feature
should be substantially complete with unit tests by this time so that any
client changes can be reviewed, tested, and merged before 01 September 2023.
.. _b-cinder-driver-features-declaration:
Cinder Driver Features Declaration
New features added to Cinder drivers must be merged at the time of the
OpenStack-wide Feature Freeze, which is coming up in three weeks. Before
the Cinder meeting this week, you should post a blueprint in Launchpad listing
the Gerrit reviews of features you'd like to land in 2023.2 Bobcat. (You can
look among the 2023.1 Antelope and Zed blueprints for examples; contact the
PTL if you have any questions.) This will help the team prioritize reviews
and give you candid early feedback on whether the features look ready.
.. _b-cinder-ci-checkpoint:
Cinder 3rd Party CI Compliance Checkpoint
This is a reminder that in order for a Cinder driver to be considered
'supported' in the 2023.2 Bobcat release, its third party CI must be running
properly when the Cinder team does a final compliance check around the
time of the third milestone. See the `Driver Compliance
section of the Cinder Documentation for details.
.. _b-manila-spec-freeze:
Manila Spec Freeze
All Manila specs targeted to 2023.2 Bobcat must be approved by the end of the
.. _b-manila-new-driver-deadline:
Manila New Driver Deadline
By the end of the week all new backend drivers for Manila must be substantially
complete, with unit tests, and passing 3rd party CI. Drivers do not have to
actually merge until feature freeze.
.. _b-manila-fpfreeze:
Manila Feature Proposal Freeze
All new Manila features must be proposed and substantially completed, with
unit, functional and integration tests by the end of the week.
.. _b-manila-hackathon:
Manila Hackathon
Manila community event promoted in order to tackle the implementation of
features or tech debt areas.
.. _b-manila-bugsquash:
Manila Bugsquash
Manila community event promoted in order to fast-track the closure of bugs.
.. _b-nova-stable-review-day:
Nova Stable Branches Review Day
On 9 May 2023, Nova proposed backports against stable branches will be
prioritized for reviews by the Nova core team.
.. _b-nova-spec-review-day:
Nova Spec Review Day
On 6 June 2023 and 27 June 2023, Nova specifications targeting 2023.2
implementation will be prioritized for reviews by the Nova core team.
.. _b-nova-spec-freeze:
Nova Spec Freeze
All Nova Specs for features to be implemented in 2023.2 Bobcat must be approved
by 6 July 2023 (23:59 UTC).
.. _b-nova-review-day:
Nova Feature Review Day
On 7 July 2023 and 25 July 2023, Nova approved blueprints with open changes
will be prioritized for reviews by the Nova core team.
.. _b-oslo-feature-freeze:
Oslo Feature Freeze
All new Oslo features must be proposed and substantially complete, with unit
tests by the end of the week.
2024.1 TC and PTL Elections
.. _c-election-email-deadline:
2024.1 Election Email Deadline
Contributors that will be in the electorate for the upcoming election
should confirm their gerrit email addresses by this date (August 30th, 2023
at 00:00 UTC). Electorate rolls are generated after this date and ballots will
be sent to the listed gerrit email address.
.. _c-election-nominations:
2024.1 Election Nomination Begins
Candidates interested in serving for the next calendar year (TC), or
development cycle (PTL) should announce their candidacies and platforms during
this week. Please see the `Election site`_ for specific timing information.
.. _c-election-campaigning:
2024.1 Election Campaigning Begins
The electorate has time to ask candidates questions about their platforms
and debate topics before polling begins. Please see the `Election site`_ for
specific timing information.
.. _c-election-voting:
2024.1 Election Polling Begins
Election polling for open seats on the TC and any required PTL elections.
Please see the `Election site`_ for specific timing information.
.. _c-election-close:
2024.1 Election Polling Ends
All polls close in the 2024.1 Election and results announced. Please see the
`Election site`_ for specific timing information.
.. _Election site: https://governance.openstack.org/election/