Jay S. Bryant c476a884db Add Cinder Dates for Rocky
This adds the deadlines and freezes for
the Cinder project in the Rocky release.

Change-Id: If2808a7b1b4387644f015649c2d8c8d342d955d8
2018-04-11 13:38:42 -05:00

8.8 KiB

Rocky Release Schedule

1 March 2018 - 29 August 2018 (26 weeks)

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With the exception of the final release date and cycle-trailing release date, deadlines are generally the Thursday of the week on which they are noted above. For example, the Feature Freeze in week R-5 is on 26 July. Exceptions to this policy will be explicitly mentioned in the event description.

Cross-project events

Rocky Goals Research

Pre-cycle planning and investigation into the community-wide goals for Rocky.

Rocky Project Team Gathering (PTG)

Project team gathering for the Rocky cycle 26 February - 2 March 2018 in Dublin, Ireland.

Rocky-1 milestone

19 April 2018 is the Rocky-1 milestone window for projects following the release:cycle-with-milestones model.

Rocky Community Goals Acknowledgement

Teams should prepare their acknowledgement of the community-wide goals for.

OpenStack Summit

The OpenStack Summit happens during this week in Vancouver, BC. It will include a "Forum" in which people from all parts of our community will gather to give feedback on the last release (Queens) and discuss requirements for the next development cycle (S).

Rocky-2 milestone

7 June 2018 is the Rocky-2 milestone window for projects following the release:cycle-with-milestones model.

Final release for non-client libraries

Libraries that are not client libraries (Oslo and others) should issue their final release during this week. That allows to give time for last-minute changes before feature freeze.

Rocky-3 milestone

26 July 2018 is the Rocky-3 milestone window for projects following the release:cycle-with-milestones model.

Rocky Community Goals Completed

Teams should prepare their documentation for completing the community-wide goals for Rocky.

Extra-ATCs deadline

Project teams should identify contributors who have had a significant impact this cycle but who would not qualify for ATC status using the regular process because they have not submitted a patch. Those names should be added to the governance repo for consideration as ATC for the future.

Feature freeze

The Rocky-3 milestone marks feature freeze for projects following the release:cycle-with-milestones model. No featureful patch should be landed after this point. Exceptions may be granted by the project PTL.

Requirements freeze

After the Rocky-3 milestone, only critical requirements and constraints changes will be allowed. Freezing our requirements list gives packagers downstream an opportunity to catch up and prepare packages for everything necessary for distributions of the upcoming release. The requirements remain frozen until the stable branches are created, with the release candidates.

Final release for client libraries

Client libraries should issue their final release during this week, to match feature freeze.

Soft StringFreeze

You are no longer allowed to accept proposed changes containing modifications in user-facing strings. Such changes should be rejected by the review team and postponed until the next series development opens (which should happen when RC1 is published).

Membership Freeze

Projects must participate in at least two milestones in order to be considered part of the release. Projects made official after the second milestone, or which fail to produce milestone releases for at least one of the first and second milestones as well as the third milestone, are therefore not considered part of the release for the cycle. This does not apply to cycle-trailing packaging / lifecycle management projects.

RC1 target week

The week of 6 August 2018 is the target date for projects following the release:cycle-with-milestones model to issue their first release candidate, with a deadline of 9 August 2018.

Hard StringFreeze

This happens when the RC1 for the project is tagged. At this point, ideally no strings are changed (or added, or removed), to give translator time to finish up their efforts.

Final RCs and intermediary releases

The week of 20 August 2018 is the last week to issue release candidates or intermediary releases before release week. During release week, only final-release-critical releases will be accepted (at the discretion of the release team).

Rocky release

The Rocky coordinated release will happen on 30 August 2018.

Rocky cycle-trailing release deadline

The release deadline for projects using the release:cycle-trailing model that follow the main release cycle is set to November 28, 2018.

TC Election Email Deadline

Contributors that will be in the electorate for the upcoming election should confirm their gerrit email addresses by this date (April 18th, 2018 at 00:00 UTC). Electorate rolls are generated after this date and ballots will be sent to the listed gerrit email address.

TC Election Nomination Begins

Technical committee candidates interested in serving for the next calendar year should announce their candidacies and platforms during this week.

TC Election Campaigning Begins

The electorate has time to ask candidates questions about their platforms and debate topics before polling begins.

TC Election Polling Begins

Election polling week for open seats on the TC.

Project-specific events

PTL Elections


Keystone Spec Proposal Freeze

All Keystone specs targeted to Rocky must be submitted to the keystone-specs repository by the end of the week.

Keystone Spec Freeze

All Keystone specs targeted to Rocky must be approved by the end of the week.

Keystone Feature Proposal Freeze

All new Keystone features must be proposed and substantially completed, with unit tests and documentation by the end of the week.

Keystone Feature Freeze

All new Keystone features must be merged by the end of the week.


Manila Spec Freeze

All Manila specs must be approved by 19 Apr 2018 (23:59 UTC).

Manila New Driver Submission Deadline

The deadline for submitting new backend drivers to to Manila is 4 Jun 2018 (23:59 UTC). New drivers must be substantially complete, with unit tests, and passing 3rd party CI by this date. Drivers do not need to be merged until the feature freeze date, but drivers that don't meet this deadline will not be considered at all for Rocky.

Manila Feature Proposal Freeze

All new Manila features must be proposed and substantially complete, with unit tests by 9 Jul 2018 (23:59 UTC).


Cinder Spec Freeze

All Cinder specs must be approved by 4 Jun 2018 (23:59 UTC).

Cinder New Driver Submission Deadline

The deadline for submitting new backend drivers to Cinder is 4 Jun 2018 (23:59 UTC). New drivers must be complete, with unit tests, passing 3rd Party CI and be merged by this date.

Cinder Feature Proposal Freeze

All new Cinder features must be proposed and substantially complete, with unit test by 16 Jul 2018 (23:59 UTC).