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EDP WordCount Example

Overview is a modified version of the WordCount example bundled with version 1.2.1 of Apache Hadoop. It has been extended for use from a java action in an Oozie workflow. The modification below allows any configuration values from the <configuration> tag in an Oozie workflow to be set in the Configuration object:

// This will add properties from the <configuration> tag specified
// in the Oozie workflow.  For java actions, Oozie writes the
// configuration values to a file pointed to by ooze.action.conf.xml
conf.addResource(new Path("file:///",

In the example workflow, we use the <configuration> tag to specify user and password configuration values for accessing swift objects.


To build the jar, add hadoop-core and commons-cli to the classpath.

On a node running Ubuntu 13.04 with hadoop 1.2.1 the following commands will compile from within the src directory:

$ mkdir wordcount_classes
$ javac -classpath /usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar:/usr/share/hadoop/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar -d wordcount_classes
$ jar -cvf edp-wordcount.jar -C wordcount_classes/ .

(A compiled edp-wordcount.jar is included in wordcount/lib. Replace it if you rebuild)

Running from the command line with Oozie

The wordcount subdirectory contains a file, a workflow.xml file, and a lib directory with an edp-wordcount.jar compiled as above.

To run this example from Oozie, you will need to modify the file to specify the correct jobTracker and nameNode addresses for your cluster.

You will also need to modify the workflow.xml file to contain the correct input and output paths. These paths may be Sahara swift urls or hdfs paths. If swift urls are used, set the fs.swift.service.sahara.username and fs.swift.service.sahara.password properties in the <configuration> section.

  1. Upload the wordcount directory to hdfs

$ hadoop fs -put wordcount wordcount

  1. Launch the job, specifying the correct oozie server and port

$ oozie job -oozie http://oozie_server:port/oozie -config wordcount/ -run

  1. Don't forget to create your swift input path! A Sahara swift url looks like swift://container.sahara/object

Running from the Sahara UI

Running the WordCount example from the Sahara UI is very similar to running a Pig, Hive, or MapReduce job.

  1. Create a job binary that points to the edp-wordcount.jar file
  2. Create a Java job type and add the job binary to the libs value
  3. Launch the job:
    1. Add the input and output paths to args
    2. If swift input or output paths are used, set the fs.swift.service.sahara.username and fs.swift.service.sahara.password configuration values
    3. The Sahara UI will prompt for the required main_class value and the optional java_opts value